Focus on Cellulose ethers

Redispersible latex powder e ntlafatsa ho tenyetseha le ho hanyetsa ha seretse

Redispersible latex powder e ntlafatsa ho tenyetseha le ho hanyetsa ha seretse

Ka mor'a ho kenya phofo ea latex e ka sebelisoang hape ka seretse, tekanyo ea fold-compression ratio le tension-compression ratio ea seretse e ntlafatsoa haholo, e leng se bontšang hore brittleness ea seretse e fokotsehile haholo 'me boima bo ntlafala haholo, e le hore ho hanyetsa ho phatloha ha seretse ho fokotsehe haholo. seretse se ile sa ntlafala.

The redispersed latex phofo lahleheloa ke metsi ka seretse ho theha filimi, e leng e seng feela tlatsa mefokolo le pores ka lejoe samente, empa hape etsa hore lihlahisoa tsa samente hydration le aggregates tlamahano le mong ho e mong ho theha marangrang interpenetrating ea polymers. The elastic modulus ea seretse e tlaase ho feta ea seretse, kahoo brittleness ea seretse e fokotsehile. The tenyetseha ea seretse eketsa palo e kahodimodimo deformation moeli ha seretse senyehile, 'me ka monya matla a hlokahalang bakeng sa katoloso ea likoli le micro-mapetsong ka tekanyo e khōlō ka ho fetisisa, e le hore seretse ka mamella khatello ea kelello e khōloanyane pele ho hloleha. Ho phaella moo, filimi ea polymer e na le mokhoa oa ho itšehla thajana, 'me filimi ea polymer e na le mosebetsi oa motsoako o tsamaeang ka har'a skeleton e thata e entsoeng ka seretse ka mor'a samente hydration, e ka netefatsang elasticity le toughness ea skeleton e thata. Bokaholimo ba filimi ea polymer e entsoeng ka holim'a likaroloana tsa seretse se na le li-pores, 'me bokaholimo ba li-pores bo tletse seretse, e le hore khatello ea khatello ea kelello e fokotsehe,' me e tla phutholoha ntle le tšenyo tlas'a ketso ea matla a ka ntle. E ntlafatsa ho tenyetseha le elasticity ea seretse.

Nako ea poso: May-18-2023
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