Focus on Cellulose ethers


  • RDP ho Sekhomaretsi sa Lithaele: E U fa Tlhahlobo ea Ts'ebetso ea Setsebi

    RDP (Redispersible Polymer Powder) ke tlatsetso e tloaelehileng e sebelisoang ho li-adhesives tsa lithaele ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea tsona. Ke polymer e kenyelletsoang motsoako oa sekhomaretsi ka mokhoa oa phofshoana, 'me e fetoha e ka sebelisoang hape ha e kopantsoe le metsi. Mona ke tse ling tsa litlhahlobo tsa tšebetso ea profeshenale ea RDP ho...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Litšusumetso tsa RDP ho Seretse sa Boithatelo

    Litšusumetso tsa RDP ho Self-leveling Mortar Redispersible polymer powder (RDP) e atisa ho sebelisoa e le tlatsetso ea bohlokoa ea ho iketsetsa seretse se entsoeng ka seretse. RDP e ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea seretse se ikemetseng ka mekhoa e mengata, ho kenyelletsa ho matlafatsa ho khomarela, ho eketsa matla le ho tšoarella, le ...
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  • Litšusumetso tsa Redispersible Polymer Powder ho EPS Thermal Mortar

    Litšusumetso tsa Redispersible Polymer Powder ho EPS Thermal Mortar Redispersible polymer powder (RDP) ke karolo ea bohlokoa ho EPS e entsoeng ka seretse se chesang. E atisa ho sebelisoa ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela, ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, le ho tšoarella ha seretse sa mocheso oa EPS, ho etsa hore e be ntho ea bohlokoa ho finyella ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Lintho tse 7 tse ka Holimo-limo tseo U Lokelang ho li Tseba ho Reka HPMC bakeng sa Sekhomaretsi sa Lithaele

    Lintho tse ka Holimo-limo tse 7 tseo U Lokelang ho li Tseba ho Reka HPMC bakeng sa Tile Adhesive Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) ke setlatsetso se sebelisoang ka tloaelo mefuteng ea sekhomaretsi sa lithaele. E ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, ho khomarela le ho tšoarella ha sekhomaretsi sa lithaele, ea e etsa karolo ea bohlokoa bakeng sa ho kenya lithaele tsa boleng bo holimo ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • TOP 3 Effects of HPMC on the Performance of Wet-mix Mortar

    TOP 3 Effects of HPMC on the Performance of Wet-mix Mortar Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) ke setlatsetso se sebediswang haholo metswakong ya seretse sa motswako o metsi. Ke polymer e qhibilihang ka metsi e ka ntlafatsang ts'ebetso, ho khomarela le ho tšoarella ha seretse sa motsoako o metsi. Sehloohong sena, re tla tšohla ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Konkreite: Tataiso e sebetsang bakeng sa ba qalang

    Concrete: Tataiso e sebetsang bakeng sa Beginner Concrete ke thepa e tenyetsehang le e tšoarellang e sebelisoang mefuteng e mengata ea kaho. Hore na o motho ea chesehelang DIY kapa setsebi sa kaho, ho bohlokoa ho ba le kutloisiso e ntle ea konkreite le thepa ea eona. Tabeng ena ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Synthetic Fibers Concrete: Eng, hobaneng, joang, mefuta & malebela a 4

    Synthetic Fibers Concrete: Ke eng, hobaneng, joang, mefuta & malebela a 4 Likhoele tsa maiketsetso li sebelisoa ka konkreite ho ntlafatsa thepa ea eona le ho eketsa nako e telele. Likhoele tsena li entsoe ka thepa e fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa polypropylene, nylon le polyester. Sengoliloeng sena, re tla tšohla hore na maiketsetso afe ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Lisebelisoa tse 4 tse holimo tsa Cement e thehiloeng ho Tile Grout Formulation

    Lisebelisoa tse 4 tse ka holimo tsa Cement based Tile Grout Formulation Cement-based tile grouts hangata e sebelisoa ho tlatsa likheo pakeng tsa lithaele le ho fana ka sebaka se ts'oanang, se tšoarellang. Ho hlophisoa ha lithaelese tse thehiloeng ho samente ho hloka hore ho nahanoe ka hloko lisebelisoa tse 'maloa tsa bohlokoa ho fihlela tšebetso e nepahetseng ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Sesepa se matla ka ho fetisisa: HPMC e fana ka viscosity e betere

    Sesepa se teteaneng ka ho fetesisa: HPMC e fana ka viscosity e betere Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) ke polima e sebelisoang haholo indastering ea sesepa e le motenya ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e matla ea ho tenya le ho tsitsisa. Ha ho bapisoa le li-thickeners tse ling, joalo ka sodium alginate le xanthan g...
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  • Malebela a 4 a holimo mabapi le HPMC Sollubility

    Malebela a 4 a ka Sehloohong mabapi le HPMC Solubility Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) ke polymer e sebelisoang hangata indastering ea meriana, litlolo le lijo. Ke ntho e tsoang ka har'a metsi, e seng ea ionic cellulose, 'me ho qhibiliha ha eona ke ntho ea bohlokoa e amang ts'ebetso ea eona ho li-applicati tse fapaneng ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Ho utloisisa Sebopeho sa Lik'hemik'hale sa HPMC

    Ho utloisisa HPMC Chemical Structure HPMC, kapa hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, ke polymer e thehiloeng ho cellulose e sebelisoang haholo liindastering tse fapaneng ho kenyeletsoa tsa meriana, litlolo le tlhahiso ea lijo. Ho utloisisa sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale tsa HPMC ho bohlokoa bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa pro...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose

    Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) ke mofuta oa cellulose ether e sebelisoang haholo lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng tsa indasteri le tsa khoebo. Ke phofo e tšoeu ho ea ho e tšoeu e qhibilihang ka metsing 'me e etsa tharollo e hlakileng le e se nang mebala. HPMC e entsoe ka ...
    Bala haholoanyane
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