Focus on Cellulose ethers

Mokhoa oa ho etsa cellulose ether?

Mokhoa oa ho etsa cellulose ether?

Cellulose ether Ke mofuta o tsoang ho cellulose o fumanoang ka ho fetola etherification ea selulose. E sebelisoa haholo ka lebaka la botenya ba eona bo botle, emulsification, ho emisoa, sebopeho sa filimi, colloid e sireletsang, ho boloka mongobo le thepa ea ho khomarela. E na le seabo sa bohlokwa ntshetsopeleng ya moruo wa naha dipatlisisong tsa saense le mafapheng a diindaseteri a kang a dijo, meriana, ho etsa pampiri, ho roala, disebediswa tsa kaho, ho hlaphohelwa ha oli, masela le dikarolo tsa elektroniki. Ka pampiri ena, tsoelo-pele ea lipatlisiso ea phetoho ea etherification ea cellulose e hlahlojoa.

Celluloseetherke polymer e ngata ka ho fetisisa ea tlhaho ea tlhaho. E ka nchafatsoa, ​​​​e tala ebile e lumellana le bioloji. Ke thepa ea bohlokoa ea motheo e tala bakeng sa boenjiniere ba lik'hemik'hale. Ho ea ka li-substituents tse fapaneng tsa molek'hule e fumanoang ho tsoa ho karabelo ea etherification, e ka aroloa ka li-ether tse le 'ngoe' me tsa tsoakana. selulose ethers.Ke rona bana e hlahloba tsoelo-pele ea lipatlisiso mabapi le motsoako oa li-ether tse le 'ngoe, ho kenyeletsoa li-alkyl ethers, hydroxyalkyl ethers, carboxyalkyl ethers, le ether e tsoakiloeng.

Mantsoe a bohlokoa: selulose ether, etherification, ether e le 'ngoe, ether e tsoakiloeng, tsoelo-pele ea lipatlisiso


1.Etherification reaction of cellulose


Karabelo ea etherification ea cellulose ether ke ntho ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ea cellulose derivatization reaction.Etherification ea cellulose ke letoto la li-derivatives tse hlahisoang ke karabelo ea lihlopha tsa hydroxyl ka liketane tsa limolek'hule tsa cellulose tse nang le li-alkylating agents tlas'a maemo a alkaline. Ho na le mefuta e mengata ea lihlahisoa tsa cellulose ether, tse ka aroloa ka li-ether tse le 'ngoe le li-ether tse tsoakiloeng ho ea ka likarolo tse fapaneng tsa limolek'hule tse fumanoang ho tsoa ho etherification reaction. Li-ether tse le 'ngoe li ka aroloa ka li-alkyl ethers, hydroxyalkyl ethers le carboxyalkyl ethers,' me li-ether tse tsoakiloeng li bua ka li-ether tse nang le lihlopha tse peli kapa ho feta tse hokahaneng ka sebopeho sa limolek'hule. Har'a lihlahisoa tsa cellulose ether, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) e emetsoe, eo har'a eona lihlahisoa tse ling li rekisoang.


2.Synthesis ea cellulose ether


2.1 Tšimoloho ea ether e le 'ngoe

Li-ether tse le 'ngoe li kenyelletsa alkyl ethers (joalo ka ethyl cellulose, propyl cellulose, phenyl cellulose, cyanoethyl cellulose, joalo-joalo), hydroxyalkyl ethers (joalo ka hydroxymethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, joalo-joalo ), carboxymethylselulose, carboxymethylselulose cellulose, joalo ka carboxymethylselulose cellulose, joalo-joalo joalo-joalo).

2.1.1 Tšimoloho ea li-alkyl ethers

Berglund et al pele o ile a tšoara cellulose ka tharollo ea NaOH e kentsoeng ka ethyl chloride, ebe e eketsa methyl chloride ka mocheso oa 65.°C ho isa ho 90°C le khatello ea 3bar ho 15bar, 'me e ile ea itšoara ho hlahisa methyl cellulose ether. Mokhoa ona o ka sebetsa hantle haholo Ho fumana li-ethers tsa methyl cellulose tse qhibilihang ka metsing ka likhato tse fapaneng tsa ho nka sebaka.

Ethylcellulose ke granule e tšoeu ea thermoplastic kapa phofo. Lihlahisoa tse akaretsang li na le 44% ~ 49% ethoxy. E qhibiliha ka har'a metsoako e mengata ea lintho tse phelang, e sa qhibiliheng metsing. makhapetla kapa lithara tsa k'hothone tse nang le 40% ~ 50% sodium hydroxide aqueous solution, 'me selulose ea alkali e ne e le ethoxylated ka ethyl chloride ho hlahisa cellulose ea ethyl. ka katleho synthesized ethyl cellulose (EC) e nang le ethoxy content ea 43.98% ka mokhoa oa mohato o le mong ka ho arabela selulose ka ho feteletseng ethyl chloride le sodium hydroxide, ho sebelisa toluene e le mokelikeli. Toluene e ile ea sebelisoa e le ntho e hlapollang tekong. Nakong ea karabelo ea etherification, e ke ke ea khothaletsa feela ho ata ha ethyl chloride ho selulose ea alkali, empa hape e qhala selulose ea ethyl e nkeloang sebaka haholo. Nakong ea karabelo, karolo e sa sebetsanoang e ka pepeseha ka mokhoa o tsoelang pele, ho etsa hore moemeli oa etherification Ho bonolo ho hlasela, e le hore karabelo ea ethylation e fetohe ho tloha ho tse fapaneng ho ea ho homogeneous, 'me ho ajoa ha li-substituents sehlahisoa ho tšoana le ho feta.

e sebelisitse ethyl bromide joalo ka etherification agent le tetrahydrofuran e le diluent ho synthesize ethyl cellulose (EC), mme e tšoaea sebopeho sa sehlahisoa ka infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance le gel permeation chromatography. Ho baloa hore tekanyo ea ho nkela sebaka sa synthesized ethyl cellulose e ka bang 2.5, kabo ea boima ba limolek'hule e moqotetsane, 'me e na le ho qhibiliha hamonate ka har'a metsoako ea lintho tse phelang.

cyanoethyl cellulose (CEC) ka mekhoa ea homogeneous le heterogeneous e sebelisa selulose e nang le likhato tse fapaneng tsa polymerization e le lisebelisoa tse tala, le ho lokisa lisebelisoa tse teteaneng tsa CEC ka ho lahla tharollo le ho hatella ho chesang. Li-membrane tsa CEC tse nang le li-porous li ne li lokiselitsoe ke theknoloji ea ho arohana ha mekhahlelo e bakoang ke solvent-induced phase (NIPS), le barium titanate / cyanoethyl cellulose (BT / CEC) lisebelisoa tsa nanocomposite membrane li ne li lokiselitsoe ke theknoloji ea NIPS, 'me mehaho le thepa ea tsona li ile tsa ithutoa.

e sebelisitse setlolo sa selulose se ikemetseng (tharollo ea alkali / urea) e le mokhoa oa ho itšoara ka mokhoa o ts'oanang ho homogeneously synthesize cyanoethyl cellulose (CEC) le acrylonitrile e le moemeli oa etherification, 'me a etsa lipatlisiso ka sebopeho, thepa le lisebelisoa tsa sehlahisoa. ithuta ka botebo. Mme ka ho laola maemo a fapaneng a karabelo, letoto la li-CEC tse nang le boleng ba DS ho tloha ho 0.26 ho isa ho 1.81 li ka fumanoa.

2.1.2 Tšimoloho ea hydroxyalkyl ethers

Fan Junlin et al o ile a lokisetsa hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) ka mochine oa 500 L o sebelisa k'hothone e hloekisitsoeng e le lisebelisoa tse tala le 87.7% ea isopropanol-metsi e le solvent ka alkalization ea mohato o le mong, ho se nke lehlakore ka mohato le mohato ka mohato etherification. . Liphello li bontšitse hore hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) e lokiselitsoeng e ne e e-na le molar substitution MS ea 2.2-2.9, e fihletseng boemo bo lekanang le boleng ba khoebo ea Dows 250 HEC sehlahisoa se nang le molar substitution ea 2.2-2.4. Ho sebelisa HEC ha ho etsoa pente ea latex ho ka ntlafatsa thepa ea ho etsa filimi le ho lekanngoa ha pente ea latex.

Liu Dan le ba bang ba ile ba buisana ka ho lokisoa ha quaternary ammonium salt cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose ka mokhoa oa semi-dry oa hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) le 2,3-epoxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride (GTA) tlas'a ts'ebetso ea alkali catalysis. maemo a ether. Phello ea ho eketsa cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose ether pampiring e ile ea fuputsoa. Liphetho tsa liteko li bontša hore: ka makhasi a bleached hardwood, ha tekanyo ea sebaka sa cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose ether e le 0.26, tekanyo ea ho boloka kakaretso e eketseha ka 9%, 'me sekhahla sa ho hloekisa metsi se eketseha ka 14%; ka makhasi a bleached hardwood, ha Ha palo ea cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose ether e le 0.08% ea fiber ea pulp, e na le phello e matla e matlafatsang pampiring; tekanyo e kholo ea ho kenya sebaka sa cationic cellulose ether, e kholoanyane ea tefiso ea cationic, le phello e matlafatsang.

Zhanhong e sebelisa mokhoa oa motsoako oa mokelikeli ho lokisa cellulose ea hydroxyethyl e nang le boleng ba viscosity ea 5.×104mPa·s kapa ho feta le boleng ba molora bo ka tlase ho 0.3% ka mehato e 'meli ea alkalization le etherification. Ho ile ha sebelisoa mekhoa e 'meli ea alkalization. Mokhoa oa pele ke ho sebelisa acetone e le mokelikeli. Thepa e tala ea cellulose e thehiloe ka kotloloho mofuteng o itseng oa tharollo ea metsi a sodium hydroxide. Kamora karabelo ea motheo e etsoa, ​​ho eketsoa moemeli oa etherification ho phethahatsa karabelo ea etherification ka kotloloho. Mokhoa oa bobeli ke hore thepa e tala ea selulose e entsoe ka tharollo e nang le metsi a sodium hydroxide le urea, 'me selulose ea alkali e lokiselitsoeng ke mokhoa ona e tlameha ho hatelloa ho tlosa lye e feteletseng pele ho karabelo ea etherification. Liphetho tsa liteko li bonts'a hore lintlha tse kang palo e khethiloeng ea diluent, palo ea ethylene oxide e kenyellelitsoeng, nako ea alkalization, mocheso le nako ea karabelo ea pele, mocheso le nako ea karabelo ea bobeli kaofela li na le tšusumetso e kholo ts'ebetsong. ea sehlahisoa.

Xu Qin et al. e ile ea etsa etherification karabelo ea alkali cellulose le propylene oxide, le synthesized hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) ka tekanyo e tlaase ea ho fetola ka mokhoa oa khase-solid phase. Liphello tsa karolo e boima ea propylene oxide, squeeze ratio le mocheso oa etherification ka tekanyo ea etherification ea HPC le tšebeliso e sebetsang ea propylene oxide e ile ea ithutoa. Liphetho li bonts'itse hore maemo a matle a ho kopanya HPC e ne e le karoloana ea boima ba propylene oxide 20% (karolelano ea boima ho selulose), alkali cellulose extrusion ratio 3.0, le mocheso oa etherification 60.°C. Teko ea sebopeho sa HPC ka nuclear magnetic resonance e bontša hore tekanyo ea etherification ea HPC ke 0.23, tekanyo e sebetsang ea propylene oxide ke 41.51%, 'me ketane ea cellulose ea molek'hule e kopantsoe ka katleho le lihlopha tsa hydroxypropyl.

Kong Xingjie et al. e lokisitse hydroxypropyl cellulose ka mokelikeli oa ionic e le solvent ho hlokomela karabelo e ts'oanang ea selulose e le ho hlokomela taolo ea ts'ebetso le lihlahisoa. Nakong ea teko, mokelikeli oa maiketsetso oa imidazole phosphate ionic 1, 3-diethylimidazole diethyl phosphate o ile oa sebelisoa ho qhala cellulose ea microcrystalline, 'me hydroxypropyl cellulose e ile ea fumanoa ka alkalization, etherification, acidification, le ho hlatsoa.

2.1.3 Tšimoloho ea li-ether tsa carboxyalkyl

Carboxymethyl cellulose e tloaelehileng haholo ke carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Tharollo ea metsi ea carboxymethyl cellulose e na le mesebetsi ea ho tiisa, ho etsa filimi, ho kopanya, ho boloka metsi, tšireletso ea colloid, emulsification le ho emisa, 'me e sebelisoa haholo ho hlatsoa. Meriana, lijo, sesepa sa meno, masela, ho hatisa le ho daea, ho etsa pampiri, petroleum, meepo, meriana, lirafshoa, lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, rabara, pente, chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana, litlolo, letlalo, polasetiki le ho cheka oli, joalo-joalo.

Ka 1918, Jeremane E. Jansen o ile a qapa mokhoa oa ho kopanya oa carboxymethyl cellulose. Ka 1940, fektheri ea Kalle ea Jeremane IG Farbeninaustrie Company e ile ea hlokomela tlhahiso ea indasteri. Ka 1947, Khamphani ea K'hemik'hale ea Wyandotle ea United States e atlehile ho theha ts'ebetso e tsoelang pele ea tlhahiso. naha ea heso e ile ea qala ho hlahisa tlhahiso ea indasteri ea CMC ho Shanghai Celluloid Factory ka 1958. Carboxymethyl cellulose ke cellulose ether e hlahisoang ho tloha k'hothone e hloekisitsoeng tlas'a ketso ea sodium hydroxide le chloroacetic acid. Mekhoa ea eona ea tlhahiso ea indasteri e ka aroloa ka mekhahlelo e 'meli: mokhoa o thehiloeng metsing le mokhoa o thehiloeng ho solvent ho latela mecha e fapaneng ea etherification. Mokhoa oa ho sebelisa metsi e le mokhoa oa ho arabela o bitsoa mokhoa oa metsi, 'me mokhoa o nang le motsoako oa motsoako oa motsoako o bitsoa mokhoa oa ho qhibilihisa.

Ka ho teba ha lipatlisiso le tsoelo-pele ea thekenoloji, maemo a macha a karabelo a sebelisitsoe tlhahisong ea carboxymethyl cellulose, mme sistimi e ncha ea solvent e na le tšusumetso e kholo ts'ebetsong ea karabelo kapa boleng ba sehlahisoa. Olaru et al. e fumane hore carboxymethylation reaction ea cellulose e sebelisa ethanol-acetone e tsoakiloeng tsamaiso e molemo ho feta ea ethanol kapa acetone feela. Nicholson et al. Tsamaisong, CMC e nang le boemo bo tlase ba ho nkela sebaka e ile ea lokisoa. Philipp et al o ile a lokisetsa CMC e nkeloang sebaka haholo ka N-methylmorpholine-N oxide le N, N dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride solvent systems ka ho latellana. Cai et al. e hlahisitse mokhoa oa ho lokisa CMC ho NaOH/urea solvent system. Ramos le ba bang. o sebelisitse DMSO/tetrabutylammonium fluoride ionic liquid system e le solvent ho carboxymethylate thepa e tala ea cellulose e hloekisitsoeng ho tloha k'hothone le sisal, 'me e fumane sehlahisoa sa CMC se nang le tekanyo ea sebaka se phahameng ho feta 2.17. Chen Jinghuan et al. sebelisoa selulose le phahameng pulp mahloriso (20%) e le lintho tse bonahalang tse tala, sodium hydroxide le acrylamide e le reagents phetolo, phetha carboxyethylation phetolo itšoara joang ka nako e behiloeng le mocheso, 'me qetellong a fumana carboxyethyl baselulose. Likahare tsa carboxyethyl tsa sehlahisoa se fetotsoeng li ka laoloa ka ho fetola palo ea sodium hydroxide le acrylamide.

2.2 Tšimoloho ea li-ether tse tsoakiloeng

Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether ke mofuta oa non-polar cellulose ether e qhibilihang ka metsing a batang e fumanoang ho tsoa selulose ea tlhaho ka alkalization le etherification modification. E na le alkalized le sodium hydroxide solution mme e ekelitse palo e itseng ea Chelete ea isopropanol le toluene solvent, etherification agent e amohelang ke methyl chloride le propylene oxide.

Dai Mingyun et al. e sebelisitse hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) e le mokokotlo oa hydrophilic polymer, 'me ea hlomathiseletsoa moemeli oa hydrophobizing butyl glycidyl ether (BGE) holim'a mokokotlo ka etherification reaction ho lokisa sehlopha sa hydrophobic butyl. Tekanyo ea ho kenya sebaka sa sehlopha, e le hore e be le boleng bo loketseng ba hydrophilic-lipophilic, 'me mocheso o arabelang 2-hydroxy-3-butoxypropyl hydroxyethyl cellulose (HBPEC) o lokiselitsoe; thepa e arabelang mocheso e lokiselitsoe Thepa e sebetsang e thehiloeng selulose e fana ka mokhoa o mocha oa ho sebelisoa ha lisebelisoa tse sebetsang masimong a tokollo e tsitsitseng ea lithethefatsi le baeloji.

Chen Yangming le ba bang ba ile ba sebelisa hydroxyethyl cellulose e le lisebelisoa tse tala, 'me tsamaisong ea tharollo ea isopropanol, ba ekelitse palo e nyenyane ea Na2B4O7 ho reactant bakeng sa ho itšoara ka mokhoa o ts'oanang ho lokisetsa ether e tsoakiloeng ea hydroxyethyl carboxymethyl cellulose. Sehlahisoa se teng hang-hang metsing, 'me The viscosity e tsitsitse.

Wang Peng o sebelisa k'hothone e hloekisitsoeng ea cellulose e le thepa ea motheo e tala, 'me e sebelisa mohato o le mong oa etherification ho hlahisa cellulose ea carboxymethyl hydroxypropyl e nang le karabelo e tšoanang, viscosity e phahameng, ho hanyetsa acid e ntle le ho hanyetsa letsoai ka alkalization le etherification reactions Compound ether. Ho sebelisa mohato o le mong oa etherification, carboxymethyl hydroxypropyl cellulose e na le khanyetso e ntle ea letsoai, ho hanyetsa acid le ho qhibiliha. Ka ho fetola litekanyo tse lekanyelitsoeng tsa propylene oxide le chloroacetic acid, lihlahisoa tse nang le likarolo tse fapaneng tsa carboxymethyl le hydroxypropyl li ka lokisoa. Liphetho tsa liteko li bonts'a hore carboxymethyl hydroxypropyl cellulose e hlahisoang ke mokhoa oa mohato o le mong e na le potoloho e khuts'oane ea tlhahiso, tšebeliso e tlase ea solvent, mme sehlahisoa se na le khanyetso e ntle ho matsoai a mononovalent le divalent le ho hanyetsa acid e ntle. Ha e bapisoa le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa cellulose ether, e na le tlholisano e matla masimong a tlhahlobo ea lijo le oli.

Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) ke mofuta o feto-fetohang le o sebetsang hantle ka ho fetisisa har'a mefuta eohle ea selulose, hape ke moemeli ea tloaelehileng oa khoebo har'a li-ether tse tsoakiloeng. Ka 1927, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) e ile ea etsoa ka katleho le ho aroloa. Ka 1938, Dow Chemical Co. ea United States e ile ea hlokomela tlhahiso ea indasteri ea methyl cellulose 'me ea theha letšoao la khoebo le tsebahalang "Methocel". Tlhahiso e kholo ea indasteri ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e qalile United States ka 1948. Ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso ea HPMC e ka aroloa ka mekhahlelo e 'meli: mokhoa oa khase ea khase le mokhoa oa mohato oa metsi. Hona joale, linaha tse tsoetseng pele tse kang Europe, Amerika le Japane li ntse li amohela mokhoa oa khase ea khase, 'me tlhahiso ea malapeng ea HPMC e itšetlehile haholo ka mokhoa oa mokelikeli.

Zhang Shuangjian le ba bang ba hloekisitsoeng k'hothone phofo e le lintho tse tala, alkalized ka sodium hydroxide ka karabelo solvent medium toluene le isopropanol, etherified ka etherifying moemeli propylene oxide le methyl chloride, ba ile ba itšoara 'me ba lokisetsa mofuta oa hang-hang hydroxypropyl methyl alcohol base cellulose ether.


3. Maikutlo

Cellulose ke lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa tsa lik'hemik'hale le lik'hemik'hale tse nang le lisebelisoa tse ngata, tse tala le tse nang le tikoloho, 'me li ka nchafatsoa. Litholoana tsa phetoho ea cellulose etherification li na le ts'ebetso e babatsehang, mefuta e mengata ea tšebeliso le liphello tse babatsehang tsa tšebeliso, 'me li finyella litlhoko tsa moruo oa naha ka tekanyo e kholo. 'Me litlhoko tsa nts'etsopele ea sechaba, ka tsoelo-pele e tsoelang pele ea thekenoloji le ho phethahala ha khoebo nakong e tlang, haeba lisebelisoa tsa maiketsetso le mekhoa ea maiketsetso ea lihlahisoa tsa cellulose li ka ntlafatsoa haholoanyane, li tla sebelisoa ka botlalo le ho hlokomela mefuta e mengata ea likopo. Boleng.



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