Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC) ke ether ea bohlokoa e qhibilihang ka metsing e nonionic cellulose, e sebelisoang haholo liphahlong tsa meralo, haholo-holo lipente tsa latex. Joaloka motenya o sebetsang hantle, colloid e sireletsang, moemeli oa ho emisa le thuso ea ho etsa lifilimi, e ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso ea pente ea latex, e ntlafatsa thepa ea kaho ea pente le phello ea pono ea sehlahisoa se felileng.
1. Sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale le thepa ea hydroxyethyl cellulose
Hydroxyethyl cellulose ke derivative ea cellulose e hlahisoang ka ho hlahisa sehlopha sa hydroxyethyl ka har'a molek'hule ea cellulose. Ke motsoako oa polymer o qhibilihang ka metsi. Sebopeho sa eona sa lik'hemik'hale se etsa qeto ea ho qhibiliha ha metsi le ho teteaneng ha metsi. Ha e qhibiliha ka metsing, e ka etsa tharollo e nang le li-viscous tse ngata ka ho khomarela hantle, ho etsa filimi le liphello tse teteaneng. Lintho tsena li phetha karolo ea bohlokoa lipenteng tsa latex.
Hydroxyethyl cellulose hangata ke phofo e tšoeu kapa e bobebe e mosehla kapa granules, e qhibilihang habonolo metsing a batang kapa a chesang ho etsa tharollo e tsitsitseng ea colloidal. Tharollo ea eona e na le botsitso bo phahameng 'me e ka hanela ka katleho acid, alkali, redox le ho senyeha ha likokoana-hloko. Ho phaella moo, ka lebaka la tlhaho e seng ea ionic ea hydroxyethyl cellulose, ha e sebetsane ka lik'hemik'hale le metsoako e meng ea lipente tsa latex tse kang li-pigments, li-filler kapa li-additives, kahoo e na le tumellano e pharaletseng mefuteng ea lipente tsa latex.
2. Mokhoa oa ts'ebetso ea hydroxyethyl cellulose ka pente ea latex
Penteng ea latex, karolo ea hydroxyethyl cellulose e bonahala haholo-holo ka ho tiea, ho boloka metsi, botsitso bo ntlafetseng le ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng:
Matla a matla: Hydroxyethyl cellulose, joalo ka motenya o sebetsang hantle, e ka eketsa viscosity ea pente ea latex mme ea eketsa thixotropy ea eona. Sena ha se thibele pente ka katleho hore e se ke ea sisinyeha nakong ea polokelo le ho e sebelisa, empa hape e etsa hore pente e be matla le ho feta ha e phuthoa kapa e phunyeletsoa. Phello e nepahetseng ea thickening e thusa ho laola rheology ea pente ea latex, e tiisa boikutlo bo botle ha u sebelisa, le ho ntlafatsa tšireletso ea filimi.
Ho boloka metsi: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e na le ho boloka metsi hantle. Nakong ea ts'ebetso ea ho omisa pente ea latex, e ka thibela metsi hore a se ke a fetoha mouoane ka potlako, kahoo e lelefatsa nako ea ho bula pente e mongobo le ho etsa bonnete ba hore ho hahoa hamonate. Ho phaella moo, ho boloka metsi hantle ho ka boela ha fokotsa ho phunyeha ha filimi ea ho roala ka mor'a ho omisa, kahoo ho ntlafatsa boleng ba kakaretso ea filimi ea ho roala.
Ho tsitsa: Hydroxyethyl cellulose, e le colloid e sireletsang, e ka thibela ka katleho li-pigments le li-filler ho lula ka pente ea latex. E ka theha tsamaiso e tsitsitseng ea colloidal ka tharollo ea eona ea viscous ho arolelana karolo ka 'ngoe le ho netefatsa botsitso ba polokelo ea pente. Ka nako e ts'oanang, hydroxyethyl cellulose e ka boela ea ntlafatsa botsitso ba likaroloana tsa emulsion le ho qoba delamination le agglomeration ea tsamaiso ea latex nakong ea polokelo.
Bokhoni ba ho haha: Nakong ea ts'ebetso ea kaho, liphello tse teteaneng le tse tlotsang tsa hydroxyethyl cellulose li etsa hore pente ea latex e be le thepa e ntle ea ho roala le ho leka-lekanya, e ka fokotsang matšoao a borashe ka katleho le ho ntlafatsa boreleli ba filimi ea ho roala. Ho feta moo, hobane hydroxyethyl cellulose e ka ntlafatsa thixotropy ea pente, pente ea latex e bonolo ho sebetsa nakong ea ho penta, e na le metsi a matle ntle le ho rotha, 'me e loketse mekhoa e fapaneng ea kaho, joalo ka ho roala, ho roala le ho fafatsa. .
3. Liphello tse khethehileng tsa tšebeliso ea hydroxyethyl cellulose ka pente ea latex
Ntlafatsa botsitso ba polokelo ea pente: Ho eketsa palo e loketseng ea hydroxyethyl cellulose mofuteng oa pente ea latex ho ka ntlafatsa haholo litšobotsi tse thibelang pente le ho qoba ho beoa ha mebala le lithapo. Ho hasana ha hydroxyethyl cellulose ka liphahlo ho ka boloka ho tšoana ha mokhoa oa ho roala le ho eketsa nako ea polokelo ea sehlahisoa.
Ntlafatsa thepa ea rheological ea liphahlo: Thepa ea rheological ea lipente tsa latex e bohlokoa ho boleng ba kaho. Hydroxyethyl cellulose e ka sebelisa thixotropy ea eona e ikhethang ho etsa hore pente e phalle habonolo tlas'a matla a phahameng a ho kuta (joalo ka ha ho penta), le ho boloka viscosity e phahameng tlas'a matla a tlaase a ho kuta (joalo ka ha a eme), ho thibela Sag. Tšobotsi ena e etsa hore pente ea latex e be le litlamorao tse ntle tsa kaho le ho roala, e fokotsang mats'oao a ho thetheha le ho thella.
Ntlafatsa phello ea pono le thepa ea 'mele ea filimi ea ho roala: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ts'ebetsong ea ho etsa filimi. E ke ke ea ntlafatsa feela boreleli ba filimi ea pente, empa hape e ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ho apara le ho hanyetsa metsi a filimi ea pente, ho eketsa bophelo ba tšebeletso ea filimi ea pente. Ho phaella moo, ka lebaka la ho boloka metsi hantle, ho roala ho omella ka mokhoa o ts'oanang, ho thusa ho qoba mathata a kang wrinkles, pinholes le ho phunyeha, ho etsa hore bokaholimo ba seaparo bo be bonolo.
Ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng ea tikoloho: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e tsoa ho selulose ea tlhaho, e na le biodegradability e babatsehang, 'me e ke ke ea silafatsa tikoloho. Ha e bapisoa le li-thickeners tsa setso tsa maiketsetso, e na le botsoalle haholoanyane tikolohong 'me e kopana le litlhoko tsa thepa ea sejoale-joale e tala ea moaho. Ho phaella moo, ha e na li-volatile organic compounds (VOC), kahoo ho sebelisa hydroxyethyl cellulose ka pente ea latex ho thusa ho fokotsa mocheso oa VOC le ho ntlafatsa boleng ba moea ba tikoloho ea kaho.
E le tlatsetso ea bohlokoa penteng ea latex, hydroxyethyl cellulose e ka ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso ea kaho le phello ea ho qetela ea ho roala pente ea latex ka ho tenya ha eona ho hoholo, ho boloka metsi, botsitso le thepa ea ho etsa lifilimi. Ka nako e ts'oanang, ka lebaka la ts'ireletso ea tikoloho le litšobotsi tse tlaase tsa VOC, hydroxyethyl cellulose e finyella litlhoko tse tala le tsa tikoloho tsa indasteri ea kajeno ea ho roala. Ka tsoelo-pele e tsoelang pele ea thekenoloji, menyetla ea ts'ebeliso ea hydroxyethyl cellulose ka pente ea latex e tla ba e pharaletseng, e fane ka litharollo tse betere bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea moshoelella ea indasteri ea meaho ea meaho.
Nako ea poso: Sep-20-2024