Focus on Cellulose ethers

Phapano ke efe lipakeng tsa hydroxyethyl cellulose le hydroxypropyl cellulose?

Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC) le hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) ke lintho tse peli tse sebelisoang hangata tse tsoang ho cellulose. Li na le liphapang tse itseng tsa bohlokoa mabapi le sebopeho, ts'ebetso le ts'ebeliso.

1. Sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale
Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC): Hydroxyethyl cellulose e thehoa ka ho hlahisa sehlopha sa hydroxyethyl (-CH₂CH₂OH) holim'a molek'hule ea cellulose. Sehlopha sa hydroxyethyl se fana ka HEC ho solubility e ntle le botsitso.

Hydroxypropyl Cellulose (HPC): Hydroxypropyl cellulose e thehoa ka ho hlahisa sehlopha sa hydroxypropyl (-CH₂CHOHCH₃) holim'a molek'hule ea cellulose. Kenyelletso ea lihlopha tsa hydroxypropyl e fa HPC likarolo tse fapaneng tsa solubility le viscosity.

2. Sollubility
HEC: Hydroxyethylcellulose e na le solubility e ntle ka metsing 'me e ka etsa tharollo e hlakileng ea colloidal. Ho qhibiliha ha eona ho ipapisitse le boemo ba ho emisoa ha lihlopha tsa hydroxyethyl (ke hore, palo ea lihlopha tsa hydroxyethyl ka yuniti ea tsoekere).

HPC: Hydroxypropyl cellulose e na le mokelikeli o itseng metsing le lihlapolli tsa lintho tse phelang, haholo-holo ka har'a metsoako ea tlhaho e kang ethanol. The solubility ea HPC e angoa haholo ke mocheso. Ha mocheso o ntse o eketseha, ho qhibiliha ha oona metsing ho tla fokotseha.

3. Viscosity le rheology
HEC: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e na le viscosity e phahameng ka metsing 'me e bonts'a thepa ea mokelikeli oa pseudoplastic, ke hore ho kuta moriri. Ha ho kuta ho sebelisoa, viscosity ea eona ea fokotseha, e etsa hore ho be bonolo ho e sebelisa le ho e sebelisa.

HPC: Hydroxypropyl cellulose e na le viscosity e batlang e le tlase mme e bonts'a pseudoplasticity e tšoanang tharollong. Litharollo tsa HPC le tsona li ka theha li-colloid tse pepeneneng, empa viscosity ea bona hangata e tlase ho feta HEC.

4. Libaka tsa kopo
HEC: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e sebelisoa haholo ka ho roala, thepa ea mohaho, litlolo, li-detergents le masimo a mang. E le motenya, stabilizer le moemeli ea emisang, e ka laola ka nepo viscosity le rheology ea sistimi. Ka lipente le liphahlo, HEC e thibela pigment ho lula le ho ntlafatsa boemo ba ho roala.

HPC: Hydroxypropyl cellulose e sebelisoa haholo meriana, lijo, litlolo le likarolo tse ling. Indastering ea meriana, HPC e sebelisoa hangata joalo ka setlamo le se laoloang sa tokollo bakeng sa matlapa. Ka indasteri ea lijo, e ka sebelisoa e le motenya le emulsifier. Ka lebaka la ho qhibiliha ha eona linthong tse hlapollang tsa manyolo, HPC e boetse e sebelisoa linthong tse itseng tsa ho roala le lera.

5. Ho tsitsa le ho tšoarella
HEC: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e na le botsitso bo botle ba lik'hemik'hale le nako e telele, ha e khone ho fetoha pH, 'me e lula e tsitsitse nakong ea polokelo. HEC e lula e tsitsitse tlas'a maemo a mabeli a phahameng le a tlaase a pH.

HPC: Hydroxypropyl cellulose e na le kutloelo-bohloko ho liphetoho tsa mocheso le pH, 'me e tloaeleha ho futhumala haholo-holo ha mocheso o le holimo. Ho tsitsa ha eona ho molemo tlas'a maemo a acidic, empa botsitso ba eona bo tla fokotseha tlas'a maemo a alkaline.

6. Tikoloho le biodegradability
HEC: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e tsoa ho selulose ea tlhaho, e na le biodegradability e ntle ebile e baballa tikoloho.

HPC: Hydroxypropyl cellulose le eona ke ntho e ka bola, empa boitšoaro ba eona ba ho senyeha bo ka fapana ka lebaka la ho qhibiliha ha eona le mefuta-futa ea lits'ebetso.

Hydroxyethyl cellulose le hydroxypropyl cellulose ke lintho tse peli tsa bohlokoa tse nkiloeng ho selulose. Le hoja bobeli ba tsona li na le bokhoni ba ho teteaneng, ho tsitsisa le ho theha li-colloid, ka lebaka la ho se tšoane ha sebopeho, li na le phapang ea ho qhibiliha, viscosity le masimo a kopo. Ho na le phapang e kholo ea botsitso. Khetho ea hore na u ka sebelisa derivative ea cellulose ho latela litlhoko tse ikhethileng tsa ts'ebeliso le litlhoko tsa ts'ebetso.

Nako ea poso: Aug-08-2024
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