Focus on Cellulose ethers

Karolo ea starch ether ho thepa ea mohaho

Starch ether, joalo ka mofetoleli oa bohlokoa oa lik'hemik'hale, e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho thepa ea mohaho. Ke polymer e fumanoang ka ho fetola lik'hemik'hale starch ea tlhaho, e ka ntlafatsang haholo ts'ebetso ea thepa ea mohaho.

1. Lintho tsa motheo tsa starch ethers
Starch ether ke motsoako oa polymer o se nang ionic, o qhibilihang ka metsing o nang le li-bond tse ngata tsa hydroxyl le ether sebopeho sa limolek'hule. Lihlopha tsena tsa lik'hemik'hale li fa starch ethers ho teteaneng ho hoholo ha metsi, ho boloka metsi, ho tlotsa le thepa ea sekhomaretsi. Ho latela mekhoa e fapaneng ea phetoho ea lik'hemik'hale, li-starch ethers li ka aroloa ka mefuta e fapaneng joalo ka hydroxypropyl starch ether le hydroxyethyl starch ether. Mefuta e fapaneng ea li-starch ethers e na le thepa le lits'ebetso tse fapaneng.

2. Karolo ea starch ether ho thepa ea mohaho
Matla a ho tiea:
Ha starch ether e qhibiliha ka metsing, e ka eketsa haholo viscosity ea tharollo ea metsi, e etsang hore e sebelisoe haholo e le motenya oa thepa ea mohaho. Libaka tsa eona tse ka sehloohong tsa ts'ebeliso li kenyelletsa phofo ea putty, li-coatings le seretse. Ka ho eketsa starch ether, thepa ea mohaho e ka etsoa ho ba le thixotropy e molemo le ho hahoa, le ho qoba ho phalla ho feteletseng kapa ho rarolla thepa nakong ea kaho.

Tšusumetso ea ho boloka metsi:
Ether ea starch e na le thepa e ntle ea ho boloka metsi 'me e khona ho boloka mongobo ka thepa ea mohaho. Sena ke sa bohlokoa ka ho khetheha bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse thehiloeng ho samente, hobane karabelo ea hydration ea samente e hloka tekanyo e itseng ea tšehetso ea mongobo. Ka ho eketsa starch ether, lebelo la ho mouoane ha metsi le ka fokotsoa butle ’me samente e ka tšeloa metsi ka ho feletseng, kahoo ea ntlafatsa matla le ho tšoarella ha thepa ea mohaho.

Starch ether e boetse e na le phello e ntle ea lubrication ho thepa ea moaho mme e ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea kaho ea thepa. Haholo-holo nakong ea kaho, starch ether e ka fokotsa khohlano lipakeng tsa thepa le lisebelisoa tsa kaho, ea etsa hore kaho e be bonolo le ho ntlafatsa katleho ea kaho.

Mosebetsi oa Bonding:
Joaloka polymer e phahameng ea molek'hule, starch ether e boetse e na le thepa e itseng ea tlamahano 'me e ka matlafatsa matla a tlamahano a thepa ea mohaho. Ka mor'a ho eketsa ether ea starch, matla a ka hare a tlamahano le ho khomarela ka ntle ho thepa e tla ntlafatsoa, ​​ka hona ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea kakaretso ea thepa ea mohaho.

3. Ho sebelisoa ha starch ether linthong tse khethehileng tsa mohaho
Putty phofo:
Ho eketsa starch ether ho putty powder ho ka ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso ea eona ea kaho le boreleli ba bokaholimo. Litlamorao tse matla le tse bolokang metsi tsa starch ether li etsa hore phofo ea putty e se ke ea sisinyeha kapa ea petsoha nakong ea kaho, ho netefatsa boleng ba kaho.

Sekhomaretsi sa lithaele:
Sekhomaretsi sa lithaele se hloka ho ba le sekhomaretsi se setle le ts'ebetso ea kaho. Ho eketsoa ha starch ether ho ka ntlafatsa viscosity le ho boloka metsi a sekhomaretsi sa lithaele, ho etsa hore ho be bonolo nakong ea kaho le ho khona ho tiisa lithaele ka thata.

Dry mix seretse:
Ho kenya seretse sa starch ho seretse se tsoakiloeng ho ka ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ho sag le ho boloka metsi a seretse, le ho matlafatsa matla a eona a tlamahano le ho tšoarella. Sena se bohlokoa haholo bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse joalo ka litsamaiso tsa ka ntle tsa marako le lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa fatše.

ho roala:
Ho sebelisoa ha starch ether ka liphahlo ke haholo-holo e le moemeli o teteaneng le o bolokang metsi ho ntlafatsa rheology le ho sebetsa ha liphahlo le ho etsa hore seaparo se be se setle le se setle. Ka nako e ts'oanang, starch ether e ka boela ea ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea anti-sag ea ho roala le ho thibela ho roala ho tloha nakong ea ho haha.

4. Melemo ea starch ether
Tšireletso ea tikoloho:
Li-starch ethers li nkiloe ho setache sa tlhaho, li ka nchafatsoa, ​​li ka senyeha, 'me ha li na tikoloho. Sena se fana ka tšebeliso ea starch ether ka thepa ea mohaho melemo e totobetseng ea tikoloho le ho finyella litlhoko tsa mehaho e tala.

Starch ether ha e na chefo ebile ha e kotsi ebile e ke ke ea ba le phello e mpe bophelong ba motho. Ts'ebetso ea eona ea kopo e bolokehile ebile e ka tšeptjoa, 'me e loketse libaka tse fapaneng tsa kaho.

Ha ho bapisoa le liphetoho tse ling tsa lik'hemik'hale, starch ether e na le mefuta e mengata ea lihlahisoa tse tala 'me theko ea eona e batla e le tlaase. Kopo ea eona e ke ke ea ntlafatsa feela ts'ebetso ea thepa ea mohaho, empa hape e fokotsa litšenyehelo ka kakaretso le ho ntlafatsa melemo ea moruo.

5. Mekhoa ea ntlafatso ea nako e tlang
Ha mehopolo ea moaho o motala le nts'etsopele e tsitsitseng e ntse e tsoela pele ho teba, li-starch ethers li na le tebello e pharaletseng ea ts'ebeliso ea thepa ea moaho. Nakong e tlang, ka tsoelo-pele ea saense le theknoloji, likarolo tsa ts'ebetso le ts'ebeliso ea starch ether li tla atolosoa ho ea pele. Mohlala, ka ho tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa sebopeho sa limolek'hule tsa starch ethers, ho ka ntlafatsoa li-modifiers tse sebetsang hantle ho fihlela litlhoko tsa thepa e fapaneng ea moaho. Ho feta moo, ts'ebeliso ea li-starch ethers ka thepa e bohlale ea moaho le thepa ea moaho e sebetsang le eona e tla fetoha sebaka sa lipatlisiso, se tlisang boqapi bo bongata le nts'etsopele indastering ea kaho.

Joalo ka mokhoa oa bohlokoa oa ho fetola thepa ea moaho, starch ether e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho thepa ea moaho ka lebaka la botenya bo botle ba eona, ho boloka metsi, ho tlotsa le ho kopanya thepa. Ka tsoelo-pele e tsoelang pele ea theknoloji, tšebeliso ea starch ether e tla ba e pharaletseng haholoanyane, e thusang indasteri ea kaho ho finyella tsoelo-pele e tsitsitseng.

Nako ea poso: Jul-17-2024
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