Focus on Cellulose ethers

Lisebelisoa tse 4 tse holimo tsa Cement e thehiloeng ho Tile Grout Formulation

Lisebelisoa tse 4 tse holimo tsa Cement e thehiloeng ho Tile Grout Formulation

Lithaele tse entsoeng ka samente li atisa ho sebelisoa ho tlatsa likheo pakeng tsa lithaele le ho fana ka sebaka se ts'oanang, se tšoarellang. Ho hlophisoa ha li-grouts tsa lithaelese tse thehiloeng ho samente ho hloka ho nahanoa ka hloko ka lisebelisoa tse 'maloa tsa bohlokoa ho fihlela ts'ebetso e nepahetseng. Mona ke lisebelisoa tse 'nè tse ka sehloohong tsa li-grout tse entsoeng ka samente:

  1. Samente

Samente ke motsoako o ka sehloohong oa li-grout tse entsoeng ka samente. Samente ea Portland e atisa ho sebelisoa mefuteng ea lithaele tsa grout ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e ntle e tlamang le ho tšoarella. Samente e fana ka matla a hlokahalang ho tšoara lithaele sebakeng le ho thibela ho peperana le ho putlama. Mofuta le boleng ba samente e sebelisoang li ka ama ts'ebetso le 'mala oa grout. Ka mohlala, samente e tšoeu e ka sebelisoa ho finyella mebala e khanyang ea grout.

  1. Lehlabathe

Lehlabathe ke motsoako o mong oa bohlokoa mefuteng ea samente e entsoeng ka lithaelese. Lehlabathe le sebetsa e le ho tlatsa, ho fana ka bongata le sebopeho sa grout. Mofuta le boholo ba lehlabathe le sebelisitsoeng li ka ama matla le sebopeho sa grout. Lehlabathe le letle le sebelisoa ka li-grouts bakeng sa manonyeletso a manyane a lithaele, athe lehlabathe le mahoashe le ka sebelisoa bakeng sa manonyeletso a maholo. Lehlabathe le boetse le kenya letsoho ho 'mala oa grout, kaha hangata o kopantsoe le samente ka tekanyo e itseng ho finyella' mala o lakatsehang.

  1. Metsi

Metsi ke motsoako oa bohlokoa mefuteng ea samente e entsoeng ka lithaele kaha ho hlokahala hore samente e ntše metsi le ho fola hantle. Palo ea metsi a sebelisoang e ka ama ho tsitsisa le matla a grout. Metsi a fokolang haholo a ka etsa hore ho be le seretse se omeletseng, se phunyehang, ha metsi a mangata a ka fokolisa mokelikeli 'me a lebisa ho phunyeha. Metsi a sebelisoang ka har'a grout a lokela ho hloeka 'me a se na litšila ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng.

  1. Tlatsetso

Hangata li-additives li eketsoa ho li-grout tse entsoeng ka samente ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ho fana ka melemo e eketsehileng. Tse ling tsa li-additives tse tloaelehileng tse sebelisoang ka li-tile grouts li kenyelletsa:

  • Li-additives tsa Latex kapa tsa polymer: Li-additives tsena li ntlafatsa ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le ho khomarela ha grout, ho etsa hore e se ke ea hlola e senyeha le ho senya metsi. Li boetse li ntlafatsa 'mala oa grout mme li etsa hore ho be bonolo ho li sebelisa.
  • Li-additives tse thibelang likokoana-hloko: Li-additives tsena li thibela ho hōla ha hlobo le libaktheria, e ka ba bothata libakeng tse nang le mongobo o phahameng, joalo ka likamore tsa ho hlapela le tsa kichine.
  • Lisebelisoa tsa ho lokolla li-grout: Mahlahana ana a etsa hore ho be bonolo ho hloekisa lithaele ka mor'a hore grout e sebelisoe ka ho thibela grout ho khomarela holim'a lithaele.
  • Li-additives tsa mebala: Li-additives tsena li ka sebelisoa ho ntlafatsa kapa ho fetola 'mala oa grout ho lumellana le' mala oa lithaele kapa ho finyella phello e itseng ea botle.

Qetellong, samente, lehlabathe, metsi le li-additives ke metsoako ea bohlokoa ea li-grout tse entsoeng ka samente. Mofuta le boleng ba lisebelisoa tsena li ka ama ts'ebetso, ho tšoarella, le ponahalo ea grout. Ka ho khetha le ho lekanya metsoako ena ka hloko, bahlahisi ba ka hlahisa li-grout tsa boleng bo holimo tse khotsofatsang litlhoko tsa bareki ba bona.

Nako ea poso: Apr-23-2023
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