Reinforced Dispersible Polymer Powder (RDP) ke kenyelletso e khethehileng ea lik'hemik'hale e sebelisoang haholo indastering ea kaho ho ntlafatsa thepa ea thepa e fapaneng ea moaho. Mosebetsi oa eona o ka sehloohong ke ho ntlafatsa ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, ho khomarela le ho tšoarella ha lisebelisoa tsena, ho etsa hore li sebetse hantle le ho tšepahala bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa kaho.
Sebopeho le Tlhahiso
RDP hangata e entsoe ka polymer ea motheo, joalo ka vinyl acetate-ethylene (VAE) copolymer, ethylene-vinyl chloride (EVC) copolymer, kapa styrene-butadiene rabara (SBR). Li-polymer tsena li khethiloe bakeng sa thepa ea tsona e molemo, joalo ka ho tenyetseha, ho khomarela, le ho hanyetsa maemo a tikoloho. Polymer e matlafatsoa ka li-additives tse fapaneng ho ntlafatsa litšobotsi tse ikhethang, joalo ka li-anti-caking agents, li-plasticizers le li-filler. Li-additives tsena li ntlafatsa botsitso, dispersibility, le ts'ebetso ea phofo lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng.
Tlhahiso ea RDP e kenyelletsa mehato e mengata ea bohlokoa:
Emulsion Polymerization: Motheo oa polymer o entsoe ka emulsion polymerization, mokhoa o hlahisang likaroloana tse ntle tsa polymer tse emisitsoeng ka metsing.
Spray Drying: Emulsion ea polymer e ntan'o omisoa ho etsa phofo e ntle. Nakong ea ts'ebetso ena, metsi a fetoha mouoane, a siea ka morao likaroloana tse nyenyane tsa polymer tse sa lefelloeng.
Kopanyo e Kenyellelitsoeng: Li-additives tse fapaneng li kopantsoe le phofo ea polymer ho ntlafatsa litšobotsi tsa eona tsa ts'ebetso. Mohato ona o etsa bonnete ba hore phofo e lula e phalla ntle le ho hasana ka metsing.
Taolo ea Boleng: Sehlahisoa sa ho qetela se tlas'a taolo e matla ea boleng ho netefatsa hore maemo a ts'ebetsong, ho hloeka, le ts'ebetso ea phethahala.
Melemo ea RDP
Ho kenyelletsoa ha RDP ho thepa ea kaho ho fana ka melemo e mengata, e kenyang letsoho molemong oa ho amoheloa ha eona indastering:
Mokhoa o Ntlafetseng oa ho sebetsa: RDP e matlafatsa ts'ebetso ea thepa ea kaho, e etsa hore ho be bonolo ho kopanya, ho kenya, le ho qeta. Sena se lebisa katlehong e eketsehileng le tlhahiso libakeng tsa kaho.
Khomarelo e Matlafalitsoeng: Polima e ntlafatsa ho khomarela lisebelisoa ho li-substrates tse fapaneng, ho netefatsa tlamo e matla le ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho lahleha kapa ho hloleha.
Flexibility le Crack Resistance: RDP e fana ka bonolo ho thepa e thata, e ba lumellang ho amohela metsamao le ho atolosoa ha mocheso ntle le ho phatloha. Sena se bohlokoa haholo-holo libakeng tse tlas'a ho fetoha ha mocheso.
Mathata a Metsi: RDP e ntlafatsa matla a ho thibela metsi a thepa ea kaho, e li sireletsa tšenyong e amanang le mongobo e kang ea efflorescence, spalling, le cycle ea ho qhibiliha ha metsi.
Tšireletseho le Bophelo bo Bolelele: Thepa e fetotsoeng ka pontšo ea RDP e ekelitse ho tšoarella le ho phela nako e telele, ho fokotsa tlhoko ea ho lokisoa le tlhokomelo khafetsa.
Thermal Insulation: Lits'ebetsong tse ling, RDP e ka ntlafatsa thepa ea ho kenya mocheso oa thepa, e kenya letsoho ts'ebetsong e sebetsang ea matla mehahong.
Likopo tsa RDP
RDP e sebelisoa mefuteng e mengata ea thepa ea kaho le lits'ebetso ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e fapaneng:
Liretse le Lipolasetere: RDP e atisa ho eketsoa lireteng tsa samente le liplasetere ho ntlafatsa ho sebetsa ha tsona, ho khomarela le ho tšoarella. Sena se kenyelletsa likhomaretsi tsa lithaele, lirekere tsa ho lokisa, le litsamaiso tsa ho fana ka kantle.
Metsoako ea Boiketlo ba Boithaopo: Metsoakong ea fatše e ikemetseng, RDP e tiisa sebaka se boreleli, se nang le thepa e matlafalitsoeng ea phallo le ho fokotseha ho fokolang.
Li-Grouts: Li-grouts tsa lithaele li rua molemo ho bokhoni ba RDP ba ho matlafatsa ho khomarela, ho tenyetseha, le ho thibela metsi, e leng se etsang hore ho be le manonyeletso a tšoarellang nako e telele, a se nang mapheo.
Likhomaretsi: RDP e sebelisoa mefuteng e fapaneng ea likhomaretsi bakeng sa matla a maqhama a ntlafetseng le ho tenyetseha, a loketseng lithaele tse tlamang, liphanele tsa ho kenya letsoho, le likarolo tse ling tsa kaho.
Thermal Insulation Systems: External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) e kenyelletsa RDP ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela le ho feto-fetoha ha likarolo tsa ho pata, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e ntle le ho tšoarella.
Lipente le Liratsoana tse Thehiloeng ho Samente: RDP e ntlafatsa thepa ea lipente le lirafshoa tse thehiloeng ho samente, e fana ka mamarelo, ho tenyetseha le ho hanyetsa maemo a tikoloho.
Tšusumetso ea Tikoloho le Moshoelella
Tšebeliso ea RDP kahong e na le litlamorao tse ngata tsa tikoloho. Ka lehlakoreng le letle, lisebelisoa tse fetotsoeng tsa RDP hangata li bonts'a ho tšoarella ha nako e telele le ho phela nako e telele, ho fokotsa khafetsa ho lokisoa le ho nkeloa sebaka ebe ka hona ho boloka lisebelisoa. Ho feta moo, lisebelisuoa tse ntlafetseng tsa ho kenya letsoho ha lisebelisuoa tse ling tsa RDP li ka kenya letsoho ho bolokeng matla a motlakase mehahong, e leng se lebisang ho theoheng ha likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše.
Leha ho le joalo, ho boetse ho na le mathata a tikoloho a amanang le RDP. Ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso e kenyelletsa tšebeliso ea li-additives tsa lik'hemik'hale le mehato e matla ea matla e kang ho omisa ka spray, e ka bang le liphello tsa tikoloho. Ho feta moo, ho lahloa ha thepa ea kaho e nang le RDP qetellong ea nako ea bophelo ba bona ho ka baka mathata ka lebaka la ho phehella hoa lipolima tsa maiketsetso tikolohong.
Ho rarolla mathata ana, indasteri ea kaho e ntse e hlahloba mekhoa e tšoarellang haholoanyane, joalo ka nts'etsopele ea li-polymers tse thehiloeng ho baeloji le ho kenyeletsoa ha thepa e nchafalitsoeng ho liforomo tsa RDP. Ho feta moo, tsoelo-pele ea mahlale a ho sebelisoa hape bakeng sa litšila tsa kaho e ka thusa ho fokotsa tšusumetso ea tikoloho ea thepa e nang le RDP.
Reinforced Dispersible Polymer Powder (RDP) e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa kahong ea sejoale-joale, e fana ka lintlafatso tse kholo ts'ebetsong le ho tšoarella ha thepa e fapaneng ea moaho. Bokhoni ba eona ba ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, ho khomarela, ho tenyetseha, le ho thibela metsi ho etsa hore e be tlatsetso ea bohlokoa lits'ebetsong ho tloha ho seretse le li-plaster ho ea ho likhomaretsi le lits'ebetso tsa ho kenya mocheso. Leha ho na le menahano ea tikoloho e lokelang ho shejoa, melemo ea RDP ka ho lelefatsa nako ea bophelo le katleho ea thepa ea kaho e totobatsa bohlokoa ba eona indastering. Ha thekenoloji le mekhoa ea ts'ebetso e ntse e tsoela pele, RDP e tla tsoela pele ho ba karolo ea bohlokoa ho nts'etsopele ea litharollo tsa kaho tse nang le ts'ebetso e phahameng.
Nako ea poso: Jun-07-2024