Ingabe i-hypromellose ne-hydroxypropyl cellulose ziyefana?
Cha, i-hypromellose ne-hydroxypropyl cellulose azifani.
IHypromellose, eyaziwa nangokuthi i-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), iyi-semi-synthetic, inert, viscoelastic polymer esetshenziswa njengesithambisi samehlo, isakhi somlomo, i-tablet binder, kanye nefilimu yangaphambili. Iphuma ku-cellulose futhi yakhiwe amayunithi aphindaphindayo eglucose kashukela. IHypromellose isetshenziswa emikhiqizweni eyahlukene yemithi, yezimonyo, neyokudla, futhi ngokuvamile ithathwa njengephephile (GRAS) yi-US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
I-Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) i-semi-synthetic polymer etholakala ku-cellulose. Yakhiwe ngamayunithi aphindaphindayo we-glucose ushukela futhi isetshenziswa njenge-ejenti yokuqina, i-stabilizer, ne-ejenti yokumisa emikhiqizweni ehlukahlukene. I-HPC ngokuvamile ithathwa njengephephile (GRAS) yi-US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Nakuba kokubili i-hypromellose ne-hydroxypropyl cellulose zitholakala ku-cellulose, azifani. I-Hypromellose iphuma ku-cellulose equkethe amaqembu e-hydroxypropyl, kuyilapho i-hydroxypropyl cellulose iyi-polymer ye-cellulose equkethe amaqembu e-hydroxypropyl. I-Hypromellose isetshenziswa njenge-ophthalmic lubricant, i-excipient yomlomo, i-table binder, kanye nefilimu yangaphambili, kuyilapho i-hydroxypropyl cellulose isetshenziswa njenge-ejenti yokuqina, i-stabilizer, ne-ejenti elengayo.
Isikhathi sokuthumela: Feb-12-2023