Focus on Cellulose ethers

Ho lokisoa ha Hydrogel Microspheres ho tloha Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose

Ho lokisoa ha Hydrogel Microspheres ho tloha Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose

Teko ena e sebelisa mokhoa oa reverse phase suspension polymerization, o sebelisa hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) e le lisebelisoa tse tala, tharollo ea sodium hydroxide e le karolo ea metsi, cyclohexane joalo ka karolo ea oli, le divinyl sulfone (DVS) joalo ka Motsoako o kopanyang oa Tween- 20 le Span-60 e le dispersant, e susumetsang ka lebelo la 400-900r / min ho lokisetsa hydrogel microspheres.

Mantsoe a bohlokoa: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; hydrogel; microspheres; qhalakanya



1.1 Tlhaloso ea hydrogel

Hydrogel (Hydrogel) ke mofuta oa polymer e phahameng ea molek'hule e nang le metsi a mangata ka har'a marang-rang mme ha e qhibilihe ka metsing. Karolo ea lihlopha tsa hydrophobic le mesaletsa ea hydrophilic e kenngoa ka har'a polymer e qhibilihang ka metsing e nang le marang-rang a marang-rang a marang-rang, le hydrophilic Masala a tlama limolek'hule tsa metsi, a kopanya limolek'hule tsa metsi ka har'a marang-rang, ha masala a hydrophobic a ruruha ka metsi ho theha sefapano. - li-polymers tse kopantsoeng. Li-jellies le lilense tsa ho kopana bophelong ba letsatsi le leng le le leng ke lihlahisoa tsa hydrogel. Ho ea ka boholo le sebōpeho sa hydrogel, e ka aroloa ka gel e macroscopic le gel microscopic (microsphere), 'me ea pele e ka aroloa ka columnar, porous sponge, fibrous, membranous, spherical, joalo-joalo The microspheres e lokiselitsoeng hona joale le nanoscale microspheres. li na le bonolo bo botle, elasticity, bokhoni ba polokelo ea metsi le biocompatibility, 'me li sebelisoa lipatlisisong tsa lithethefatsi tse kentsoeng.

1.2 Bohlokoa ba khetho ea sehlooho

Lilemong tsa morao tjena, molemong oa ho fihlela litlhoko tsa ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, lisebelisoa tsa polymer hydrogel butle-butle li hohetse tlhokomelo e atileng ka lebaka la thepa ea tsona e ntle ea hydrophilic le biocompatibility. Li-microspheres tsa Hydrogel li ile tsa lokisoa ho tsoa ho hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e le lisebelisoa tse tala tekong ena. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose ke non-ionic cellulose ether, phofo e tšoeu, e sa nkhang hamonate ebile ha e latsoehe, 'me e na le litšobotsi tse ke keng tsa nkeloa sebaka tsa lisebelisoa tse ling tsa polymer, kahoo e na le boleng bo phahameng ba lipatlisiso tšimong ea polymer.

1.3 Boemo ba nts'etsopele lapeng le kantle ho naha

Hydrogel ke mofuta oa litekanyetso tsa meriana o hohetseng tlhokomelo e ngata sechabeng sa machaba sa bongaka lilemong tsa morao tjena mme o holile ka potlako. Ho tloha ha Wichterle le Lim ba phatlalatsa mosebetsi oa bona oa bopula-maliboho holim'a li-hydrogel tse amanang le HEMA ka 1960, lipatlisiso le ho hlahloba li-hydrogel li ntse li tsoela pele ho teba. Bohareng ba lilemo tsa bo-1970, Tanaka o ile a sibolla li-hydrogel tse utloang pH ha a ne a lekanya tekanyo ea ho ruruha ea li-gel tsa acrylamide tsa khale, a tšoaea mohato o mocha boithutong ba li-hydrogel. naha ea heso e mothating oa ntlafatso ea hydrogel. Ka lebaka la ts'ebetso e pharaletseng ea ho lokisetsa meriana ea setso ea Sechaena le likarolo tse rarahaneng, ho thata ho ntša sehlahisoa se le seng se hloekileng ha likarolo tse ngata li sebetsa hammoho, 'me tekanyo e kholo, kahoo nts'etsopele ea meriana ea Sechaena ea hydrogel e ka' na ea lieha.

1.4 Lisebelisoa le melao-motheo ea liteko

1.4.1 Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), e nkiloeng ho methyl cellulose, ke ether ea bohlokoa e tsoakiloeng, eo e leng ea li-polymers tse qhibilihang metsing tse se nang ionic, 'me ha e na monko, ha e latsoehe ebile ha e na chefo.

HPMC ea indasteri e ka sebopeho sa phofo e tšoeu kapa fiber e tšoeu e hlephileng, 'me tharollo ea eona ea metsi e na le ts'ebetso ea bokaholimo, pepeneneng e phahameng le ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng. Hobane HPMC e na le thepa ea gelation ea mocheso, sehlahisoa sa metsi a metsi se futhumatsoa ho theha gel le precipitates, ebe e qhibiliha ka mor'a ho pholile, 'me mocheso oa gelation oa litlhaloso tse fapaneng tsa sehlahisoa o fapane. Thepa ea litlhaloso tse fapaneng tsa HPMC le tsona li fapane. The solubility e fetoha le viscosity mme ha e amehe ke boleng ba pH. The viscosity e ka tlaase, e kholoanyane ea ho qhibiliha. Ha litaba tsa sehlopha sa methoxyl li fokotseha, ntlha ea gel ea HPMC ea eketseha, ho qhibiliha ha metsi hoa fokotseha, 'me mosebetsi oa holim'a metsi oa fokotseha. Indastering ea biomedical, e sebelisoa haholo-holo e le lisebelisoa tsa polymer tse laolang sekhahla bakeng sa thepa ea ho roala, lisebelisoa tsa lifilimi le litokisetso tsa tokollo e tsitsitseng. E ka boela ea sebelisoa e le stabilizer, moemeli ea emisang, sekhomaretsi sa letlapa, le sentlafatso sa viscosity.

1.4.2 Molao-motheo

U sebelisa mokhoa oa reverse susspension polymerization, ho sebelisa Tween-20, Span-60 compound dispersant le Tween-20 e le dispersants tse arohaneng, fumana boleng ba HLB (surfactant ke amphiphile e nang le sehlopha sa hydrophilic le sehlopha sa lipophilic molek'hule, boholo ba boholo le matla. ho leka-lekana pakeng tsa sehlopha sa hydrophilic le sehlopha sa lipophilic ka molek'hule ea surfactant e hlalosoa e le palo e lekantsoeng ea boleng ba tekanyo ea hydrophilic-lipophilic ea Cyclohexane e sebelisoa e le karolo ea oli ea Cyclohexane e ka qhalakanya tharollo ea monoma hantle tekong ka ho tsoelang pele Tekanyetso ke makhetlo a 1-5 ea tharollo ea metsi a monoma Ka motsoako oa 99% oa divinyl sulfone e le moemeli oa ho kopanya, 'me palo ea li-cross-linking e laoloa hoo e ka bang 10% ea. boima bo ommeng ba selulose, hoo limolek'hule tse melang tse ngata li hokahantsoeng ho tse ling 'me li hokahane ka har'a sebopeho sa marang-rang.

Ho hlohlelletsa ho bohlokoa haholo tekong ena, 'me lebelo ka kakaretso le laoloa ka gear ea boraro kapa ea bone. Hobane boholo ba lebelo la ho potoloha bo ama ka ho toba boholo ba li-microspheres. Ha lebelo la ho potoloha le le leholo ho feta 980r / min, ho tla ba le ts'ebetso e tebileng ea ho khomarela lebota, e tla fokotsa haholo lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa; Moemeli oa li-cross-link o atisa ho hlahisa li-gel tse ngata, 'me lihlahisoa tse chitja li ke ke tsa fumanoa.


2. Lisebelisoa le mekhoa ea liteko

2.1 Lisebelisoa tsa Teko

Tekanyo ea elektronike, mochini oa motlakase o sebetsang ka bongata, microscope ea polarizing, analyzer ea boholo ba karolo ea Malvern.

Ho lokisa cellulose hydrogel microspheres, lik'hemik'hale tse ka sehloohong tse sebelisoang ke cyclohexane, Tween-20, Span-60, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, divinyl sulfone, sodium hydroxide, metsi a distilled, tseo kaofela ha tsona Monomers le li-additives li sebelisoang ka ho toba ntle le phekolo.

2.2 Ho lokisetsa mehato ea cellulose hydrogel microspheres

2.2.1 Ho sebelisa Pakeng tsa 20 joalo ka dispersant

Ho felisoa ha hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Ka nepo, lekanya 2g ea sodium hydroxide 'me u lokise tharollo ea 2% ea sodium hydroxide ka botlolo ea volumetric ea 100ml. Nka 80ml ea tharollo e lokisitsoeng ea sodium hydroxide 'me ue chese ka bateng ea metsi ho isa ho 50°C, lekanya 0.2g ea selulose 'me u e kenye ka tharollo ea alkaline, e tsose ka molamu oa khalase, e behe metsing a batang bakeng sa ho hlatsoa leqhoa,' me ue sebelise e le karolo ea metsi ka mor'a hore tharollo e hlakisoe. Sebelisa cylinder e fumaneng mangolo ho lekanya 120ml ea cyclohexane (mohato oa oli) ka har'a botlolo e nang le melamo e meraro, hula 5ml ea Tween-20 karolong ea oli ka sering, 'me u tsose ka 700r / min bakeng sa hora e le' ngoe. Nka halofo ea karolo e lokiselitsoeng ea metsi 'me u e kenye ka botlolong ea melamo e meraro' me u hlohlelletse lihora tse tharo. Motsoako oa divinyl sulfone ke 99%, o hlapollotsoe ho 1% ka metsi a hloekisitsoeng. Sebelisa pipette ho nka 0.5ml ea DVS ka har'a 50ml volumetric flask ho lokisa 1% DVS, 1ml ea DVS e lekana le 0.01g. Sebelisa pipette ho nka 1ml ka har'a botlolo ea melala e meraro. Hlohlelletsa mocheso oa kamore ka lihora tse 22.

2.2.2 Ho sebelisa span60 le Tween-20 joalo ka li- dispersants

Halofo e 'ngoe ea karolo ea metsi e sa tsoa lokisoa. Beha boima ba 0.01gspan60 'me u e kenye ka har'a tube ea teko, e chese ka bateng ea metsi ea likhato tse 65 ho fihlela e qhibiliha, ebe u lahlela marotholi a seng makae a cyclohexane ka har'a bateng ea metsi ka dropper ea rabara,' me ue chese ho fihlela tharollo e fetoha e tšoeu ea lebese. E kenye ka botlolo ea melala e meraro, ebe u eketsa 120ml ea cyclohexane, hlatsoa tube ea teko ka cyclohexane ka makhetlo a 'maloa, mocheso oa 5min, o pholile ho fihlela mocheso oa kamore, ebe o eketsa 0.5ml ea Tween-20. Kamora ho hlohlelletsa lihora tse tharo, 1ml ea DVS e hlapolotsoeng e ile ea eketsoa. Hlohlelletsa mocheso oa kamore ka lihora tse 22.

2.2.3 Liphetho tsa liteko

Sampole e hlohlelitsoeng e ile ea qoelisoa ka molamu oa khalase 'me ea qhibiliha ka 50ml ea ethanol e feletseng,' me boholo ba karoloana bo ne bo lekanngoa tlas'a Malvern particle sizeer. Ho sebelisa Tween-20 e le dispersant microemulsion ke e teteaneng, 'me tekanyo e lekantsoeng ea karoloana ea 87.1% ke 455.2d.nm,' me boholo ba karolo ea 12,9% ke 5026d.nm. Microemulsion ea Tween-20 le Span-60 e tsoakiloeng dispersant e tšoana le lebese, ka 81.7% ea boholo ba likaroloana tsa 5421d.nm le 18.3% ea boholo ba karolo ea 180.1d.nm.


3. Puisano ea liphetho tsa liteko

Bakeng sa emulsifier bakeng sa ho lokisa inverse microemulsion, hangata ho molemo ho sebelisa motsoako oa hydrophilic surfactant le lipophilic surfactant. Sena se bakoa ke hore ho qhibiliha ha surfactant e le 'ngoe tsamaisong ho tlaase. Ka mor'a hore tse peli li kopanngoe, lihlopha tse ling tsa hydrophilic le lihlopha tsa lipophilic li sebelisana hammoho ho ba le phello ea solubilizing. Boleng ba HLB hape ke index e sebelisoang hangata ha ho khethoa li-emulsifiers. Ka ho lokisa boleng ba HLB, karo-karolelano ea emulsifier ea likarolo tse peli e ka ntlafatsoa, ​​'me ho ka lokisoa li-microsphere tse ngata tse tšoanang. Tekong ena, lipophilic tse fokolang Span-60 (HLB = 4.7) le hydrophilic Tween-20 (HLB = 16.7) li ne li sebelisoa e le dispersant, 'me Span-20 e ne e sebelisoa e le mong e le dispersant. Ho tsoa liphellong tsa liteko, ho ka bonoa hore motsoako Phello e molemo ho feta dispersant e le 'ngoe. The microemulsion ea motsoako oa dispersant e batla e tšoana 'me e na le ts'ebetso e kang ea lebese; microemulsion e sebelisang dispersant e le 'ngoe e na le viscosity e phahameng haholo le likaroloana tse tšoeu. Tlhōrō e nyenyane e hlaha tlas'a motsoako oa lik'hemik'hale oa Tween-20 le Span-60. Lebaka le ka 'nang la etsahala ke hore tsitsipano ea lifahleho tsa tsamaiso ea metsoako ea Span-60 le Tween-20 e phahame,' me dispersant ka boeona e robehile tlas'a matla a phahameng a susumetsang ho theha Likarolo tse ntle li tla ama liphello tsa liteko. Bothata ba dispersant Tween-20 ke hore e na le palo e kholo ea liketane tsa polyoxyethylene (n = 20 kapa ho feta), e leng se etsang hore tšitiso ea steric pakeng tsa limolek'hule tsa surfactant e be kholoanyane 'me ho thata ho ba thata ho sebopeho. Ho latela motsoako oa litšoantšo tsa boholo ba likaroloana, likaroloana tse tšoeu tse ka hare e ka 'na ea e-ba selulose e sa qhalang. Ka hona, liphetho tsa teko ena li fana ka maikutlo a hore phello ea ho sebelisa dispersant ea metsoako e molemo, 'me teko e ka fokotsa ka ho eketsehileng palo ea Tween-20 ho etsa hore li-microspheres tse lokiselitsoeng li tšoane haholo.

Ntle le moo, liphoso tse ling ts'ebetsong ea ts'ebetso ea liteko li lokela ho fokotsoa, ​​joalo ka ho lokisoa ha sodium hydroxide ts'ebetsong ea ho qhibiliha ha HPMC, ho hlapolloa ha DVS, joalo-joalo, ho lokela ho ts'oaroa ka hohle kamoo ho ka khonehang ho fokotsa liphoso tsa liteko. Ntho ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ke palo ea dispersant, lebelo le matla a ho sisinyeha, le palo ea li-cross-linking agent. Ke feela ha ho laoloe ka nepo moo li-microspheres tsa hydrogel tse nang le phallo e ntle le boholo ba likaroloana tse lekanang li ka lokisoa.

Nako ea poso: Mar-21-2023
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