Focus on Cellulose ethers

methyl ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose e sebelisetsoa eng?

Methyl ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose (MEHEC) ke mofuta oa cellulose ether e fumanang lits'ebetso tse fapaneng liindastering tse fapaneng ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e ikhethang. Motsoako ona o tsoa ho cellulose, polymer ea tlhaho e fumanehang maboteng a lisele tsa limela. MEHEC e entsoe ka ts'ebetso ea lik'hemik'hale e kenyelletsang etherification ea selulose ka lihlopha tsa methyl, ethyl, le hydroxyethyl. Motsoako o hlahisoang o bonts'a ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho boloka metsi, ho teteana, ho etsa lifilimi le thepa ea ho emisoa, e etsa hore e be molemo mefuteng e mengata ea lits'ebetso.

1. Lipente le Liaparo:

MEHEC e atisa ho sebelisoa e le rheology modifier le thickener lipenteng tse thehiloeng metsing le liphahlo. Bokhoni ba eona ba ho laola viscosity le ho thibela pigment ho lula e etsa hore e be ea bohlokoa haholo mekhoeng ea lipente tsa kahare le kantle, li-primers le likoahelo. MEHEC e ntlafatsa thepa ea ts'ebeliso ea lipente ka ho thibela ho fafatsa, ho netefatsa tšireletso e tšoanang, le ho matlafatsa brushability.

2.Lisebelisoa tsa Kaho:

Indastering ea kaho, MEHEC e sebelisoa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tse kang likhomaretsi tsa lithaele tse thehiloeng ho samente, li-grouts le li-renders. Ka ho fana ka ho boloka metsi le ho sebetsa ho lisebelisoa tsena, MEHEC e tiisa metsi a nepahetseng a likaroloana tsa samente, e ntlafatsa ho khomarela, 'me e fokotsa ho fokotseha kapa ho theoha nakong ea kopo. Ho feta moo, e ntlafatsa ho tsitsa le ho pompa ha metsoako ea cementitious, ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho sebetsana le eona.

3. Likhomaretsi le Li-Sealants:

MEHEC ke tlatsetso ea bohlokoa ha ho etsoa li-adhesives le li-sealants tse thehiloeng metsing. E ntlafatsa li-tack, viscosity, le nako e bulehileng ea likhomaretsi, e nolofalletsa ts'ebetso e ntle ea maqhama ho li-substrates tse fapaneng. Ka li-sealants, MEHEC e thusa ho finyella extrudability e nepahetseng, thixotropy, le ho khomarela, ho netefatsa hore ho tiisoa ka katleho ha manonyeletso le likheo tsa ho haha ​​​​le lisebelisoa tsa likoloi.

4.Lihlahisoa tsa Tlhokomelo ea Botho:

Ka lebaka la thepa ea eona ea ho etsa lifilimi le ho teteka, MEHEC e sebelisoa ka mefuta e fapaneng ea tlhokomelo ea botho le lihlahisoa tsa litlolo. E ka fumanoa mefuteng ea litlolo, litlolo, li-shampoo, le li-gels tsa shaoara, moo e ntlafatsang sebopeho, botsitso le thepa ea mongobo. MEHEC e boetse e sebetsa e le moemeli oa ho emisa bakeng sa likaroloana tse tiileng mefuteng ea tlhokomelo ea botho, ho thibela sedimentation le ho etsa bonnete ba ho ajoa ka mokhoa o ts'oanang.

5.Litlhare tsa Meriana:

MEHEC e sebetsa e le setlamo, setenya, le se tsitsisa metsoakong ea meriana joalo ka matlapa, litlolo, le lintho tse emisitsoeng. Bokhoni ba eona ba ho laola viscosity le ho ntlafatsa thepa ea phallo e netefatsa phepelo e tšoanang ea lithethefatsi le dosing e tsitsitseng. Ka li-topical formulations, MEHEC e fana ka mokhoa o boreleli le o se nang mafura ha o ntse o ntlafatsa ho khomarela lisebelisoa tse sebetsang letlalong.

6.Indasteri ea Lijo le Lino:

Le hoja e sa tloaeleha haholo ha e bapisoa le lisebelisoa tse ling, MEHEC e sebelisoa ka linako tse ling indastering ea lijo le lino e le ntho e matlafatsang le e tsitsitseng. E ka ’na ea fumanoa lihlahisoa tse itseng tsa lijo tse kang lisoso, lirosa le lino, moo e ntlafatsang sebōpeho, molomo oa molomo, le shelofo e tsitsitseng ntle le ho fetola tatso kapa monko.

7.Indasteri ea Oli le Khase:

MEHEC e fumana ts'ebeliso ho maro a ho cheka le li-slurries tsa samente tse sebelisoang indastering ea oli le khase. E thusa ho laola viscosity ea mokelikeli, ho emisa likaroloana tse tiileng, le ho thibela tahlehelo ea mokelikeli nakong ea ts'ebetso ea ho cheka. Mekelikeli e ntlafalitsoeng ea MEHEC e netefatsa botsitso bo sebetsang hantle ba seliba, ho tlotsa le ho tlosoa ha likheo tsa ho cheka, ho kenya letsoho katlehong e akaretsang ea ts'ebetso ea ho cheka.

8.Indasteri ea Textile:

MEHEC e sebelisoa mekhoeng ea khatiso ea masela le ho daea e le mofetoleli o motenya le oa rheology bakeng sa ho hatisa li-pastes le libate tsa dae. E ntlafatsa ho ts'oana le ho phalla ha li-pastes tsa khatiso, ho netefatsa ho kenngoa ka mokhoa o nepahetseng le o ts'oanang oa mebala holim'a li-substrates tsa textile. MEHEC e boetse e thusa ho thibela ho tsoa ha 'mala le ho ntlafatsa ho hlaka ha lipaterone tse hatisitsoeng.

9.Likopo tse ling tsa indasteri:

MEHEC e fumana lits'ebetso tse fapaneng liindastering tse kang lihlatsoa, ​​ho etsa pampiri le lirafshoa. Ho li-detergents, e ntlafatsa botsitso le rheology ea metsoako ea metsi, ha e ntse e etsoa ka pampiri, e ntlafatsa matla a pampiri le ho boloka li-filler le li-additives. Ka li-ceramics, MEHEC e sebetsa e le setlamo le rheology modifier ho li-slurries tsa ceramic, tse tsamaisang mekhoa ea ho bōpa le ho bōpa.

methyl ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose (MEHEC) ke ether ea cellulose e feto-fetohang e nang le ts'ebeliso e atileng liindastering tse fapaneng. Motsoako oa eona o ikhethang oa thepa, ho kopanyelletsa le ho teteana, ho boloka metsi, ho etsa lifilimi, le bokhoni ba ho emisa, ho etsa hore e be tlatsetso ea bohlokoa ho lipente ho tloha ho lipente le liaparo ho ea ho lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea motho, meriana, le ho feta. MEHEC e kenya letsoho ntlafatsong ea ts'ebetso ea sehlahisoa, ts'ebetso e sebetsang hantle, le boiphihlelo ba basebelisi ba ho qetela lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, ka hona e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa makaleng a mangata a indasteri.

Nako ea poso: Mar-08-2024
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