Focus on Cellulose ethers

Hydroxyethyl Cellulose bakeng sa Lipente: Khantša Bophelo ba Hao

Hydroxyethyl Cellulose bakeng sa Lipente: Khantša Bophelo ba Hao

Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) ke polima e qhibilihang ka metsing e seng ionic e nkiloeng ho selulose. E na le litšebeliso tse ngata liindastering tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa indasteri ea pente. HEC e sebelisoa ha ho etsoa pente e le motenya, stabilizer le rheology modifier. Sehloohong sena, re tla hlahloba melemo ea ho sebelisa HEC ka lipente le hore na e ka khantša bophelo ba hau joang.

  1. HEC ea Paint Rheology e ntlafalitsoeng ke sesebelisoa sa rheology se sebetsang hantle haholo se thusang ho ntlafatsa ponahalo le phallo ea lipente. E fana ka boitšoaro bo babatsehang ba ho kuta, ho bolelang hore pente e phalla habonolo nakong ea kopo empa e ba e tenya ha e phomotse, e thibela ho rotha le splatters. Sena se etsa hore ho be bonolo ho lipente ho sebelisa pente ka ho lekana le ka katleho.
  2. Ntlafatso ea Botsitso ba Paint HEC e thusa ho tsitsisa mekhoa ea pente ka ho thibela ho lokisoa ha li-pigments le likaroloana tse ling penteng. Sena se bolela hore pente e lula e le homogeneous bophelong bohle ba eona, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le boleng ba 'mala.
  3. Ntlafatso ea ho sebetsa ha pente HEC e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea litlolo tsa pente ka ho fana ka lisebelisoa tse ntle tsa brushability le boemo ba boemo. E boetse e thusa ho fokotsa splatter le spatter e ka hlahang nakong ea kopo, e hlahisang mokhoa o hloekileng le o sebetsang hantle oa ho penta.
  4. Thepa e ntlafetseng ea Paint Film Properties HEC e ntlafatsa thepa ea ho etsa filimi ea litlolo tsa pente, e leng se etsang hore ho be le qetello e bonolo, e tšoarellang haholoanyane. Lebaka ke hore HEC e thusa ho khothalletsa ho khomarela pente ho substrate, hammoho le ho eketsa ho feto-fetoha ha filimi, ho tiea, le ho hanyetsa ho phunyeha le ho senya.
  5. Ntlafatso ea Mobala e Ntlafetseng HEC e ka thusa ho ntlafatsa nts'etsopele ea mebala ea lipente, e hlahisang mebala e khanyang, e khanyang haholoanyane. Sena ke hobane HEC e thusa ho qhala li-pigments ka ho lekana ho pholletsa le pente, e leng se hlahisang boleng ba mebala bo tsitsitseng.
  6. Ntlafatso ea Ts'ebetso ea Metsi HEC e thusa ho ntlafatsa ho bolokoa ha metsi ha lipente tsa pente, ho thibela pente hore e se ome ka potlako nakong ea kopo. Sena se bolela hore pente e lula e sebetsa nako e telele, e leng se etsang hore ho be le qetello e bonolo le e ts'oanang.
  7. Li-VOC tse fokotsehileng tsa HEC li ka sebelisoa ho fokotsa bongata ba metsoako ea lintho tse phelang (VOCs) mefuteng ea pente. Sena ke hobane HEC e ka thusa ho fokotsa bongata ba solvent e hlokahalang ho fihlela viscosity e lakatsehang, e leng se bakang litaba tse tlase tsa VOC.
  8. Eco-Friendly HEC e nkiloe mehloling e ka nchafatsoang 'me e khona ho senyeha, e leng ho etsang hore e be khetho e bonolo bakeng sa ho etsa pente. Hape ha e na chefo ebile e bolokehile hore e ka sebelisoa libakeng tsa ka tlung, e etsa hore e be khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa lipente tsa kahare.
  9. E lumellana le Li-additives tse ling HEC e lumellana le lisebelisoa tse ling tse ngata tse sebelisoang ha ho etsoa pente, ho akarelletsa le li-surfactants, li-dispersants le li-defoamers. Sena se bolela hore se ka kenngoa habonolo mefuteng e teng ea pente ntle le ho baka liphello tse bohloko.
  10. Versatile HEC ke motsoako o nang le mefuta e mengata o ka sebelisoang mefuteng e mengata ea lipente tse entsoeng ka pente, tse kenyelletsang metsi, li-solvents, le litlolo tse phahameng tse tiileng. Sena se etsa hore e be khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea lits'ebetso tsa ho penta.

Qetellong, HEC ke tlatsetso e atlehang haholo bakeng sa lipente tsa pente tse fanang ka melemo e mengata, ho kenyelletsa le rheology e ntlafetseng, botsitso, ts'ebetso, thepa ea filimi, nts'etsopele ea mebala, ho boloka metsi, ho fokotsa VOCs, eco-friendly, ho lumellana le lisebelisoa tse ling, le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo. . Ke khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea lipente, ho kenyeletsoa lipente tse kahare le kantle, 'me ke khetho e ntle ho mang kapa mang ea batlang ho khantša bophelo ba bona ka pente ea boleng bo holimo, e tšoarellang nako e telele.

Nako ea poso: Apr-23-2023
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