Focus on Cellulose ethers

Phello ea Cellulose Ether ho Gypsum le Cementitious Mortar

Lihlahisoa tsa ether tsa cellulose li sebelisoa haholo ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa mohaho oa hydraulic, tse kang gypsum le samente. Lirapeng tsa gypsum le samente, e ntlafatsa ho boloka metsi, e lelefatsa khalemelo le linako tse bulehileng, 'me e fokotsa ho fokotseha.

1. Ho boloka metsi

Cellulose ether e thibela mongobo ho kena leboteng. Metsi a lekaneng a lula ka har'a seretse, e le hore gypsum le samente li be le nako e telele ea ho nosetsa. Ho boloka metsi ho lekana ka ho toba le viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether seretseng. Ha viscosity e phahame, ho boloka metsi ho molemo. Hang ha ntlha ea mongobo e eketseha, ho boloka metsi ho fokotseha. Hobane bakeng sa tekanyo e lekanang ea tharollo ea cellulose ether, ho eketseha ha metsi ho bolela ho fokotseha ha viscosity. Ntlafatso ea ho boloka metsi e tla lebisa ho atolosoeng ha nako ea pheko ea seretse se ntseng se hahuoa.

2. Fokotsa viscosity le ho ntlafatsa tshebetso

Ho theola viscosity ea cellulose ether e sebelisoang, ho theola viscosity ea seretse 'me kahoo ho sebetsa ho betere. Leha ho le joalo, ether ea viscosity cellulose ether e na le tekanyo e phahameng ka lebaka la ho boloka metsi a tlaase.

3. Anti-sagging

Seretse se setle se manganga se bolela hore seretse se kentsoeng ka har'a makhapetla a teteaneng ha se na kotsi ea ho theoha kapa ho theohela tlase. Ho hanyetsa sag ho ka ntlafatsoa ka cellulose. Cellulose ether e ka fana ka khanyetso e ntle ea sag ea seretse.

4. Likahare tsa Bubble

Li-bubble tse phahameng tsa moea li etsa hore ho be le chai e ntle ea seretse le ho sebetsa hantle, ho fokotsa sebopeho sa crack. E boetse e theola boleng ba matla, e bakang ketsahalo ea "liquefaction". Li-bubble tsa moea hangata li ipapisitse le nako ea ho sisinyeha.

Nako ea poso: Feb-10-2023
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