Focus on Cellulose ethers

Ke lintlha life tse tla ama viscosity ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose?

Ke lintlha life tse tla ama viscosity ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose?

Bakeng sa tšebeliso ea seretse se metsi, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e na le thepa e ntle ea ho teteka, e ka eketsa bokhoni ba ho kopanya pakeng tsa seretse se metsi le lera la motheo, 'me e ka boela ea ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea anti-sag ea seretse, kahoo e sebelisoa haholo ho lilaela Seretse, ka ntle. tsamaiso ea ho kenya lebota le seretse sa ho kopanya litene.

Bakeng sa phello e teteaneng ea cellulose ether, e ka boela ea eketsa homogeneity le bokhoni ba ho thibela ho hasana ha thepa e sa tsoa tsoakoa ea samente, hape e ka thibela mathata a delamination, karohano le ho tsoa mali ka seretse le konkreite. E ka sebelisoa ho konkreite e matlafalitsoeng ka Fiber, konkreite e ka tlas'a metsi le konkreite e ikemetseng.

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e ka eketsa ts'ebetso ea viscous ea thepa e thehiloeng ho samente. Ts'ebetso ena haholo-holo e tsoa ho viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether. Ka kakaretso, index ea linomoro tsa viscosity e sebelisoa ho ahlola viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether, athe cellulose The viscosity ea ether hangata e bua ka bongata bo itseng ba tharollo ea cellulose ether, hangata 2%, ka mocheso o itseng, joalo ka likhato tse 20 le. sekhahla sa ho potoloha, ho sebelisa sesebelisoa se lekanyang se boletsoeng, joalo ka viscometer e potolohang. Boleng ba viscosity.

Viscosity ke e 'ngoe ea likarolo tsa bohlokoa tsa ho lekola ts'ebetso ea cellulose ether. Ho phahamisa viscosity ea tharollo ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, ho hlahisa viscosity ea thepa e entsoeng ka samente e betere, 'me ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho khomarela karoloana. Ka nako e ts'oanang, e na le Matla a khahlanong le ho senya le matla a ho thibela ho qhalana a matla, empa haeba viscosity ea eona e phahame haholo, e tla ama ts'ebetso ea phallo le ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tse thehiloeng samente.


Ke lintlha life tse tla ama viscosity ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose? Haholo-holo ho itšetlehile ka mabaka a latelang.

1. Ha tekanyo ea polymerization ea cellulose ether ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e phahame, e kholoanyane boima ba molek'hule, e leng se etsang hore ho be le viscosity e phahameng ea tharollo ea eona ea metsi.

2. Haeba palo kapa mahloriso a cellulose ether e phahame, viscosity ea tharollo ea eona ea metsi e tla ba e phahameng. Leha ho le joalo, ho lokela ho hlokomeloa ho khetha tekanyo e loketseng ea cellulose ether ha u e sebelisa, haholo-holo ho qoba bongata bo feteletseng ba cellulose ether. E tla ama ts'ebetso ea seretse le konkreite.

3. Joalo ka lino tse ngata, viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether e tla fokotseha ka ho eketseha ha mocheso, 'me ha mocheso oa cellulose ether o phahame, mocheso o theola tlase. Tšusumetso e kholo.

4. Tharollo ea cellulose ether hangata ke pseudoplastic, e nang le litšobotsi tsa ho kuta moriri. Ha sekhahla sa ho kuta nakong ea tlhahlobo, se na le viscosity e nyane.

Momahano wa seretse o tla fokotswa ka lebaka la ketso ya matla a kantle, e leng hape e leng molemo bakeng sa kaho ya seretse, e bakang momahano o motle le ho sebetsa ha seretse ka nako e le nngwe. Leha ho le joalo, haeba tharollo ea cellulose ether e na le mahloriso a phahameng Ha viscosity e le tlaase 'me viscosity e nyenyane, e tla bontša litšobotsi tsa Newtonian fluid. Ha mahloriso a ntse a eketseha, tharollo e tla bontša butle-butle litšobotsi tsa pseudoplastic fluid, 'me haeba mahloriso a le holimo, pseudoplasticity e tla bonahala haholoanyane.

Nako ea poso: Jun-02-2023
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