Focus on Cellulose ethers

Mesebetsi ea Rheology ea Starch Ether ka Seretse se Secha

Mesebetsi ea Rheology ea Starch Ether ka Seretse se Secha

Starch ether ke tlatsetso e sebelisoang haholo seretseng se secha se fanang ka mesebetsi e fapaneng ea rheology ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso ea eona. Mesebetsi ea rheology ea starch ether ka seretse se secha e ka hlalosoa ka tsela e latelang:

  1. Ho boloka metsi: Starch ether e ka ntlafatsa ho boloka metsi a seretse se secha ka ho eketsa viscosity ea eona. Ha starch ether e kenngoa seretseng se secha, e etsa ntho e teteaneng e kang gel e tšoasang metsi le ho thibela hore a se ke a fetoha mouoane ka potlako. Sena se thusa ho boloka ho sebetsa ha seretse nako e telele, e leng sa bohlokoa ka ho khetheha maemong a chesang le a omileng.
  2. Ho teteana: Starch ether e ka tenya seretse se secha ka ho eketsa viscosity ea eona. Sena se ka thusa ho ntlafatsa momahano le ho tsitsisa ha seretse, ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho sebetsa le ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho arohana kapa ho tsoa mali. Starch ether e finyella sena ka ho etsa marang-rang a limolek'hule tse eketsang ho hanyetsa ho phalla, ho fella ka motsoako o motenya le o tsitsitseng haholoanyane.
  3. Anti-sagging: Starch ether e ka boela ea thibela seretse se secha ho thella kapa ho thella ka ho eketsa khatello ea tlhahiso ea eona. Khatello ea lihlahisoa ke boholo ba khatello ea kelello e hlokahalang ho qala ho phalla ha thepa. Ka ho eketsa khatello ea lihlahisoa tsa seretse se secha, starch ether e ka thibela ho phalla kapa ho theoha tlas'a boima ba eona, ho ntlafatsa botsitso ba kakaretso le ho sebetsa ha motsoako.
  4. Khokahano e ntlafetseng: Starch ether e ka ntlafatsa momahano oa seretse se secha ka ho eketsa viscosity ea eona ea polasetiki. Plastic viscosity ke ho hanyetsa deformation kapa phallo ea thepa tlas'a khatello ea kamehla. Ka ho eketsa viscosity ea polasetiki ea seretse se secha, starch ether e ka ntlafatsa bokhoni ba eona ba ho tšoara hammoho le ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho arohana kapa ho tsoa mali.

Ka kakaretso, mesebetsi ea rheology ea starch ether ka seretse se secha ke ho boloka metsi, ho teteaneng, ho thibela ho fokotseha, le ho ntlafatsa momahano. Starch ether e finyella mesebetsi ena ka ho eketsa viscosity, khatello ea lihlahisoa, viscosity ea polasetiki, le ho kopana ha seretse se secha. Ka ho fana ka mesebetsi ena, starch ether e ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso ea seretse se secha, ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho sebelisa le ho fokotsa kotsi ea bokooa kapa ho hlōleha nakong ea kaho.

Nako ea poso: Apr-15-2023
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