Focus on Cellulose ethers

Lihlahisoa tsa Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose li sebelisoa

U tseba hakae ka tšebeliso ea sehlahisoa sa hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, hona ho na le lipatlisiso tse kae moo?

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose - Seretse sa Masonry

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose-Board Joint Filler

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose-Cementitious Plaster

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose - Plaster ea Gypsum le Lihlahisoa tsa Gypsum

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose - Pente e Thehiloeng ka Metsi le Setlolo sa Pente

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose - Sekhomaretsi sa Lithaele

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose - thepa ea ho ikemela fatše

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose - Li-slabs tse entsoeng ka konkreite

Kenyelletso ea kopo ea sehlahisoa ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

❂ seretse sa Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-masonry

Ntlafatsa ho khomarela ka bokaholimo ba masonry, 'me u ntlafatse ho boloka metsi, e le hore matla a seretse a ka ntlafatsoa. Lubricity e ntlafalitsoeng le polasetiki bakeng sa thepa e ntlafalitsoeng ea ts'ebeliso, ts'ebeliso e bonolo e boloka nako ebile e ntlafatsa ts'ebeliso ea litšenyehelo.

❂ Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-board joint filler

Ho boloka metsi hantle, ho ka lelefatsang nako ea ho pholisa le ho ntlafatsa katleho ea mosebetsi. Lubricity e phahameng e etsa hore ts'ebeliso e be bonolo hape e be bonolo. E boetse e ntlafatsa khanyetso ea shrinkage le khanyetso ea crack, ka katleho e ntlafatsa boleng ba bokaholimo. E fana ka sebopeho se boreleli le se ts'oanang le ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela libaka tse kopanetsoeng.

❂ Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-samente e entsoeng ka samente

E ntlafatsa ho ts'oana, e etsa hore plaster e be bonolo ho e sebelisa, 'me e eketsa ho hanyetsa ho sag. E ntlafatsa phallo le pompe bakeng sa tlhahiso e eketsehileng. E na le ho boloka metsi a mangata, e lelefatsa nako ea ho sebetsa ea seretse, e ntlafatsa katleho ea mosebetsi, 'me e thusa seretse ho theha matla a phahameng a mochine nakong ea ho beha. Ho phaella moo, e ka laola ho kenella ha moea, kahoo e felisa li-micro-cracks ka ho roala le ho etsa sebaka se setle sa boreleli.

❂ Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-gypsum plaster le lihlahisoa tsa samente

E ntlafatsa ts'ebetso e ts'oanang bakeng sa ts'ebeliso e bonolo ea plaster ha e ntse e ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa sag bakeng sa phallo e ntlafalitsoeng le ho pompa. Ka tsela eo ho ntlafatsa katleho ea mosebetsi. Melemo ea eona e phahameng ea ho boloka metsi le eona e phetha karolo e kholo, ho lelefatsa nako ea ho sebetsa ea seretse le ho hlahisa matla a phahameng a mochine ha o beha. E hlahisa liaparo tsa boleng bo holimo ka ho laola ho lumellana ha grout.

❂ Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose - Pente e entsoeng ka metsi le ho tlosa pente

E eketsa nako ea bophelo ka ho thibela ho lula ha lintho tse tiileng. Ho lumellana ho babatsehang le likarolo tse ling le botsitso bo phahameng ba likokoana-hloko. E qhibiliha ka potlako le ntle le likotola ho thusa ho nolofatsa mokhoa oa ho kopanya.

E hlahisa litšoaneleho tse ntle tsa phallo ho kenyeletsoa splatter e tlase le boemo bo botle ho etsa bonnete ba hore sebaka se setle se behiloe hantle le ho hanela ho sag ea pente. Ntlafatsa viscosity ea ho tlosa pente e thehiloeng metsing le ho tlosa pente ea mokelikeli oa organic e le hore mochini o tlosang pente o se ke oa phalla holim'a sebaka sa mosebetsi.

❂ Sekgomaretsi sa Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-tile

E lumella metsoako e omileng ho kopanngoa habonolo le ntle le makukuno, ho boloka nako ea ho sebetsa, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo ka lebaka la ts'ebeliso e potlakileng le e sebetsang haholoanyane. Ka ho lelefatsa nako ea ho pholisa, ho sebetsa hantle ha lithaele ho ntlafatsoa. E fana ka ho khomarela hantle.

❂ Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose - thepa ea fatše e ikemetseng

E fana ka viscosity mme e sebetsa joalo ka thuso e khahlanong le sedimentation. E matlafatsa phallo le pompe bakeng sa ho koaheloa hantle ha fatše. E laola ho boloka metsi, e leng ho fokotsang ho phunyeha le ho fokotseha haholo.

❂ Letlapa la konkreite le entsoeng ka Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

Ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lihlahisoa tsa extruded, ka matla a holimo a bond le lubricity. E ntlafatsa matla a metsi le ho khomarela ka mor'a extrusion ea lakane.

Nako ea poso: Jan-29-2023
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