Focus on Cellulose ethers


  • Lintlha tsa Motheo tsa Hydroxyethyl Methyl Cellulose

    Lebitso la sehlahisoa: hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose HEMC Lebitso la Senyesemane: Hymetellose Alias: methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose; MHEC,hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose ether; hydroxymethyl ethyl cellulose; 2-hydroxyethyl methyl ether cellulose Senyesemane alias: Methylhydroxyethylcellulose; Cellulose; 2-hydroxyethyl me...
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  • Mosebetsi oa HPMC lijong ke eng

    Indastering ea lijo, HPMC e ka ntlafatsa thepa ea farinaceous le e thata ea hlama. Ho phaella moo, tlatsetso ea Hydroxypropyl Methyl cellulose ether HPMC e fokotsa ho eketseha ha metsi a leqhoa ka har'a hlama nakong ea polokelo ea leqhoa, kahoo e thibela phello ea ice crystallizat ...
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  • Lipatlisiso ka Theknoloji ea Kopo ea Cellulose Ether le Admixture ka Mortar

    Cellulose ether, e sebelisoa haholo seretseng. Joalo ka mofuta oa selulose e etherified, cellulose ether e na le kamano bakeng sa metsi, 'me motsoako ona oa polymer o na le bokhoni bo botle ba ho monya metsi le ho boloka metsi, bo ka rarollang hantle ho tsoa ha seretse, nako e khuts'oane ea ts'ebetso, ho khomarela, joalo-joalo Insuffici...
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  • Phello ea HPMC ho seretse sa khatiso sa 3D

    1.1 Tšusumetso ea HPMC mabapi le ho hatisoa ha lirekere tsa khatiso tsa 3D 1.1.1 Phello ea HPMC ho extrudability ea lirekere tsa khatiso tsa 3D Sehlopha se se nang letho M-H0 ntle le HPMC le lihlopha tsa liteko tse nang le HPMC content ea 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.20%. mme 0.30% ba ile ba lumelloa ho ema ka linako tse fapaneng, ...
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  • Kopo le tokisetso ea hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose HEMC

    Hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose HEMC e ka sebelisoa e le moemeli oa tšireletso ea colloid, emulsifier le dispersant ka lebaka la ts'ebetso ea eona e sebetsang ka holim'a metsi. Mohlala oa tšebeliso ea eona ke o latelang: Phello ea hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose ho thepa ea samente. Hydroxyethyl methylce...
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  • Lintho tsa Hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose

    Tšobotsi ea 11 (1-6) 01 Ho qhibiliha: E qhibiliha metsing le lihlapolli tse ling tsa tlhaho. E ka qhibiliha ka metsing a batang. Boima ba eona bo boholo bo khethoa feela ke viscosity. The solubility e fetoha le viscosity. The viscosity e ka tlaase, e kholoanyane ea ho qhibiliha. 02 Ho hanyetsa letsoai...
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  • Boithuto mabapi le phetoho ea cellulose etherification le ts'ebeliso ea pente ea khatiso ea dae e sebetsang

    Ho tloha ha ho qaloa lidae tse sebetsang lilemong tse lekholo tse fetileng, sodium alginate (SA) e bile mohloli o ka sehloohong oa khatiso ea dae e sebetsang maselang a k'hothone. peisetsa. Leha ho le joalo, ka ntlafatso e tsoelang pele ea litlhoko tsa batho bakeng sa phello ea khatiso, sodium alginate e le pente ea khatiso ha e hanyetsane le ...
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  • Capsule Evolution: Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) le Meroho Capsules

    Li-capsules tse thata / li-capsules tse sekoti tsa HPMC / li-capsules tsa meroho / API e sebetsang hantle haholo le metsoako e sa ameheng mongobo / saense ea lifilimi / taolo e tsitsitseng ea tokollo / theknoloji ea boenjiniere ea OSD…. Ts'ebeliso e ntle ea litšenyehelo, bonolo ba ho e etsa, le boiketlo ba taolo ea mokuli ea litekanyetso, oral solid do...
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  • Tlhaloso ea mathata a hydroxypropyl methylcellulose HPMC

    1. Ho na le mefuta e mengata ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose HPMC, 'me phapang ke efe pakeng tsa tšebeliso ea bona? Karabo: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose HPMC e ka aroloa ka mofuta oa hang-hang le mofuta o chesang oa ho qhibiliha. Lihlahisoa tsa mofuta oa hang-hang li qhalana ka potlako metsing a batang ebe li nyamela ka metsing. Ka eona...
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  • Kima Chemical ke mang?

    Kima Chemical ke mang? Kima Chemical Co., Ltd. ke moetsi oa bohlokoa oa cellulose ethers naheng ea Chaena, e khethehileng ka tlhahiso ea ether ea cellulose, E Thehiloe Shandong Chaena, kakaretso ea matla a 20000 ton ka selemo. Lihlahisoa tsa rona li kenyelletsa Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC), Hydroxyethyl Methyl Cellulose (MHE ...
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  • Ashland ke eng?

    Ashland ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e, e shebaneng le bareki le lisebelisoa tse ikhethang e rarollang lefatše le betere. Ho tloha ka kenyelletso ea khoebo ea Ashland United States ka 1946, Ashland Aqualon™ (Blanose) sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) e fumane tšebeliso ho ...
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  • Tšebeliso e sebetsang le ts'ebetso ea hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose

    1, tšebeliso ea mantlha ea hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) ke efe? HPMC e sebelisoa haholo ka thepa ea moaho, likoahelo, li-resin tsa maiketsetso, lirafshoa, meriana, lijo, masela, temo, litlolo, koae le liindasteri tse ling. HPMC e ka aroloa ka: kereiti ea kaho, kereiti ea lijo le g...
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