Focus on Cellulose ethers


  • Methyl cellulose

    Methyl cellulose Methyl cellulose (MC) ke mofuta oa cellulose ether e tsoang ho cellulose, polima ea tlhaho e fumanehang maboteng a lisele tsa limela. E hlahisoa ka ho hlahisa lihlopha tsa methyl ka har'a sebopeho sa cellulose ka mokhoa oa ho fetola lik'hemik'hale. Methyl cellulose e bohlokoa bakeng sa ...
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  • Phetoho le Sebopeho sa Hydroxyethyl Cellulose

    Conformation le Sebopeho sa Hydroxyethyl Cellulose Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC) ke ether e fetotsoeng ea cellulose e nkiloeng ho cellulose ka karabelo ea lik'hemik'hale e kenyang lihlopha tsa hydroxyethyl ka har'a sebopeho sa cellulose. Sebopeho le sebopeho sa HEC li susumetsoa ke ...
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  • Cellulose Ether ka Coating

    Cellulose Ether in the Coating Cellulose ethers e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho roala, e kenya letsoho ho thepa le mesebetsi e fapaneng e ntlafatsang ts'ebetso ea litlolo tsa ho roala. Mona ke litsela tse 'maloa tseo li-cellulose ethers li sebelisoang ka tsona ho koahela: Taolo ea Viscosity: Cellulose...
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  • Li-cellulose ethers li susumetsa ho boloka metsi

    Li-cellulose ethers li susumetsa ho boloka metsi Li-cellulose ethers li bapala karolo e kholo ho susumetsa ho bolokoa ha metsi lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, haholo-holo lisebelisoa tsa kaho. Thepa ea ho boloka metsi ea cellulose ethers e kenya letsoho ntlafatsong ea ts'ebetso, nako e telele ea ho omisa, le ...
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  • Cellulose ether Definition & Meaning

    Cellulose ether Definition & Meaning Cellulose ether e bolela sehlopha sa metsoako ea lik'hemik'hale e nkiloeng ho cellulose, polymer ea tlhaho e fumanoang marakong a lisele tsa limela. Lik'hemik'hale tsena li hlahisoa ka letoto la liphetoho tsa lik'hemik'hale tsa cellulose, tse kenyelletsang ho hlahisa va ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Cellulose Ethers (MC, HEC, HPMC, CMC, PAC)

    Cellulose Ethers (MC, HEC, HPMC, CMC, PAC) Cellulose ethers, ho akarelletsa le Methyl Cellulose (MC), Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC), Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC), le Poly Anionic Cellulose (PAC), li-polymers tse fapaneng tse nkiloeng ho selulose ka lik'hemik'hale tsa modific ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Cellulose ether - lik'hemik'hale tse ngata

    Cellulose ether - lik'hemik'hale tse ngata tsa Cellulose ether ka sebele ke lik'hemik'hale tse fapaneng le tse ngata tse nang le lisebelisoa tse ngata ho pholletsa le liindasteri tse sa tšoaneng. E tsoa ho selulose, polymer ea tlhaho e fumanehang maboteng a lisele tsa semela, li-cellulose ethers li entsoe ka lik'hemik'hale tsa modific ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • METHOCEL Metsi a qhibilihang a Cellulose Ethers

    METHOCEL Metsi-Soluble Cellulose Ethers METHOCEL ke mofuta oa li-cellulose ethers tse qhibilihang ka metsing tse hlahisoang ke Dow. Li-cellulose ethers tsena li sebelisoa haholo liindastering tse fapaneng ka lebaka la thepa ea tsona e fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa le bokhoni ba tsona ba ho sebetsa joalo ka li-thickeners, li-binders, baetsi ba lifilimi le li-stabilizers. Mona...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Bermocoll EHEC le MEHEC cellulose ethers

    Bermocoll EHEC le MEHEC cellulose ethers Bermocoll ke mofuta oa cellulose ethers e hlahisoang ke AkzoNobel. Mefuta e 'meli e tloaelehileng ea Bermocoll cellulose ethers ke Hydroxyethyl Methylcellulose (HEMC) le Methyl Ethyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MEHEC). Li-cellulose ethers tsena li fumana lits'ebetso libakeng tse fapaneng ...
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  • Thepa ea Physicochemical ea Cellulose Ethers

    Physicochemical Properties of Cellulose Ethers The physicochemical properties of cellulose ethers, e leng derivatives of cellulose fetotsoeng ka mekhoa ea lik'hemik'hale, e fapana ho latela lintlha tse kang mofuta o itseng oa cellulose ether, degree of substitution (DS), boima ba molek'hule, le likarolo tse ling. .
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Na li-cellulose ethers li bolokehile bakeng sa paballo ea litšoantšo?

    Na li-cellulose ethers li bolokehile bakeng sa paballo ea litšoantšo? Li-cellulose ethers ka kakaretso li nkuoa li bolokehile bakeng sa paballo ea litšoantšo ha li sebelisoa ka nepo le ho latela mekhoa ea paballo e teng. Li-polymer tsena tse nkiloeng ho selulose, joalo ka hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), ...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Cellulose, hydroxyethyl ether (MW 1000000)

    Cellulose, hydroxyethyl ether (MW 1000000) Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) ke polima e qhibilihang ka metsi e nkiloeng ho selulose ka ho kenngoa ha lihlopha tsa hydroxyethyl. Boima ba molek'hule (MW) bo boletsoeng, 1000000, bo emela phapang e phahameng ea boima ba limolek'hule. Mona ke kakaretso ea hydroxyethyl ...
    Bala haholoanyane
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