Focus on Cellulose ethers


  • Kenyelletso ea Sehlahisoa sa CMC bakeng sa Peista ea Khatiso e Reactive

    1. Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose Reactive printing peste ke derivative e nang le sebopeho sa ether se fumanoang ka ho fetola lik'hemik'hale tsa cellulose ea tlhaho. Ke sekhomaretsi se qhibilihang ka metsing se ka qhibilihang ka metsing a batang le metsing a chesang. Tharollo ea eona ea metsi e na le mesebetsi ea ho kopanya, ho tiisa, ...
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  • Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) Synthetic Detergent e bontša

    CMC ke motsoako o nang le sebopeho sa ether se fumanoang ka phetoho ea lik'hemik'hale ea cellulose ea tlhaho. Ke sekhomaretsi se qhibilihang ka metsing se ka qhibilihang ka metsing a batang le metsing a chesang. Tharollo ea eona ea metsi e na le mesebetsi ea ho kopanya, ho tenya, ho emulsifying, ho qhalakanya, ho emisa, ho tsitsisa, ...
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  • Lintlha tse Amang Tlhahiso ea Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose Viscosity

    Index ea viscosity ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose ke index ea bohlokoa haholo. Viscosity ha e emele bohloeki. The viscosity ea cellulose HPMC itšetlehile ka tshebetso tlhahiso. Libaka tse fapaneng tsa ts'ebeliso li lokela ho khetha cellulose HPMC e nang le li-viscosities tse fapaneng, eseng ho feta ...
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  • Tšebeliso ea Fiber ea Cellulose ho Tlhahiso ea Lesela

    Tšebeliso ea Fiber ea Cellulose In Textile Production Cellulose fiber, e tsejoang hape e le regenerated cellulose fiber, ke mofuta oa fiber e entsoeng ka thepa ea tlhaho ea cellulose joalo ka makhasi a patsi, lithara tsa k'hothone, kapa lintho tse ling tsa meroho. Cellulose fiber e na le karo-karolelano e phahameng ea matla ho boima, e ntle ...
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  • Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose: E 'ngoe ea Mothusi oa Sebopeho sa Lithethefatsi

    Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose: A Core Excipient In the Drug Formulation Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) ke polymer e se nang ionic e qhibilihang ka metsing e nkiloeng ho selulose, e sebelisoang haholo indastering ea meriana e le motsoako oa mantlha oa metsoako ea lithethefatsi. HEC e na le thepa e fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa thicken...
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  • Kakaretso ea HPMC

    Kakaretso ea HPMC Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) ke cellulose ether e sebelisoang haholo liindastering tse fapaneng tse kang kaho, meriana, lijo, le tlhokomelo ea botho. HPMC ke non-ionic metsi-qhibilihang polymer e nkiloeng ho selulose. E entsoe ka ho arabela cellulose ka ...
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  • Litloaelo tsa Carboxy Methyl Cellulose, Bophahamo ba Maraka, Patlisiso ea Khoebo ea Lefatše, le Polelo

    Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Trends, Market Scope, Global Trade Investigation, And Forecast Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) ke motsoako oa cellulose o qhibilihang ka metsi o sebelisoang haholo liindastering tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa lijo, meriana, tlhokomelo ea motho, le ho cheka oli. Mmaraka oa lefats'e oa CMC o tebile ...
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  • Phello ea cellulose ether e nang le viscosity e fapaneng ho thepa ea konkreite

    Phello ea cellulose ether e nang le viscosity e fapaneng linthong tsa konkreite Li-cellulose ethers li sebelisoa hangata joalo ka li-admixtures ka konkreite ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso ea eona. The viscosity ea cellulose ether ke ntlha ea bohlokoa e susumetsang katleho ea eona e le motsoako. Mona ke ...
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  • Phapang ea thepa ea 'mele le ea lik'hemik'hale le ts'ebeliso ea HPMC le HEMC indastering ea kaho

    Phapang ea thepa ea 'mele le lik'hemik'hale le tšebeliso ea HPMC le HEMC indastering ea kaho Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) le Hydroxyethyl Methylcellulose (HEMC) ke mefuta e' meli ea li-cellulose ethers tse sebelisoang hangata indastering ea kaho. Ha ba ntse ba arolelana tse ling ...
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  • Boemo ba Nts'etsopele ea Maraka ea Fiber ea Cellulose

    Boemo ba Nts'etsopele ea Cellulose Fiber Market Cellulose fiber ke mofuta oa fiber ea tlhaho e nkiloeng mehloling ea limela joalo ka k'hothone, hemp, jute le folaxe. E fumane tlhokomelo e ntseng e eketseha lilemong tsa morao tjena ka lebaka la botsoalle ba eona ba tikoloho, biodegradability, le thepa ea moshoelella. Ke mona...
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  • Tšebeliso ea Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Ka Ho Cheka Seliba

    Ts'ebeliso ea Carboxy Methyl Cellulose ka har'a Well Drilling Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) ke polymer e qhibilihang ka metsing e nang le lits'ebetso tse fapaneng indastering ea oli le khase, haholo ho cheka liliba. CMC e atisa ho sebelisoa e le motsoako oa mokelikeli oa ho cheka ka lebaka la bokhoni ba eona ba ho fana ka rheo ...
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  • Kenyelletso ea HydroxyPropyl MethylCellulose Ka Phano ea Lithethefatsi

    Selelekela sa HydroxyPropyl MethylCellulose Ka Phaliso ea Lithethefatsi Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) ke ether ea cellulose e fetotsoeng e sebelisoang haholo indastering ea meriana. Ke polymer e qhibilihang ka metsing e fetotsoeng ka lik'hemik'hale ho ntlafatsa thepa le ts'ebetso ea eona. HPMC ke...
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