Focus on Cellulose ethers

Ke lisebelisoa life tsa ho etsa putty leboteng?

Ke lisebelisoa life tsa ho etsa putty leboteng?

Lisebelisoa tsa ho etsa putty leboteng: 1. Samente e tšoeu: Samente e tšoeu ke motsoako o ka sehloohong oa ho etsa putty leboteng. E sebetsa joalo ka setlamo mme e thusa ho fa putty pheletso e boreleli. 2. Lime: Lime li kenngoa ho putty ho eketsa thepa ea eona ea sekhomaretsi le ho etsa hore e tšoarelle haholoanyane. 3. Gypsum: Gypsum e sebelisetsoa ho etsa hore putty e be tranelate le ho e thusa ho khomarela lebota. 4. Resin: Resin e sebelisetsoa ho etsa hore putty e be e benyang le ho e etsa hore e se ke ea hlola e e-ba le metsi. 5. Li-Fillers: Li-fillers tse kang silica sand, mica, le talc li kenngoa ho putty ho etsa hore e be bonolo haholoanyane le ho e thusa ho ata ka ho lekana. 6. Li-pigments: Li-pigments li kenngoa ho fa putty 'mala o lakatsehang. 7. Li-additives: Li-additives tse kang fungicides le biocides, Cellulose ethers li eketsoa ho putty ho etsa hore e hanane le kholo ea fungal le baktheria. 8. Metsi: Metsi a eketsoa ho putty ho e fa botsitso bo lakatsehang.    Phofo ea putty bakeng sa lebota e lokiselitsoe ho tloha Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) (0.05-10%), bentonite (5-20%), white cemet (5-20%), gypsum powder (5-20%), lime calcium phofo ( 5-20%), phofo ea lejoe la quartz (5-20%), phofo ea wollastonite (30-60%) le phofo ea talc (5-20%).

Nako ea poso: Feb-12-2023
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