Focus on Cellulose ethers

Tšusumetso ea thepa ea sehlahisoa sa cellulose ether ho sebelisoa ha seretse se omileng se tsoakiloeng

Tšusumetso ea thepa ea sehlahisoa ea cellulose ether ho sebelisoa ha seretse se omileng se tsoakiloeng

E le motsoako oa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa oa ho haha ​​​​lihlahisoa tsa seretse se omeletseng, cellulose ether e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ts'ebetsong le litšenyehelong tsa seretse se omeletseng. Ho na le mefuta e 'meli ea cellulose ethers: e' ngoe ke ionic, joalo ka sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), 'me e' ngoe ke non-ionic, joalo ka methyl cellulose (MC), hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPMC), joalo-joalo. Ka botumo bo ntseng bo eketseha ba ho sebelisoa ha lihlahisoa tsa seretse se omeletseng, naha ea heso e tla fetoha mohlahisi e moholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng oa seretse se omeletseng, ho sebelisoa ha cellulose ether ho tla eketseha le ho feta, 'me bahlahisi ba eona le mefuta ea lihlahisoa le tsona li tla eketseha. Ts'ebetso ea sehlahisoa sa cellulose ether ka seretse se omileng se tsoakiloeng e se e le sepheo sa tlhokomelo ea bahlahisi le basebelisi.

Thepa ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ea cellulose ether ke ho boloka metsi ka thepa ea mohaho. Ntle le ho eketsoa ha cellulose ether, lera le lesesaane la seretse se secha le omella kapele hoo samente e ke keng ea khona ho ntša metsi ka tsela e tloaelehileng ’me seretse se ke ke sa thatafala le ho finyella momahano e ntle. Ka nako e ts'oanang, ho eketsoa ha cellulose ether ho etsa hore seretse se be le polasetiki e ntle le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, 'me se ntlafatsa matla a ho kopanya a seretse. A re ke re bue ka phello ea ts'ebeliso ea seretse se omileng se omileng ho tloha ts'ebetsong ea sehlahisoa sa cellulose ether.

1. The fineness ea cellulose

Bokhabane ba cellulose ether bo ama ho qhibiliha ha eona. Mohlala, ha boleng ba cellulose ether bo le tlase, bo qhibiliha ka potlako metsing le ntlafatso ea ts'ebetso ea ho boloka metsi. Ka hona, botle ba cellulose ether bo lokela ho kenyelletsoa e le e 'ngoe ea thepa ea eona ea lipatlisiso. Ka kakaretso, masala a sieve a cellulose ether fineness ho feta 0.212mm ha ea lokela ho feta 8.0%.

2. Ho omisa sekhahla sa tahlehelo ea boima ba 'mele

Sekhahla sa ho omisa boima ba 'mele se bolela peresente ea boima ba thepa e lahlehileng boima ba sampuli ea pele ha cellulose ether e omisitsoe mocheso o itseng. Bakeng sa boleng bo itseng ba cellulose ether, sekhahla sa ho omisa boima ba 'mele se phahame haholo, se tla fokotsa litaba tsa metsoako e sebetsang ka cellulose ether, se ama phello ea ts'ebeliso ea likhoebo tse tlase, le ho eketsa litšenyehelo tsa theko. Hangata, tahlehelo ea boima ba 'mele ka ho omisa cellulose ether ha e fete 6.0%.

3. Sulfate ash content ea cellulose ether

Bakeng sa boleng bo itseng ba cellulose ether, molora oa molora o phahame haholo, o tla fokotsa litaba tsa metsoako e sebetsang ka cellulose ether le ho ama phello ea kopo ea likhoebo tse tlase. Molora oa sulfate oa cellulose ether ke tekanyo ea bohlokoa ea ts'ebetso ea eona. E kopantsoe le boemo ba hona joale ba tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tsa naha ea heso tse teng tsa selulose ether, hangata molora oa MC, HPMC, HEMC ha oa lokela ho feta 2,5%, 'me molora oa HEC cellulose ether ha oa lokela ho feta 10.0%.

4. Viscosity ea cellulose ether

Ho boloka metsi le phello e teteaneng ea cellulose ether haholo-holo e itšetlehile ka viscosity le tekanyo ea cellulose ether ka boeona e ekelitsoeng ho slurry ea samente.

5. The pH boleng ba cellulose ether

The viscosity ea lihlahisoa tsa cellulose ether e tla fokotseha butle-butle ka mor'a ho bolokoa mocheso o phahameng kapa nako e telele, haholo-holo bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa viscosity, kahoo hoa hlokahala ho fokotsa pH. Ka kakaretso, ho eletsoa ho laola mofuta oa pH oa cellulose ether ho 5-9.

6. Phetiso e khanyang ea cellulose ether

Phatlalatso e khanyang ea cellulose ether e ama ka ho toba phello ea ts'ebeliso ea thepa ea mohaho. Lintlha tse ka sehloohong tse amang phetiso ea khanya ea cellulose ether ke: (1) boleng ba lisebelisoa tse tala; (2) phello ea alkalization; (3) tekanyo ea tšebetso; (4) karo-karolelano ea solvent; (5) phello ea neutralization. Ho ea ka phello ea ts'ebeliso, phetisetso ea leseli ea cellulose ether ha ea lokela ho ba ka tlase ho 80%.

7. Mocheso oa gel oa cellulose ether

Cellulose ether e sebelisoa haholo-holo e le viscosifier, plasticizer le moemeli oa ho boloka metsi lihlahisoa tsa samente, kahoo viscosity le mocheso oa gel ke mehato ea bohlokoa ea ho khetholla boleng ba cellulose ether. Mocheso oa mocheso oa gel o sebelisetsoa ho fumana mofuta oa cellulose ether, e amanang le tekanyo ea ho nkela sebaka sa li-cellulose ethers tse ling. Ho phaella moo, letsoai le litšila li ka boela tsa ama mocheso oa gel. Ha mocheso oa tharollo o phahama, cellulose polymer butle-butle e lahleheloa ke metsi, 'me viscosity ea tharollo e fokotseha. Ha ntlha ea gel e fihlile, polymer e felloa ke metsi ka ho feletseng 'me e etsa gel. Ka hona, lihlahisoa tsa samente, hangata mocheso o laoloa ka tlase ho mocheso oa pele oa gel. Tlas'a boemo bona, mocheso o tlase, o phahamisa viscosity, 'me phello e totobetseng ea ho teteana le ho boloka metsi.

Nako ea poso: May-29-2023
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