Focus on Cellulose ethers


  • Baetsi ba cellulose ether, barekisi, feme, bahlahisi

    Khamphani ea Kima ke feme ea setsebi ea cellulose ether naheng ea China. E hlahisa limaraka tse fapaneng tsa cellulose ether le cellulose ether e fetotsoeng. Cellulose Ether & Tsoelo-pele ea 'Maraka ea Tsoelo-pele ka 2022: Ka 2021, tšebeliso ea lefats'e ea li-cellulose ethers, li-polymers tse qhibilihang ka metsi tse hlahisoang ke k ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Likahare tsa molora tsa hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose HPMC

    Ho ea ka lipalo-palo tse sa phethahalang, tlhahiso ea hona joale ea ether e se-ionic cellulose e fihlile ho feta lithane tse 500,000 lefatšeng ka bophara, 'me hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose HPMC e etsa karolo ea 80% ea lithane tse 400,000, Chaena lilemong tse peli tse fetileng, lik'hamphani tse' maloa li ekelitse bokhoni ba tlhahiso. ka potlako...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • HPMC e sebelisoang kahong

    HPMC Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, eo hape e tsejoang e le hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether (HPMC), cellulose hydroxypropyl methyl ether, ke khetho ea cellulose e hloekileng haholo ea k'hothone e le lisebelisoa tse tala, tlasa maemo a alkaline ka etherification e khethehileng le boitokiso. Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulo...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • HPMC bakeng sa sekhomaretsi sa lithaele

    Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) bakeng sa sekhomaretsi sa lithaele, se tsejoang hape ka hore ke ceramic tile bond, sekhomaretsi sa tile, se sebelisoa haholo bakeng sa ho maneha lithaele tsa ceramic, litene tsa sefahleho, lithaele tsa fatše le lisebelisoa tse ling tse khabisitsoeng, tse sebelisoang haholo maboteng a kahare le kantle, fatše, ntloaneng. kichineng le mekhabiso e meng ea moaho p...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Lisebelisoa tsa hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) linthong tse fapaneng tsa kaho

    Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) mohahong oa plastering seretse Ho boloka metsi a mangata ho ka etsa hore samente e be le metsi ka ho feletseng, ho eketsa matla a tlamahano, 'me ka mokhoa o nepahetseng ho ka ntlafatsa matla a thata le matla a ho kuta, ho ntlafatsa haholo phello ea kaho, ho ntlafatsa katleho ea mosebetsi. H...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Phello ea HPMC hydroxypropyl methylcellulose seretseng se omeletseng se tsoakiloeng

    Ho boloka metsi ke tekanyo ea tšebeliso e ncha ea HPMC hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, ts'ebetso ea ho boloka metsi e ntle le e mpe e boetse e angoa ke bahlahisi ba bangata ba malapeng ba seretse se omileng, haholo-holo mocheso o phahameng oa mocheso oa tlhokomelo ea fektheri e ka boroa, ka nako e ts'oanang, ho ne ho e-na le mabaka a mangata a amanang. .
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Tšebeliso ea Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose ho Iketsetse boemo

    Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose HPMC hangata e sebelisoa liindastering tse ngata. Leha batho ba bangata ba sa e utloisise hantle, e ama liindasteri tse fapaneng. Ts'ebetsong ea kaho ea indasteri ea kaho, hangata e sebelisoa haholo bakeng sa masela a marako le ho lila. , Caulking le 'na ba bang...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Tšusumetso ea cellulose ether holim'a sekhomaretsi sa lithaele

    Sekhomaretsi sa lithaele tse entsoeng ka samente ke sesebelisoa se seholo ka ho fetisisa sa seretse se khethehileng sa ho kopanya se omileng, e leng mofuta oa samente e le thepa ea mantlha ea samente, 'me e tlatselletsoa ka ho kopanya, ho boloka metsi, sesebelisoa sa matla sa pele, phofo ea latex le lintho tse ling tsa tlhaho kapa tse sa tloaelehang. admix...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Cellulose ether ka har'a seretse se lokiselitsoeng se tsoakiloeng

    Karolo ea bohlokoa ea cellulose ether ka seretse se itokiselitseng se tsoakiloeng: Ka seretse se seng se kopantsoeng, selulose ether e eketsehileng palo e tlaase haholo, empa e ka ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso ea seretse se metsi, ts'ebetso ea ho haha ​​​​seretse ke tlatsetso e kholo. Khetho e nepahetseng ea mefuta e fapaneng, e fapaneng ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Foromo ea Wall Putty ke eng?

    Wall Putty ke mofuta oa thepa ea mokhabiso oa moaho, e tšoeu ea bokaholimo ba phaposi e se nang letho e sa tsoa rekoa - hangata bosoeu ka 90 ka holimo ho botle ho 330 ka holimo. Wall Putty ke mofuta oa thepa ea motheo e sebelisang metope ho lokisa boemo, ho khabisa bakeng sa mohato o latelang (brashe stick stick wallpaper) ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Mmaraka oa Global and China Cellulose ethers

    2019-2025 Global le Chaena boemo ba 'maraka oa cellulose ethers le mokhoa oa tsoelo-pele oa nakong e tlang Cellulose ether ke mofuta oa cellulose ea tlhaho (k'hothone e hloekisitsoeng le makhasi a lehong, joalo-joalo) e le lisebelisoa tse tala, ka mor'a hore letoto la karabelo ea etherification e hlahise mefuta e mengata e fapaneng, ke cellulose macromolecule...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Sekhomaretsi sa Tile ke eng?

    Tag: Sekhomaretsi sa sekhomaretsi sa lithaele, metsoako ea sekhomaretsi sa lithaele, foromo ea sekhomaretsi sa lithaele Lithaelese tse tloaelehileng tsa sekhomaretsi sa sekhomaretsi: samente 330g, lehlabathe 690g, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose 4g, phofo ea latex e ka qhaloang 10g, fomate ea calcium 5g; Lisebelisoa tse phahameng tsa ho etsa sekhomaretsi sa lithaele ...
    Bala haholoanyane
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