Focus on Cellulose ethers

Tšusumetso ea Bohlokoa ea "Thickener" ho Tšebetso ea Cellulose Ether ka Mortars

Tšusumetso ea Bohlokoa ea "Thickener" ho Tšebetso ea Cellulose Ether ka Mortars

Cellulose ether ke tlatsetso e sebelisoang hangata liretseng, e leng mofuta oa thepa ea moaho e sebelisoang kahong. E sebelisoa ho ntlafatsa thepa ea seretse, ho kenyelletsa le ho sebetsa ha eona, ho khomarela le ho tšoarella. Ntho e 'ngoe ea bohlokoa e amang ts'ebetso ea cellulose ether ka seretse ke khetho ea thickener. Sehloohong sena, re tla tšohla tšusumetso ea bohlokoa ea "thickener" ts'ebetsong ea cellulose ether ka seretse.

Thickener ke mofuta oa tlatsetso e sebelisetsoang ho eketsa viscosity ea mokelikeli. Hangata e eketsoa ho cellulose ether ka seretse ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea eona. Khetho ea "thickener" e ka ba le tšusumetso e kholo ho thepa ea seretse, ho kenyelletsa le ho sebetsa ha eona, ho boloka metsi, le ho hanyetsa ho sag.

E 'ngoe ea li-thickeners tse sebelisoang hangata ka har'a seretse sa cellulose ether ke hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC). HEC ke polima e qhibilihang ka metsing e tsebahalang ka ho teteana ha eona le ho boloka metsi. E boetse e tsejoa ka bokhoni ba eona ba ho ntlafatsa ho sebetsa ha seretse, e leng se etsang hore ho be bonolo ho se sebelisa le ho bopa.

Ntho e 'ngoe e atisang ho sebelisoa ka har'a seretse sa cellulose ether ke methyl cellulose (MC). MC ke polima e qhibilihang ka metsing e tsebahalang ka ho tenya le ho boloka metsi. E boetse e tsejoa ka bokhoni ba eona ba ho ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ha seretse, e thusang ho e thibela ho thella kapa ho thella holim'a libaka tse emeng.

Khetho ea thickener e ka boela ea ama nako ea ho beha seretse. Li-thickeners tse ling, tse kang MC, li ka potlakisa nako ea ho beha seretse, ha tse ling, tse kang HEC, li ka li fokotsa. Sena e ka ba taba ea bohlokoa mererong ea kaho moo ho hlokahalang hore nako e behiloeng e laoloe ka hloko.

Palo ea seretse se teteaneng e ka boela ea ba le tšusumetso ho thepa ea seretse. Ho tenya haholo ho ka etsa hore seretse se be mahlahahlaha haholo 'me ho be thata ho sebetsa ka sona, ha seretse se senyenyane haholo se ka etsa hore seretse se be sesesane haholo le se tloaetseng ho sisinyeha kapa ho thella.

Ho phaella ho HEC le MC, ho na le tse ling tse 'maloa tse teteaneng tse ka sebelisoang ka seretseng sa cellulose ether, ho akarelletsa le carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) le hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC). Thickener e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e na le thepa ea eona e ikhethang 'me e ka sebelisoa ho finyella litšobotsi tse itseng tsa ts'ebetso ka seretse.

Ka kakaretso, khetho ea "thickener" e ka ba le tšusumetso e kholo ts'ebetsong ea cellulose ether ka seretse. Thepa ea "thickener" e kenyelletsang matla a eona a ho teteaneng, ho boloka metsi, ho hanyetsa ho sisinyeha, le phello ea nako ea ho beha, e lokela ho nahanoa ka hloko ha ho khethoa mochini o teteaneng bakeng sa ho sebelisoa liretseng. Ka ho khetha mochini o teteaneng o nepahetseng le ho o sebelisa ka tekanyo e nepahetseng, lihahi le litsebi tsa kaho li ka etsa bonnete ba hore seretse sa bona se sebetsa hantle le ho finyella litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa morero oa bona oa kaho.

Nako ea poso: Apr-23-2023
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