Focus on Cellulose ethers

Karolo ea p-hydroxypropyl starch ether ka seretseng

Starch ether ke lentsoe le akaretsang bakeng sa sehlopha sa li-starch tse fetotsoeng tse nang le li-bond tsa ether ka molek'hule, tse tsejoang hape e le starch ea etherified, e sebelisoang haholo meriana, lijo, masela, ho etsa pampiri, lik'hemik'hale tsa letsatsi le letsatsi, peterole le liindasteri tse ling. Kajeno re hlalosa haholo-holo karolo ea starch ether ka seretse:

1) Thibela seretse, eketsa anti-sagging, anti-sagging le thepa ea rheological ea seretse.

Mohlala, kahong ea sekhomaretsi sa lithaele, putty, le seretse sa plaster, haholo joale kaha ho fafatsa ka mochini ho hloka metsi a mangata, joalo ka seretse se thehiloeng ho gypsum, ho bohlokoa haholo (gypsum e fafalitsoeng ka mochini e hloka metsi a mangata empa e tla baka ho putlama ho hoholo. , starch Ether e ka etsa hore ho be le khaello ena). Ke hore, ha matla a ka ntle a sebelisoa, viscosity e fokotseha, e ntlafatsa ho sebetsa le ho pompa, 'me ha matla a ka ntle a tlosoa, viscosity ea eketseha, ho ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ho fokotseha. Bakeng sa mokhoa oa hona joale oa ho eketsa sebaka sa lithaele, ho eketsa starch ether ho ka ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ho thella ha sekhomaretsi sa lithaele.

2) Lihora tsa ho bula tse atolositsoeng

Bakeng sa li-adhesives tsa lithaele, e ka finyella litlhoko tsa li-adhesives tse khethehileng tsa lithaele (Sehlopha sa E, 20min e atolositsoeng ho 30min ho fihlela 0.5MPa) e eketsang nako ea ho bula. Starch ether e ka etsa hore bokaholimo ba seretse sa gypsum le seretse sa samente bo be boreleli, bo be bonolo ho sebelisoa, 'me bo na le phello e ntle ea mokhabiso. E bohlokoa haholo bakeng sa ho pola seretse le seretse se tšesaane se khabisitsoeng joalo ka putty.

1. Starch ether e ka ntlafatsa ka katleho thepa ea seretse se khahlanong le sag le anti-slip

Cellulose ether hangata e ka ntlafatsa viscosity le ho boloka metsi a sistimi empa e ke ke ea ntlafatsa thepa ea anti-sagging le anti-slip.

2. Thickening le viscosity

Ka kakaretso, viscosity ea cellulose ether e ka bang mashome a likete, ha viscosity ea starch ether e le makholo a 'maloa ho isa ho likete tse' maloa, empa sena ha se bolele hore thepa e teteaneng ea starch ether ho seretse ha e ntle joaloka ea cellulose ether, 'me mochine o teteaneng oa bobeli o fapane.

3. Ts'ebetso e khahlanong le ho thella

Ha li bapisoa le li-cellulose ethers, li-starch ethers li ka eketsa haholo boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa pele tsa li-adhesive tsa lithaele, kahoo li ntlafatsa thepa ea tsona e khahlanong le ho thella.

4. Ho kenya moea

Cellulose ether e na le thepa e matla ea ho kenya moea, ha starch ether e se na thepa ea ho kenya moea.

Nako ea poso: Apr-04-2023
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