Focus on Cellulose ethers

Phello ea Cellulose Ether ho Matlo a Mortar

Phello ea Cellulose Ether ho Matlo a Mortar

Liphello tsa mefuta e 'meli ea li-cellulose ethers tšebetsong ea seretse li ile tsa ithutoa. Liphello li bontšitse hore mefuta e 'meli ea li-cellulose ethers e ka ntlafatsa haholo ho boloka metsi a seretse le ho fokotsa ho tsitsisa ha seretse; Matla a khatello a fokotsehile ka likhato tse fapaneng, empa tekanyo ea ho phutha le matla a ho kopanya a seretse a eketseha ka likhato tse fapaneng, kahoo ho ntlafatsa kaho ea seretse.

Mantsoe a bohlokoa:cellulose ether; moemeli oa ho boloka metsi; matla a tlamahano

Cellulose ether (MC)ke ntho e tsoang ho cellulose ea tlhaho. Cellulose ether e ka sebelisoa e le moemeli oa ho boloka metsi, thickener, binder, dispersant, stabilizer, suspending agent, emulsifier le thuso ea ho etsa filimi, joalo-joalo Hobane cellulose ether e na le ho boloka metsi hantle le phello e teteaneng holim'a seretse, e ka ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso ea ho sebetsa. ea seretse, kahoo cellulose ether ke polima e qhibilihang ka metsing e sebelisoang haholo seretseng.


1. Lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo le mekhoa ea teko

1.1 Lisebelisoa tse tala

Samente: Samente e Tlwaelehileng ya Portland e hlahisitsweng ke Jiaozuo Jianjian Cement Co., Ltd., e nang le sehlopha sa matla sa 42.5. Lehlabathe: Nanyang yellow sand, fineness modulus 2.75, lehlabathe le mahareng. Cellulose ether (MC): C9101 e hlahisoang ke Beijing Luojian Company le HPMC e hlahisoang ke Shanghai Huiguang Company.

1.2 Mokhoa oa teko

Thutong ena, karo-karolelano ea lime-sand e ne e le 1: 2, 'me karolelano ea metsi-samente e ne e le 0,45; cellulose ether e ne e tsoakoa le samente pele, ebe lehlabathe le kenngoa le ho tsosoa ka ho lekana. Tekanyo ea cellulose ether e baloa ho ea ka peresente ea boima ba samente.

Teko e hatellang ea matla le teko ea ho tsitsa e etsoa mabapi le JGJ 70-90 "Mekhoa ea Teko bakeng sa Thepa ea Motheo ea Seretse sa Kaho". Teko ea matla a flexural e etsoa ho latela GB/T 17671-1999 "Cement Mortar Strength Test".

Teko ea ho boloka metsi e entsoe ho latela mokhoa oa pampiri oa sefa o sebelisoang likhoebong tsa tlhahiso ea konkreite ea French aerated. Ts'ebetso e tobileng ke e latelang: (1) beha likarolo tse 5 tsa pampiri e sefang butle holim'a poleiti e chitja ea polasetiki, 'me u lekanye boima ba eona; (2) beha e 'ngoe ka ho toba le seretse Beha pampiri ea filthara ea lebelo le holimo holim'a pampiri ea filthara e liehang, ebe u hatella silindara e nang le bophara bo ka hare ba 56 mm le bolelele ba 55 mm pampiring e potlakileng ea sefa; (3) Tšela seretse ka silindareng; (4) Ka mor'a hore seretse se kopane le pampiri ea filthara bakeng sa metsotso ea 15, lekanya hape Boleng ba pampiri e fokolang ea sesefa le disc ea polasetiki; 5 (6) Sekhahla sa ho monya metsi ke moelelo oa lipalo oa liphetho tse peli tsa liteko. Haeba phapang pakeng tsa litekanyetso tsa tekanyo e feta 10%, tlhahlobo e lokela ho phetoa; (7) Ho bolokoa ha metsi ha seretse ho bontšoa ke sekhahla sa ho monya metsi.

Teko ea matla a bond e ile ea etsoa mabapi le mokhoa o khothaletsoang ke Mokhatlo oa Japane oa Materials Science, 'me matla a tlamo a ne a khetholloa ka matla a flexural. Teko e nka sampole ea prism eo boholo ba eona e leng 160mm×40 limilimithara×40 limilimithara. Mohlala o tloaelehileng oa seretse o entsoeng esale pele o ile oa phekoloa ho fihlela lilemo tse 28 d, ebe o khaola likarolo tse peli. Likarolo tse peli tsa sampole li entsoe lisampole tse nang le seretse se tloaelehileng kapa seretse sa polymer, ebe ka tlhaho se phekoloa ka tlung ho fihlela lilemo tse itseng, ebe se lekoa ho latela mokhoa oa teko bakeng sa matla a feto-fetohang a seretse sa samente.


2. Liphetho tsa liteko le tlhahlobo

2.1 Ho lumellana

Ho latela phello ea cellulose ether mabapi le ho ts'oana ha seretse, ho ka bonoa hore ka keketseho ea litaba tsa cellulose ether, ho ts'oana ha seretse ha e le hantle ho bonts'a mokhoa o tlase, 'me ho fokotseha ha seretse se kopantsoeng le HPMC ho potlakile. ho feta seretse se kopantsoeng le C9101. Sena ke hobane viscosity ea cellulose ether e sitisa ho phalla ha seretse, 'me viscosity ea HPMC e phahame ho feta ea C9101.

2.2 Ho boloka metsi

Ka seretseng, lisebelisoa tsa samente tse kang samente le gypsum li hloka ho tšeloa metsi ka metsi e le hore li behe. Palo e lekaneng ea cellulose ether e ka boloka mongobo ka har'a seretse nako e telele e lekaneng, e le hore mokhoa oa ho beha le ho thatafatsa o ka tsoela pele.

Ho latela phello ea cellulose ether content ho boloka metsi a seretse, ho ka bonoa hore: (1) Ka keketseho ea C9101 kapa HPMC cellulose content ether, sekhahla sa ho monya metsi sa seretse se fokotsehile haholo, ke hore, ho boloka metsi seretse se ile sa ntlafatsoa haholo, haholo ha se kopantsoe le Seretse sa HPMC. Ho boloka metsi a eona ho ka ntlafatsoa ho feta; (2) Ha palo ea HPMC e le 0.05% ho 0.10%, seretse se finyella ka botlalo litlhoko tsa ho boloka metsi mosebetsing oa kaho.

Ka bobeli li-cellulose ethers ke li-polymers tse seng tsa ionic. Lihlopha tsa hydroxyl holim'a ketane ea molek'hule ea cellulose ether le liathomo tsa oksijene holim'a li-bond tsa ether li ka etsa likamano tsa hydrogen le limolek'hule tsa metsi, ho etsa hore metsi a sa lefelloeng a be metsi a tlamiloeng, kahoo a bapala karolo e ntle ea ho boloka metsi.

Ho boloka metsi a cellulose ether haholo-holo ho ipapisitse le viscosity ea eona, boholo ba likaroloana, sekhahla sa ho qhibiliha le palo ea tlatsetso. Ka kakaretso, ha chelete e eketsoa e le ngata, ho na le viscosity e phahameng, 'me botle bo botle, ho boloka metsi ho phahame. Ka bobeli C9101 le HPMC cellulose ether li na le lihlopha tsa methoxy le hydroxypropoxy ka har'a ketane ea molek'hule, empa litaba tsa methoxy ho HPMC cellulose ether li phahame ho feta tsa C9101, 'me viscosity ea HPMC e phahame ho feta ea C9101, kahoo ho boloka metsi a seretse. e tsoakiloeng le HPMC e phahame ho feta ea seretse se kopantsoeng le seretse se seholo sa HPMC C9101. Leha ho le joalo, haeba viscosity le boima ba limolek'hule tsa cellulose ether li phahame haholo, ho qhibiliha ha eona ho tla fokotseha ka tsela e nepahetseng, e leng ho tla ba le tšusumetso e mpe ho matla le ho sebetsa ha seretse. Matla a sebopeho ho fihlela phello e ntle ea bonding.

2.3 Matla a Flexural le matla a hatellang

Ho tloha phello ea cellulose ether ka matla a flexural le a hatellang a seretse, ho ka bonoa hore ka keketseho ea litaba tsa cellulose ether, matla a flexural le a hatellang a seretse ka matsatsi a 7 le a 28 a bontšitse mokhoa o theohelang. Sena ke haholo-holo hobane: (1) Ha cellulose ether e kenngoa seretseng, li-polymer tse tenyetsehang ka har'a likoti tsa seretse lia eketseha, 'me li-polymer tsena tse tenyetsehang ha li khone ho fana ka tšehetso e thata ha matrix a kopantsoeng a hatelloa. Ka lebaka leo, matla a flexural le a hatellang a seretse a fokotsehile; (2) Ka ho eketseha ha dikahare tsa cellulose ether, phello ea eona ea ho boloka metsi e ntse e ntlafala le ho ntlafala, e le hore ka mor'a hore ho thehoe setopo sa tlhahlobo ea seretse, porosity ka seretse se thibelang ho eketseha, matla a flexural le a hatellang a tla fokotseha. ; (3) ha seretse se omeletseng se tsoakiloeng se kopantsoe le metsi, likaroloana tsa latex tsa cellulose ether li qala ho phatlalatsoa holim'a likaroloana tsa samente ho etsa filimi ea latex, e fokotsang metsi a samente, ka tsela eo e fokotsa matla a samente. seretse.

2.4 Mena karo-karolelano

Ho feto-fetoha ha seretse ho fana ka seretse se nang le bokooa bo botle, e leng se nolofalletsang ho ikamahanya le khatello ea kelello e hlahisoang ke ho fokotseha le ho senyeha ha substrate, kahoo ho ntlafatsa haholo matla a tlamahano le ho tšoarella ha seretse.

Ho latela phello ea likarolo tsa cellulose ether ho karo-karolelano ea ho phutha seretse (ff / fo), ho ka bonoa hore ka keketseho ea cellulose ether C9101 le HPMC content, sekhahla sa ho phutha seretse se bonts'itse mokhoa o ntseng o eketseha, o bonts'a hore ho feto-fetoha ha seretse ho ne ho le joalo. ntlafatsoa.

Ha cellulose ether e qhibiliha ka har'a seretse, hobane methoxyl le hydroxypropoxyl ka ketane ea limolek'hule li tla itšoara ka Ca2 + le Al3 + ka slurry, gel ea viscous e thehoa 'me e tlatsitsoe ka lekhalo la seretse sa samente, kahoo E phetha karolo ea ho tlatsa ka mokhoa o feto-fetohang. le matlafatso a feto-fetohang, ho ntlafatsa compactness ea seretse, 'me e bontša hore ho feto-fetoha ha seretse se fetotsoeng ho ntlafatsoa ka macroscopically.

2.5 Matla a tlamo

Ho latela phello ea litaba tsa cellulose ether ho matla a tlamahano ea seretse, ho ka bonoa hore matla a tlamahano ea seretse a eketseha ka keketseho ea litaba tsa cellulose ether.

Ho eketsoa ha cellulose ether ho ka etsa karolo e tšesaane ea filimi ea polymer e sa keneleng metsi pakeng tsa cellulose ether le likaroloana tsa samente tse hydrated. Filimi ena e na le phello ea ho tiisa 'me e ntlafatsa "sebaka se omileng" sa seretse. Ka lebaka la ho boloka metsi a matle a cellulose ether, metsi a lekaneng a bolokiloe ka har'a seretse, ka tsela eo ho netefatsa ho thatafala ha hydration ea samente le nts'etsopele e feletseng ea matla a eona, le ho ntlafatsa matla a tlamahano ea peista ea samente. Ho phaella moo, tlatsetso ea cellulose ether e ntlafatsa momahano oa seretse, 'me e etsa hore seretse se be le polasetiki e ntle le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, e leng se etsang hore seretse se khone ho ikamahanya le shrinkage deformation ea substrate, kahoo e ntlafatsa matla a tlamahano ea seretse. .

2.6 Ho fokotseha

E ka bonoa ho tsoa ho phello ea selulose ether content ho honyeha ha seretse: (1) The shrinkage boleng ba cellulose ether seretse se tlase haholo ho feta seretse se se nang letho. (2) Ka keketseho ea litaba tsa C9101, boleng ba shrinkage ba seretse bo fokotsehile butle-butle, empa ha litaba li fihla ho 0.30%, boleng ba shrinkage ba seretse bo ile ba eketseha. Sena ke hobane palo e kholo ea cellulose ether, e na le viscosity e kholoanyane, e bakang keketseho ea tlhokahalo ea metsi. (3) Ka keketseho ea litaba tsa HPMC, boleng ba shrinkage ea seretse bo fokotsehile butle-butle, empa ha litaba tsa eona li fihla ho 0.20%, boleng ba shrinkage ea seretse bo ile ba eketseha ebe bo fokotseha. Sena ke hobane viscosity ea HPMC e kholo ho feta ea C9101. Ho phahamisa viscosity ea cellulose ether. Ho boloka metsi ho molemo, ho na le moea o mongata, ha moea o fihla boemong bo itseng, boleng ba shrinkage ba seretse bo tla eketseha. Ka hona, mabapi le boleng ba shrinkage, tekanyo e nepahetseng ea C9101 ke 0.05% ~ 0.20%. Tekanyetso e nepahetseng ea HPMC ke 0.05% ~ 0.10%.


3. Qetello

1. Cellulose ether e ka ntlafatsa ho boloka metsi a seretse le ho fokotsa ho lumellana ha seretse. Ho fetola palo ea cellulose ether ho ka finyella litlhoko tsa seretse se sebelisoang mererong e fapaneng.

2. Ho eketsoa ha cellulose ether ho fokotsa matla a flexural le matla a hatellang a seretse, empa ho eketsa tekanyo ea ho phutha le matla a ho kopanya ho isa tekanyong e itseng, kahoo ho ntlafatsa ho tšoarella ha seretse.

3. Ho eketsoa ha cellulose ether ho ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea shrinkage ea seretse, 'me ka keketseho ea litaba tsa eona, boleng ba shrinkage ba seretse bo fetoha bo nyane le bo nyane. Empa ha palo ea cellulose ether e fihla boemong bo itseng, boleng ba shrinkage ea seretse bo eketseha ho isa tekanyong e itseng ka lebaka la ho eketseha ha chelete ea moea.

Nako ea poso: Jan-16-2023
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