Focus on Cellulose ethers

Methylcellulose, e tsoang ho cellulose e nang le thepa ea mantlha ea 'mele le lits'ebetso tse atolositsoeng.

Methylcellulose, e tsoang ho cellulose e nang le thepa ea mantlha ea 'mele le lits'ebetso tse atolositsoeng.

Methylcellulose (MC) ke derivative ea cellulose e sebelisoang haholo liindastering tse fapaneng ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e ikhethang ea 'mele. Ke polymer e qhibilihang ka metsing e tsoang ho selulose, e fumanoang ho tsoa ho makhasi a lehong, k'hothone kapa mehloling e meng ea limela. MC e sebelisoa hangata indastering ea lijo, ea meriana, le ea kaho joalo ka motenya, emulsifier, binder, le stabilizer. Sehloohong sena, re tla tšohla thepa ea 'mele ea MC le lits'ebetso tsa eona tse fapaneng.

Lintho tsa 'Mele tsa Methylcellulose

MC ke phofo e tšoeu ho isa ho 'mala o beige e sa nkheng le e sa latsoeheng. E qhibiliha ka metsing 'me e etsa tharollo e hlakileng, e hlakileng ha e qhibiliha ka metsing. Viscosity ea tharollo e ka fetoloa ka ho fetola mohopolo oa tharollo. Ha khatello ea MC e phahame, e phahamisa viscosity ea tharollo. MC e na le tekanyo e phahameng ea ho boloka metsi 'me e ka monya ho fihlela makhetlo a 50 boima ba eona metsing. Thepa ena e etsa hore MC e be motenya, emulsifier, le stabilizer e sebetsang hantle.

E 'ngoe ea litšobotsi tse ikhethang tsa MC ke bokhoni ba eona ba ho gel ha e futhumala. Ha MC e futhumatsoa ka holimo ho mocheso o itseng, e etsa ntho e kang gel. Thepa ena e tsejoa e le mocheso oa gelation (GT) 'me e itšetlehile ka tekanyo ea ho fetola (DS) ea MC. DS ke palo ea lihlopha tsa methyl tse khomaretsoeng ketane ea cellulose. Ha DS e phahame, GT ea MC e phahame. Thepa ena e etsa hore MC e be motsoako o nepahetseng lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa lijo tse kang thepa ea ho baka, li-jellies le lijo tse theolelang.

Lisebelisoa tsa methylcellulose

  1. Indasteri ea Lijo: MC e sebelisoa haholo indastering ea lijo e le motenya, emulsifier, binder, le stabilizer. E sebelisoa ho baka, lihlahisoa tsa lebese, le nama e phehiloeng. MC e boetse e sebelisoa lihlahisoa tsa lijo tse mafura a tlaase le tse fokotsehileng ho ntlafatsa sebopeho le molomo oa sehlahisoa.
  2. Indasteri ea Litlhare: MC e sebelisoa indastering ea meriana e le setlamo, se arolang, le se etsang lifilimi. E sebelisoa ha ho etsoa letlapa ho ntlafatsa thepa ea ho qhaqhoa le ho qhibiliha ea letlapa. MC e boetse e sebelisoa ho li-topical formulations joalo ka motenya le emulsifier.
  3. Indasteri ea Kaho: MC e sebelisoa indastering ea kaho e le setlamo le setenya lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho samente. E kenngoa ho samente ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea eona le ho thibela ho arohana le ho tsoa mali.
  4. Indasteri ea Tlhokomelo ea Botho: MC e sebelisoa indastering ea tlhokomelo ea motho joalo ka setei, emulsifier, le stabilizer lihlahisoa tsa litlolo tse joalo ka litlolo, litlolo, le li-shampoo. E sebelisetsoa ho ntlafatsa viscosity le botsitso ba sehlahisoa.
  5. Indasteri ea Lipampiri: MC e sebelisoa indastering ea pampiri e le setsi sa ho roala le joalo ka se tlamang tlhahiso ea pampiri. E eketsoa ho pampiri ea pampiri ho ntlafatsa matla le ho hanyetsa metsi a pampiri.

Melemo ea Methylcellulose

  1. E bolokehile: MC e nkuoa e bolokehile hore e ka sebelisoa ke mekhatlo e laolang joalo ka Tsamaiso ea Lijo le Lithethefatsi (FDA) le European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). E 'nile ea lekoa ka ho pharaletseng bakeng sa polokeho' me e amohetsoe hore e sebelisoe lijong le lihlahisoa tsa meriana.
  2. Mefuta-futa: MC ke motsoako o ka sebelisoang liindastering tse fapaneng. Litšobotsi tsa eona tse ikhethang tsa 'mele li e etsa hore e be motenya, emulsifier, binder, le stabilizer e sebetsang hantle.
  3. E boloka litšenyehelo: MC ke motsoako o bolokang chelete e ngata ha o bapisoa le li-thickeners tse ling, li-emulsifiers le stabilizers.
  4. Shelf-stable: MC ke motsoako o tsitsitseng lishelefong tse ka bolokoang nako e telele ntle le ho senyeha. Sena se etsa hore e be motsoako o loketseng bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse lokiselitsoeng tse hlokang nako e telele ea bophelo.
  5. E Ntlafatsa Sebopeho: MC e ka ntlafatsa sebopeho sa lihlahisoa tsa lijo ka ho eketsa viscosity ea tsona le ho fana ka sebopeho se boreleli, se monate. E ka boela ea ntlafatsa molomo le ho fokotsa maikutlo a grittiness lihlahisoa tse ling tsa lijo.
  1. E Ntlafatsa Botsitso: MC e ka ntlafatsa botsitso ba lijo le lihlahisoa tsa litlolo ka ho thibela karohano le ho boloka emulsion. Thepa ena e bohlokoa haholo lihlahisoa tse nang le oli le metsi, tse atisang ho arohana ka nako.
  2. E Ntlafatsa Mosebetsi: MC e ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho samente indastering ea kaho. E ka boela ea ntlafatsa matla a tlamahano le ho fokotsa shrinkage le ho phunyeha.
  3. Eco-friendly: MC e khona ho senyeha 'me ha e na tšusumetso e mpe tikolohong. Ke mohloli o tsosolositsoeng o ka fumanoang mehloling e tsitsitseng e kang pulp ea lehong le k'hothone.


Methylcellulose ke motsoako o sebetsang ka mokhoa o fapaneng o nang le lits'ebetso tse fapaneng liindastering tse fapaneng. Litšobotsi tsa eona tse ikhethang tsa 'mele li e etsa hore e be motenya, emulsifier, binder, le stabilizer e sebetsang hantle. MC e bolokehile, ha e na litšenyehelo, 'me e tsitsitse shelofong, e etsa hore e be motsoako o loketseng bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse lokiselitsoeng tse hlokang nako e telele ea bophelo. Bokhoni ba eona ba ho ntlafatsa sebopeho, ho matlafatsa botsitso, le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ho etsa hore e be motsoako oa bohlokoa indastering ea lijo, ea meriana, ea kaho, ea tlhokomelo ea motho le ea pampiri. Ka kakaretso, methylcellulose ke motsoako oa bohlokoa o thusang ho ntlafatsa boleng le ts'ebetso ea lihlahisoa tse ngata.

Nako ea poso: Mar-18-2023
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