Hydroxypropyl methylcelluloseHPMCe fana ka seretse se metsi se nang le viscosity e ntle haholo, e ka eketsang haholo ho khomarela pakeng tsa seretse se metsi le lera la motheo, le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso e khahlanong le ho sisinyeha ha seretse. seretseng. Phello e matla ea cellulose ether e ka boela ea eketsa homogeneity le bokhoni ba ho thibela ho hasana ha thepa e ncha ea samente, ho thibela delamination, karohano le ho tsoa mali ha seretse le konkreite, 'me e ka sebelisoa ka konkreite e matlafalitsoeng ka fiber, konkreite e ka tlas'a metsi le ho iketsetsa. konkreite .
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e eketsa viscosity ea thepa e thehiloeng ho samente ho tloha ho viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether. The viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether hangata e hlahlojoa ke index "viscosity". The viscosity ea cellulose ether ka kakaretso e bolela motsoako o itseng (joaloka 2%) oa tharollo ea cellulose ether mochesong o itseng (joaloka 20°C) le ho kuta Boleng ba viscosity bo lekantsoeng ka sesebelisoa se itseng sa ho lekanya (joaloka viscometer e potolohang) tlas'a boemo ba lebelo (kapa lebelo la ho potoloha, joalo ka 20 rpm).
Viscosity ke parameter ea bohlokoa ho lekola ts'ebetso ea cellulose ether. Ha li-viscosity tsa hydroxypropyl methylcellulose li phahame, li na le viscosity e ntle ea thepa e thehiloeng ho samente, ho khomarela karoloana ho molemo, ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba ho thibela ho senya le ho thibela ho hasana. E matla, empa haeba viscosity ea eona e le kholo haholo, e tla ama metsi le ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tse thehiloeng ho samente (tse kang ho khomarela lithipa tsa plaster nakong ea kaho ea seretse). Ka hona, viscosity ea cellulose ether e sebelisoang ka har'a seretse se omileng se kopantsoeng hangata ke 15,000 ~ 60,000 mPa. S-1, seretse se ikemetseng le konkreite e ikamahanyang e hlokang mokelikeli o phahameng o hloka viscosity e tlase ea cellulose ether.
Ntle le moo, phello e matla ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e eketsa tlhoko ea metsi ea thepa e thehiloeng ho samente, ka hona e eketsa chai ea seretse.
Viscosity ea tharollo ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e ipapisitse le lintlha tse latelang:
Cellulose ether molecular weight (kapa degree of polymerization) le mahloriso, mocheso oa tharollo, sekhahla sa ho kuta, le mekhoa ea liteko.
1. Ha tekanyo ea polymerization ea cellulose ether e phahame, boima ba molek'hule e kholoanyane, 'me e phahamisa viscosity ea tharollo ea eona ea metsi;
2. Ha tekanyo (kapa mahloriso) ea cellulose ether e phahame, e phahamisa viscosity ea tharollo ea eona ea metsi, empa ho lokela ho lebisoa tlhokomelo ho khetha tekanyo e nepahetseng ha u e sebelisa, e le ho qoba tekanyo e feteletseng le ho ama ts'ebetso ea seretse. le konkreite;
3. Joalo ka lino tse ngata, viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether e tla fokotseha ka ho eketseha ha mocheso, 'me ha mocheso oa cellulose ether o phahame, phello e kholo ea mocheso;
4. Litharollo tsa ether ea cellulose hangata ke li-pseudoplastics tse nang le thepa ea ho kuta. Ha sekhahla sa ho kuta nakong ea tlhahlobo se phahame, se theola viscosity.
Ka hona, momahano oa seretse o tla fokotseha ka lebaka la ketso ea matla a ka ntle, e leng molemo ho ho hahoa ha seretse, e le hore seretse se ka ba le ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho sebetsa le ho kopanya ka nako e le 'ngoe. Leha ho le joalo, ha motsoako oa selulose ether tharollo e tlaase haholo 'me viscosity e nyenyane haholo, e tla bontša litšobotsi tsa mokelikeli oa Newtonian. Ha mahloriso a ntse a eketseha, tharollo e tla bontša butle-butle litšoaneleho tsa pseudoplastic fluid, 'me ha mahloriso a phahame, ho hlakile haholoanyane pseudoplasticity.
Nako ea poso: Oct-10-2022