Focus on Cellulose ethers

Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose (HEC) Tsebahatsa

Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose (HEC) Tsebahatsa

Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose (HEC) ke polima e se nang ionic, e qhibilihang ka metsing e tsoang ho selulose. Ke phofo e tsoeu ho isa ho e tšoeu, e sa nkhang hamonate ebile e sa latsoehe, e sebelisoang hangata joalo ka sekontiri, se tlamang, se tsitsitseng, le se emisang lits'ebetso tse fapaneng.

HEC e sebelisoa haholo indastering ea lijo e le tlatsetso ea lijo ho ntlafatsa sebopeho, ponahalo, le botsitso ba lihlahisoa tsa lijo tse kang li-sauces, li-dressings le sopho. E boetse e sebelisoa indastering ea meriana e le tlamahano hape e le moemeli oa tokollo e laoloang litsamaisong tsa phano ea lithethefatsi. Ho feta moo, HEC e sebelisoa indastering ea litlolo e le setenya le emulsifier ho lotions, litlolo, le li-shampoo.

HEC e qhibiliha ka metsing a batang le a chesang, 'me viscosity ea eona e ka fetoloa ka ho fetola tekanyo ea substitution (DS) ea lihlopha tsa hydroxyl ka molek'hule ea cellulose. DS e phahameng e etsa hore ho be le viscosity e phahameng ea tharollo ea HEC.

HEC e nkoa e bolokehile hore e ka sebelisoa ke US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) le European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Ke polymer e feto-fetohang le e theko e tlaase e sebelisoang haholo liindastering tse fapaneng ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e ntle ea ho tenya le ho tsitsisa.

Nako ea poso: Mar-21-2023
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