Cellulose etherke tlatsetso e feto-fetohang le e sebelisoang haholo liindastering tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa kaho, meriana, tlhokomelo ea motho, lijo, le tse ling. E tsoa ho cellulose, polymer ea tlhaho e fumanehang maboteng a lisele tsa limela. Cellulose ether e hlahisoa ka ho fetola molek'hule ea cellulose ka lik'hemik'hale tsa lik'hemik'hale, e leng se hlahisang thepa e ntlafetseng le mesebetsi e etsang hore e tšoanelehe bakeng sa mefuta e mengata ea likopo.
Mohloli o ka sehloohong oa selulose bakeng sa tlhahiso ea khoebo ea cellulose ether ke makhasi a lehong, le hoja mehloli e meng e thehiloeng limela e kang k'hothone le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa temo le tsona li ka sebelisoa. Selulose e etsoa letoto la kalafo ea lik'hemik'hale, ho kenyelletsa ho hloekisa, alkalization, etherification, le ho omisoa, ho hlahisa sehlahisoa sa ho qetela sa cellulose ether.
Cellulose ether e fana ka lisebelisoa tse 'maloa tse lakatsehang tse e etsang hore e be ea bohlokoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng:
1. Ho qhibiliha ha Metsi:Cellulose ether hangata e qhibiliha ka metsing, e leng se lumellang hore e qhalakane habonolo le ho kenngoa mefuteng e fapaneng. E etsa tharollo e hlakileng le e tsitsitseng metsing, e fana ka thepa e babatsehang ea ho teteka le ho tsitsisa.
2. Phetoho ea Rheology:E 'ngoe ea melemo ea bohlokoa ea cellulose ether ke bokhoni ba eona ba ho fetola boitšoaro ba ho phalla le viscosity ea metsi. E ka sebetsa e le ntho e teteaneng, e fana ka botsitso bo ntlafetseng, sebopeho, le botsitso ho lihlahisoa. Ka ho fetola mofuta le litekanyetso tsa cellulose ether, hoa khoneha ho finyella mefuta e mengata ea li-viscosity, ho tloha ho metsi a tlaase ho ea ho li-gel tse nang le li-viscous tse ngata.
3.Sebopeho sa Lifilimi:Cellulose ether e ka etsa lifilimi ha tharollo e omisitsoe. Lifilimi tsena li pepeneneng, lia tenyetseha, 'me li na le matla a matle a ho tiea. Li ka sebelisoa e le lira tse sireletsang, li tlamella, kapa matrices mekhoeng e fapaneng.
4. Ho boloka Metsi:Cellulose ether e na le thepa e ntle ea ho boloka metsi. Lits'ebetsong tsa kaho, e ka sebelisoa lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho samente ho matlafatsa ts'ebetso, ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea metsi, le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea metsi. Sena se lebisa ntlafatsong e ntlafetseng ea matla, ho fokotseha ho fokolang, le ho matlafatsa ho tšoarella ha konkreite ea ho qetela kapa seretse.
5. Ho khomarela le ho Tlamahanngoa:Cellulose ether e bonts'a thepa ea sekhomaretsi, e etsa hore e be molemo joalo ka setlamo lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng. E ka khothalletsa ho khomarela pakeng tsa lisebelisoa tse fapaneng kapa ea sebetsa e le ntho e tlamang matlapeng, li-granules, kapa metsoako ea phofo.
6.Chemical Stability:Cellulose ether e hanyetsana le hydrolysis tlas'a maemo a tloaelehileng, e fana ka botsitso le ts'ebetso ho feta mefuta e mengata ea pH. Sena se etsa hore e loketse ho sebelisoa libakeng tse nang le asiti, alkaline, kapa tse sa nke lehlakore.
7.Thermal Stability:Cellulose ether e bonts'a botsitso bo botle ba mocheso, ho e lumella ho boloka thepa ea eona ho feta mefuta e mengata ea mocheso. Sena se etsa hore e loketse lits'ebetso tse kenyelletsang mekhoa ea ho futhumatsa kapa ea ho pholisa.
Sehlopha se tummeng sa Cellulose ether
Cellulose ether e fumaneha ka lihlopha tse fapa-fapaneng, e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e na le thepa ea eona e khethehileng le litšoaneleho tsa eona. Limaraka tse sebelisoang ka ho fetisisa tsa cellulose ether li kenyelletsa Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), Methyl Hydroxyethylcellulose (MHEC), Hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC), Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), Ethyl Hydroxyethylcellulose ), Ethylcellulose (EC), le Methylcellulose (MC). Ha re hlahlobe sehlopha ka seng ka botlalo:
1.Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC):
HPMC ke e 'ngoe ea li-cellulose ether tse sebelisoang haholo. E tsoa ho selulose ka phetoho ea lik'hemik'hale ka propylene oxide le methyl chloride. HPMC e tsebahala ka ho boloka metsi, ho tenya, le thepa ea ho etsa lifilimi. E fana ka ts'ebetso e ntle haholo, mamati a ntlafalitsoeng, le nako e atolositsoeng ea ho bula lits'ebetsong tsa kaho joalo ka lirekere tsa drymix, likhomaretsi tsa lithaele le li-render tsa samente. Indastering ea meriana, HPMC e sebelisoa e le se tlamellang, sa pele sa filimi, le se laoloang se lokolotsoeng mefuteng ea matlapa.
2.Methyl Hydroxyethylcellulose (MHEC):
MHEC ke selulose ether grade e hlahisoang ke ho arabela selulose ka methyl chloride le ethylene oxide. E fana ka thepa e tšoanang le ea HPMC empa e na le bokhoni bo ntlafalitsoeng ba ho boloka metsi. E atisa ho sebelisoa ho li-adhesives tsa lithaele, li-grouts, le lisebelisoa tse thehiloeng ho samente moo ho hlokahalang ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, ho boloka metsi le ho khomarela. MHEC e boetse e fumana ts'ebeliso indastering ea meriana e le setlamo se tlamang le sa ho etsa lifilimi ka liforomo tsa matlapa.
3.Hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC):
HEC e tsoa ho selulose ka ho eketsoa ha lihlopha tsa ethylene oxide. E qhibiliha ka metsing 'me e fana ka thepa e babatsehang ea ho thibela le ho laola rheology. HEC e atisa ho sebelisoa lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea botho, tse kang li-shampoo, li-conditioner le lotions, ho fana ka viscosity, ho matlafatsa botsitso ba foam, le ho ntlafatsa litšobotsi tsa kutlo. E boetse e sebelisoa e le sekontiri le se tlamang lipente, lirafshoa le likhomaretsi.
4.Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC):
CMC e hlahisoa ka ho arabela selulose ka sodium monochloroacetate ho hlahisa lihlopha tsa carboxymethyl ka har'a ketane ea cellulose. CMC e qhibiliha haholo ka metsing 'me e bonts'a matla a matle, a tsitsisa le a ho etsa lifilimi. Hangata e sebelisoa indastering ea lijo e le setenya, se tsitsitseng, le emulsifier lihlahisoa tse ngata tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa lebese, bakery, lisoso le lino. CMC e boetse e sebelisoa litlhare, tlhokomelong ea motho, le indastering ea masela.
5.Ethyl Hydroxyethylcellulose (EHEC):
EHEC ke sehlopha sa cellulose ether se kopanyang thepa ea ethyl le hydroxyethyl substitutes. E fana ka matla a ntlafetseng, taolo ea rheology, le bokhoni ba ho boloka metsi. EHEC e atisa ho sebelisoa ka litlolo tse thehiloeng metsing, li-adhesive, le lisebelisoa tsa kaho ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, ho hanyetsa sag, le ho thehoa ha filimi.
6.Ethylcellulose (EC):
EC ke non-ionic cellulose ether e sebelisoang haholo indastering ea meriana le ea ho roala. Ha e qhibilihe ka metsing empa e qhibiliha ka har'a metsoako ea tlhaho. EC e fana ka thepa ea ho etsa lifilimi, e etsa hore e tšoanelehe bakeng sa litsamaiso tsa phepelo ea lithethefatsi tse laoloang, liphahlo tsa enteric, le li-barriers barriers. E boetse e sebelisoa ho hlahisa li-inks tse khethehileng, li-lacquers le li-adhesives.
7.Methylcellulose (MC):
MC e tsoa ho selulose ka ho eketsoa ha lihlopha tsa methyl. E qhibiliha ka metsing 'me e bonts'a mekhoa e metle ea ho etsa filimi, e teteaneng le e emulsifying. MC hangata e sebelisoa indastering ea litlama joalo ka setlamo se kopanyang, se senyang, le se feto-fetohang ha ho etsoa lipilisi. E boetse e sebelisoa indastering ea lijo e le setenya, se tsitsitseng, le emulsifier lihlahisoa tse fapaneng.
Limaraka tsena tsa cellulose ether li fana ka mefuta e mengata ea ts'ebetso 'me li khethoa ho latela litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa kopo ka' ngoe. Ke habohlokoa ho hlokomela hore sehlopha ka seng se ka ba le litlhaloso tse fapaneng le litšobotsi tsa tshebetso, ho kenyelletsa le viscosity, boima ba limolek'hule, boemo ba ho fetola, le mocheso oa gel. Baetsi ba fana ka lipampiri tsa data tsa tekheniki le litataiso ho thusa ho khetha kereiti e nepahetseng bakeng sa tlhahiso kapa ts'ebeliso e itseng.
limaraka tsa cellulose ether tse kang HPMC, MHEC, HEC, CMC, EHEC, EC, le MC li na le thepa e fapaneng 'me li sebelisoa liindasteri tse sa tšoaneng. Ba fana ka ho boloka metsi, ho teteaneng, ho etsa lifilimi, ho khomarela, le thepa e matlafatsang botsitso. Likarolo tsena tsa cellulose ether li phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho thepa ea kaho, meriana, lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea motho ka mong, lijo, lipente le liphahlo, li-adhesives, le tse ling, tse tlatsetsang ts'ebetsong le ts'ebetsong ea mefuta e mengata ea lihlahisoa le lihlahisoa.
Cellulose ether e fumana ts'ebeliso e pharaletseng ho pholletsa le liindasteri tse fapaneng:
1.Indasteri ea Kaho: Ha ho hahoa, cellulose ether e sebelisoa e le motsoako oa bohlokoa ka har'a li-drymix mortars, li-adhesives tsa lithaele, li-grouts, li-renders tsa samente, le metsoako ea boipheliso. E matlafatsa ts'ebetso, ho boloka metsi, ho khomarela, le ho tšoarella ha lisebelisoa tsena. Ho feta moo, cellulose ether e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa kantle tsa mocheso oa mocheso (ETICS) ka ho eketsa ho khomarela le ho feto-fetoha ha seretse se khomarelang.
2.Indasteri ea Pharmaceutical: Cellulose ether e sebelisoa haholo mekhoeng ea meriana. E sebetsa joalo ka setlamo, sa disintegrant, le tokollo e laoloang mefuteng ea matlapa. E fana ka boima bo ntlafetseng ba matlapa, ho arohana ka potlako, le thepa e laoloang ea ho lokolla lithethefatsi. Ho feta moo, cellulose ether e ka boela ea sebelisoa e le mofetoleli oa viscosity mekhoeng ea mokelikeli, ho emisoa, le li-emulsion.
3.Tlhokomelo ea Botho le Litlolo: Ka lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea botho, cellulose ether e sebelisoa e le moemeli o teteaneng, stabilizer, le moemeli oa ho etsa lifilimi. E fana ka sebopeho se lakatsehang le thepa ea rheological ho litlolo, litlolo, li-gel, li-shampoo le mefuta e meng ea tlhokomelo ea motho. Cellulose ether e thusa ho ntlafatsa botsitso, ho ata, le boiphihlelo ka kakaretso ba kutlo ba lihlahisoa tsena. E ka boela ea ntlafatsa boleng ba foam mefuteng ea ho hloekisa.
4.Indasteri ea Lijo: Cellulose ether e sebelisoa indastering ea lijo e le ntho e matlafatsang, emulsifier, stabilizer, le fiber supplement ea lijo. E ka ntlafatsa sebopeho, molomo, le sethala sa bophelo ba lihlahisoa tsa lijo. Cellulose ether e atisa ho sebelisoa ha ho etsoa liroso tsa salate, li-sauces, li-bakery fillings, li-dessert tse hatselitsoeng, le lijo tse nang le mafura a tlaase kapa tse tlaase.
5.Paints and Coatings: Cellulose ether e sebelisoa ka lipente le liphahlo e le mofetoleli oa rheology le moemeli oa thickening. E thusa ho laola viscosity, phallo, le ho leka-lekanya thepa ea liphahlo. Cellulose ether e boetse e ntlafatsa botsitso le ho hasana ha li-pigments le li-fillers mefuteng ea pente.
6.Adhesives and Sealants: Cellulose ether e fumana kopo ho li-adhesives le sealants ho ntlafatsa viscosity ea tsona, ho khomarela le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo. E ntlafatsa bokhoni ba ho sebetsa le ho sebetsa ha libopeho, ho etsa hore ho be le maqhama a sebetsang a lisebelisoa tse fapaneng.
7.Indasteri ea Oli le Khase: Cellulose ether e sebelisoa ho cheka maro le maro a ho qetela indastering ea oli le khase. E fana ka taolo ea viscosity, phokotso ea tahlehelo ea mokelikeli, le thepa ea ho thibela shale. Cellulose ether e thusa ho boloka botsitso le ts'ebetso ea maro a ho cheka tlas'a maemo a thata.
8.Indasteri ea Textile: Ka indasteri ea masela, cellulose ether e sebelisoa e le ntho e matlafatsang bakeng sa masela a khatiso ea masela. E ntlafatsa ho tsitsisa, ho phalla, le ho fetisa mebala ea li-pastes tsa khatiso, ho netefatsa hore ho hatisoa ka mokhoa o ts'oanang le o matla.
Ke habohlokoa ho hlokomela hore ho na le mefuta e sa tšoaneng le limaraka tsa cellulose ether tse fumanehang 'marakeng, e' ngoe le e 'ngoe e na le thepa ea eona e khethehileng le lisebelisoa. Khetho ea cellulose ether e itšetlehile ka tšebeliso e reriloeng, litšoaneleho tsa ts'ebetso tse lakatsehang, le ho lumellana le lisebelisoa tse ling ha ho etsoa.
Ka bokhuts'oane, cellulose ether ke tlatsetso e fapaneng e tsoang ho cellulose. E fana ka ho qhibiliha ha metsi, phetoho ea rheology, sebopeho sa filimi, ho boloka metsi, ho khomarela, le botsitso ba mocheso. Cellulose ether e fumana lits'ebetso ho tsa kaho, litlhare, tlhokomelong ea motho, lijo, lipente le lirafshoa, likhomaretsi, oli le khase le indasteri ea masela. Thepa ea eona e nang le mefuta e mengata e etsa hore e be motsoako oa bohlokoa bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, botsitso le ts'ebetso ea lihlahisoa tse fapaneng makaleng a fapaneng.
Lethathamo la lihlahisoa tsa KimaCell Cellulose ether
Nako ea poso: Dec-02-2021