Focus on Cellulose ethers

Ho lekola kamano lipakeng tsa likhomaretsi tsa lithaele le litaba tsa cellulose ether

Likhomaretsi tsa lithaele li sebelisoa haholo mererong ea kajeno ea kaho. Mosebetsi oa bona o ka sehloohong ke ho khomarela ka tieo lithaele holim'a mohaho oa mohaho ho etsa bonnete ba hore lithaele li ke ke tsa oa kapa tsa sisinyeha. Cellulose ether, e le tlatsetso e tloaelehileng, e sebelisoa haholo ho li-adhesive tsa lithaele ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea tsona.

Likarolo tsa motheo tsa sekhomaretsi sa lithaele
Likhomaretsi tsa lithaele hangata li entsoe ka samente, lehlabathe, cellulose ether, phofo ea glue le lisebelisoa tse ling. Samente e sebelisoa e le thepa e tlamang e ka sehloohong ho fana ka matla a motheo; lehlabathe le sebelisoa e le filler ho eketsa molumo le ho fokotsa shrinkage; cellulose ether le phofo ea rabara li sebelisoa e le li-modifiers ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso le thepa ea 'mele ea sekhomaretsi.

Karolo ea cellulose ethers
Cellulose ether ke motsoako oa polymer o ntšitsoeng ho selulose ea tlhaho. Mesebetsi ea eona ea mantlha ke:

Ho boloka metsi: Cellulose ether e ka ntlafatsa haholo matla a ho boloka metsi a li-adhesive tsa lithaele tsa ceramic le ho fokotsa mouoane oa metsi, ka tsela eo ho netefatsa hore metsi a lekaneng a samente le ho ntlafatsa matla.
Thickening effect: Cellulose ether e etsa hore sekhomaretsi se be le thixotropy e ntle le khanyetso e thellang, e thusang ho haha ​​​​le ho ntlafatsa phello ea tlamahano.
Ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso: Cellulose ether e ka etsa hore sekhomaretsi se be bonolo ebile se bonolo ho sebetsa nakong ea kaho, ho ntlafatsa katleho ea kaho le boleng.
Phello ea litaba tsa cellulose ether ts'ebetsong ea li-adhesive tsa lithaele tsa ceramic
Ho boloka metsi: ho eketsa litaba tsa cellulose ether ho tla ntlafatsa haholo ho boloka metsi a sekhomaretsi. Nakong ea ts'ebetso ea samente ea hydration, ho boloka metsi ho bohlokoa ho etsa bonnete ba hore samente e na le metsi a lekaneng. Ha tekanyo ea hydration e phahame, lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa hydration tse entsoeng ke samente le ho phahamisa matla a bond. Ka hona, palo e loketseng ea cellulose ether e thusa ho ntlafatsa matla le ho tšoarella ha sekhomaretsi.

Matla a tlamahano: Ha litaba tsa cellulose ether li ntse li eketseha, matla a tlamahano a sekhomaretsi a tla eketseha haholo. Lebaka ke hobane ho boloka metsi le liphello tse teteaneng tsa cellulose ether li lumella sekhomaretsi hore se kenelle hantle ka holim'a lithaele tsa ceramic le li-substrates, ho ntlafatsa phello ea bonding ea interface. Leha ho le joalo, e phahameng haholo diteng tsa selulose ether tla lebisa ho viscosity feteletseng, ama ho sebetsa, 'me ka' na esita le etsa hore mapetsong a sekgomaretsi nakong ea ho omisa tshebetso ya ho omisa, e leng ka lehlakoreng le leng ho fokotsa bonding matla.

Mosebetsi: Cellulose ether e na le tšusumetso e kholo ho sebetsa ha li-adhesives. Palo e loketseng ea cellulose ether e ka etsa hore sekhomaretsi se be bonolo ho se sebelisa le ho se lokisa nakong ea kaho, sa fokotsa ho thella ha lithaele tsa ceramic, le ho ntlafatsa katleho ea kaho. Likahare tse tlase haholo tsa cellulose ether li tla etsa hore sekhomaretsi se be le viscosity e sa lekaneng mme se thelle habonolo; athe sekhomaretsi sa ether se phahameng haholo se tla etsa hore sekhomaretsi se be viscous mme ho be thata ho se etsa.

Slip resistance: Bakeng sa kaho ea lithaele tsa lebota, ho hanyetsa ho thella ke pontšo ea bohlokoa. Cellulose ether e ka ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso e khahlanong le ho thella ea sekhomaretsi, ho etsa bonnete ba hore lithaele li ke ke tsa thella ka mor'a hore li khomaretsoe. Lipatlisiso li bontša hore tekanyo e loketseng ea cellulose ether e ka ntlafatsa haholo bokhoni ba ho thibela ho thella ha sekhomaretsi, athe cellulose ether e ngata haholo e tla etsa hore mohaho o be thata hobane metsi a sekhomaretsi a tlaase haholo.

Liteko le Tlhahlobo
E le ho hlahloba phello e khethehileng ea selulose ether ea selulose ts'ebetsong ea li-adhesive tsa lithaele tsa ceramic, liteko tse latelang li ka etsoa:

Lisebelisoa tsa liteko: Sebelisa mofuta o tšoanang le mohlala oa samente, lehlabathe le phofo ea rabara, 'me u kenye litaba tse fapaneng tsa cellulose ether (joalo ka 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5%).

Mekhoa ea Teko:

Teko ea ho boloka metsi: Lekola matla a ho boloka metsi a sekhomaretsi tlas'a likahare tse fapaneng tsa cellulose ether ka mokhoa oa ho monya metsi ka pampiri ea sefa.
Teko ea matla a bonding: Ho ea ka mokhoa o tloaelehileng oa naha, ho lekoa matla a ho kopanya a sekhomaretsi tlas'a likahare tse fapaneng tsa cellulose ether.
Teko ea Constructability: Lekola boiketlo ba ts'ebeliso le ho hanyetsa ho thella ha sekhomaretsi ka ts'ebetso ea 'nete ea kaho.
Tlhatlhobo ea lintlha: Ka lipalo-palo, sekaseka lintlha tsa liteko, ho hula kamano pakeng tsa litaba tsa cellulose ether le matšoao a ts'ebetso joalo ka ho boloka metsi, matla a tlamahano, le ho sebetsa ho fumana mofuta o nepahetseng oa litaba tsa cellulose ether.

Likahare tsa cellulose ether li na le tšusumetso e kholo ho boloka metsi, matla a ho kopanya le ho sebetsa ha li-adhesive tsa lithaele tsa ceramic.
Palo e loketseng ea cellulose ether e ka ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso ea sekhomaretsi, empa litaba tse ngata haholo tsa cellulose ether li tla lebisa ho viscosity e feteletseng ea sekhomaretsi, e amang ts'ebetso le phello ea tlamahano.
Ka tlhahlobo ea data ea liteko, mofuta o nepahetseng oa litaba tsa cellulose ether o ka ikemisetsoa ho fihlela tekano e nepahetseng ea thepa ea sekhomaretsi.

Taolo e utloahalang ea ho eketsa palo ea cellulose ether ke senotlolo sa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea li-adhesive tsa lithaele tsa ceramic. Lipatlisiso tsa nako e tlang li ka tsoela pele ho hlahloba litlamorao tsa mefuta e fapaneng ea li-cellulose ethers ho thepa ea sekhomaretsi ho nts'etsapele lihlahisoa tsa sekhomaretsi sa lithaele tse phahameng.

Nako ea poso: Jul-31-2024
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