Focus on Cellulose ethers

Karolo ea hydroxypropyl starch ether ka seretseng

Karolo ea hydroxypropyl starch ether ka seretseng

Ak'haonte ea sechaba ea WeChat e lula e sutumelletsa litaba tse ngata tsa boleng bo holimo joalo ka boiphihlelo ba tekheniki, litheko tsa thepa e tala ea cellulose, mekhoa ea 'maraka, litheolelo, joalo-joalo,' me e fana ka lingoliloeng tsa profeshenale ka putty powder, seretse le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa kaho tsa lik'hemik'hale! Re latele!

Selelekela ho Starch Ether

Litache tse tloaelehileng le tse sebelisoang haholo ke litapole, tapioca starch, corn starch, koro starch le cereal starch e nang le mafura a mangata le protheine. Litache tsa lijalo tse kang litapole le tapioca starch li hloekile haholoanyane.

Starch ke motsoako oa polysaccharide macromolecular o entsoeng ka tsoekere. Ho na le mefuta e 'meli ea limolek'hule, linear le branched, tse bitsoang amylose (litaba tsa 20%) le amylopectin (litaba tse ka bang 80%). E le ho ntlafatsa thepa ea tšebeliso ea starch ka thepa ea mohaho, e ka fetoloa ka mekhoa ea 'mele le ea lik'hemik'hale ho etsa hore thepa ea eona e be e loketseng litlhoko tsa thepa ea mohaho bakeng sa merero e fapaneng. Hydroxypropyl starch ether

Karolo ea starch ether ka seretse

Bakeng sa mokhoa oa hona joale oa ho eketsa sebaka sa lithaele, ho eketsa starch ether ho ka ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ho thella ha sekhomaretsi sa lithaele.

lihora tse atolositsoeng tsa ho bula

Bakeng sa li-adhesives tsa lithaele, e ka finyella litlhoko tsa li-adhesives tse khethehileng tsa lithaele (Sehlopha sa E, 20min e atolositsoeng ho 30min ho fihlela 0.5MPa) e eketsang nako ea ho bula.

Lintho tse ntlafetseng tsa bokaholimo

Starch ether e ka etsa hore bokaholimo ba seretse sa gypsum le seretse sa samente bo be boreleli, bo be bonolo ho sebelisoa, 'me bo na le phello e ntle ea mokhabiso. E bohlokoa haholo bakeng sa ho pola seretse le seretse se tšesaane se khabisitsoeng joalo ka putty.

Mokhoa oa ts'ebetso ea starch ether

Ha starch ether e qhibiliha ka metsing, e tla qhalakanngoa ka ho lekana tsamaisong ea seretse sa samente. Kaha molek'hule ea starch ether e na le sebopeho sa marang-rang 'me e qosoa hampe, e tla monya likaroloana tsa samente tse nang le thepa e ntle' me e sebetse e le borokho ba phetoho ho hokahanya samente, kahoo e fane ka boleng bo boholo ba lihlahisoa tsa slurry bo ka ntlafatsa anti-sag kapa anti- sephetho sa ho thella.

Phapang pakeng tsa starch ether le cellulose ether

(1) Starch ether e ka ntlafatsa ka katleho ts'ebetso ea seretse se khahlanong le sag le anti-slip, athe cellulose ether hangata e ka ntlafatsa viscosity le ho boloka metsi a sistimi empa e sitoa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea anti-sag le anti-slip.

(2) botenya le viscosity

Ka kakaretso, viscosity ea cellulose ether e ka bang mashome a likete, ha viscosity ea starch ether e le makholo a 'maloa ho isa ho likete tse' maloa, empa sena ha se bolele hore thepa e teteaneng ea starch ether ho seretse ha e ntle joaloka ea cellulose ether, 'me mochine o teteaneng oa bobeli o fapane.

(3) Ha ho bapisoa le selulose, starch ether e ka eketsa haholo boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa pele tsa sekhomaretsi sa lithaele, kahoo e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea anti-slip.

(4) Ho kenella moeeng

Cellulose ether e na le thepa e matla ea ho kenya moea, ha starch ether e se na thepa ea ho kenya moea.

(5) Cellulose ether sebopeho sa molek'hule

Leha ka bobeli starch le cellulose li entsoe ka limolek'hule tsa tsoekere, mekhoa ea tsona ea sebopeho e fapane. Limolek'hule tsohle tsa tsoekere tse ho starch li hlophisitsoe ka nqa e le 'ngoe, athe cellulose eona e fapane. E 'ngoe le e' ngoe e bapileng le Boemo ba limolek'hule tsa tsoekere bo fapane, 'me phapang ena ea sebopeho e boetse e etsa qeto ea phapang ea thepa ea selulose le starch.

Qetello: Ha cellulose ether le starch ether li sebelisoa hammoho, phello e ntle ea synergistic e ka etsahala. Liteko li pakile hore ho sebelisa starch ether ho nka sebaka sa 20% -30% ea selulose ether ka seretse ho ke ke ha fokotsa matla a ho boloka metsi a sistimi ea seretse, 'me e ka ntlafatsa ka katleho matla a anti-sag le a anti-slip.

Nako ea poso: Apr-27-2023
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