Focus on Cellulose ethers

Litšobotsi le melemo ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose ka thepa ea moaho

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) ke ether ea bohlokoa eo e seng ea ionic cellulose e sebelisoang ka bongata thepa ea moaho. E entsoe ka thepa ea tlhaho ea polymer ka letoto la kalafo ea lik'hemik'hale. E na le mefuta e fapaneng ea thepa le melemo e mengata mme e ka ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso ea thepa ea moaho.

1. Litšobotsi tsa motheo tsa hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
phello e teteaneng
E 'ngoe ea mesebetsi ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ea HPMC ho thepa ea mohaho ke ho teteaneng. E ka eketsa haholo viscosity ea thepa ea moaho joalo ka seretse le likoahelo, e etsa hore li be le ts'ebetso e ntle le ho boloka metsi nakong ea ts'ebeliso. Ka ho lokisa litekanyetso tsa HPMC, taolo e nepahetseng ea viscosity ea thepa e ka finyelloa ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa kaho.

Ho boloka metsi
HPMC e na le thepa e babatsehang ea ho boloka metsi 'me e ka thibela tahlehelo e feteletseng ea metsi. Sena ke sa bohlokoa ka ho khetheha libakeng tse omeletseng le tse phahameng tsa mocheso ho etsa bonnete ba hore seretse se na le metsi a lekaneng bakeng sa karabelo ea hydration nakong ea ho phekola, ho qoba ho omisa le ho fokotseha, le ho ntlafatsa matla a ho qetela le ho tšoarella ha thepa.

HPMC e etsa tharollo ea colloidal ka mor'a hore e qhibilihe ka metsing, e nang le phello e ntle ea lubrication. Sena se etsa hore thepa ea mohaho e be bonolo ho e sebelisa le ho hasana nakong ea ts'ebeliso, ho ntlafatsa katleho ea kaho le boreleli ba holim'a metsi. Ho phaella moo, lubricity e ntle e ka fokotsa ho senyeha ha lisebelisoa tsa kaho.

Ho fanyeha
HPMC e ka ntlafatsa bokhoni ba ho emisoa ba likaroloana tse tiileng ka har'a maro le ho thibela delamination ea lintho tse bonahalang. Sena se bohlokoa haholo ha ho etsoa le ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tse kang seretse le liphahlo ho netefatsa ho ts'oana le botsitso ba sehlahisoa le ho tsitsa ha phello ea kaho.

Thepa ea ho etsa lifilimi
HPMC e na le thepa e ntle ea ho etsa filimi 'me e ka etsa filimi e ts'oanang ka mor'a ho omisa. Filimi ena e na le tekanyo e itseng ea matla le elasticity, 'me e ka sireletsa ka katleho holim'a thepa le ho ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ha eona le ho hanyetsa ho phatloha.

2. Melemo ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose ka thepa ea mohaho
Ntlafatsa tshebetso ya kaho
Ka lebaka la botenya ba HPMC, ho boloka metsi, ho tlotsa le thepa e 'ngoe, thepa ea moaho e kentsoeng ka HPMC e bonts'a ts'ebetso e betere nakong ea kaho. Ka mohlala, ka seretse sa plastering, HPMC e ka ntlafatsa haholo ho khomarela le ho hanyetsa ha seretse, ho etsa hore seretse se be bonolo ho sebetsa le ho fokotsa litšila le ho sebetsa hape.

Ntlafatsa thepa ea thepa
HPMC e ka ntlafatsa matla le ho tšoarella ha thepa ea moaho. Ho boloka metsi a eona a babatsehang ho etsa bonnete ba hore ts'ebetso ea hydration ea seretse e etsoa ka botlalo, kahoo e ntlafatsa matla le ho hanyetsa ho phatloha ha thepa. Ka nako e ts'oanang, thepa ea ho etsa filimi le ho emisa e etsa hore bokaholimo ba thepa e be boreleli le bo bonolo, bo matlafatsang ho hanyetsa ha eona le ho khabisa.

Ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea tikoloho
HPMC ke nonionic cellulose ether e se nang botsoalle ho tikoloho. Tšebeliso ea HPMC ka thepa ea mohaho e ka fokotsa tšebeliso ea metsoako e kotsi ea lik'hemik'hale le ho fokotsa tšilafalo ea tikoloho. Ho feta moo, paballo e ntle ea metsi le lubricity ea HPMC le eona e ka fokotsa bongata ba samente, ea fokotsa ho tsoa ha khabone le tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa.

Ntlafatsa katleho ea moruo
HPMC e ka ntlafatsa haholo katleho ea kaho le ho fokotsa nako ea kaho le litšenyehelo tsa basebetsi. Mehaho ea eona e ntle ea ho boloka metsi le ho emisa le eona e ka fokotsa tšebeliso ea thepa le litšila le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebeliso ea thepa. Tsena li ka fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa kaho haholo le ho ntlafatsa melemo ea moruo.

E ka fetoha
HPMC e sebelisoa haholo mefuteng e fapaneng ea thepa ea mohaho, ho akarelletsa le seretse se omeletseng, phofo ea putty, liphahlo, li-adhesives tsa lithaele, joalo-joalo Ts'ebetso ea eona e babatsehang e e lumella ho phetha karolo e babatsehang maemong a fapaneng a kopo 'me e feto-fetoha haholo.

E le tlatsetso ea bohlokoa ea thepa ea mohaho, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e itšetlehile ka ho teteka ha eona ho babatsehang, ho boloka metsi, ho tlotsa, ho emisoa le thepa ea ho etsa lifilimi ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea kaho, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea thepa, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea tikoloho le ho ntlafatsa melemo ea moruo. E bontšitse melemo e mengata likarolong tse ling. Ka nts'etsopele e tsoelang pele ea indasteri ea kaho le tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea lisebelisoa tse sebetsang hantle le tse baballang tikoloho, litebello tsa ts'ebeliso ea HPMC ho thepa ea moaho e tla ba kholo.

Nako ea poso: Jul-26-2024
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