Ts'ebetso ea hydroxyethyl methylcellulose ka sekhomaretsi sa lithaele tsa ceramic: phello e ntle ea anti-sag, nako e telele ea ho bula, matla a pele a matla, ho feto-fetoha ha mocheso o phahameng, ho bonolo ho sisinyeha, ho sebetsa habonolo, thipa e sa thupeng, joalo-joalo.
Lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa
Ho qhibiliha ha metsi le bokhoni ba ho teteka: Hydroxyethyl methylcellulose e qhibiliha ka metsing a batang, e etsa tharollo e hlakileng le e hlakileng.
E qhibiliha ha bonolo ho lihlapolli tsa lintho tse phelang: Ka lebaka la boteng ba palo e itseng ea lihlopha tsa hydrophobic methoxy, hydroxyethyl methylcellulose e qhibiliha ka har'a metsoako e meng ea tlhaho le metsoako eo metsi le lintho tse phelang li kopanngoang ho tsona.
Mamello ea letsoai: Kaha hydroxyethyl methylcellulose ke electrolyte e seng ea ionic, e seng polymer, e batla e tsitsitse ka litharollo tse nang le metsi a letsoai la tšepe kapa li-electrolyte tsa tlhaho.
Ts'ebetso ea bokaholimo: Litharollo tsa metsi tsa hydroxyethyl methylcellulose li sebetsa ka holim'a metsi, ka hona li na le phello e matlafatsang.
Thermal gelation: Ha e futhumala ka holim'a mocheso o itseng, tharollo ea metsi ea hydroxyethyl methylcellulose e fetoha opaque le precipitates, e leng se etsang hore tharollo e lahleheloe ke viscosity. Empa butle-butle e pholile ebe e fetoha boemo ba pele ba tharollo. Thempereichara eo coagulation le pula e hlahang ho eona e itšetlehile ka mofuta oa sehlahisoa, mahloriso a tharollo le lebelo la ho futhumatsa.
Likahare tse tlaase tsa molora: Hobane hydroxyethyl methylcellulose ha e na ionic 'me e ka hloekisoa ka katleho ka metsi a chesang nakong ea ho lokisetsa, molora o tlaase haholo.
PH botsitso: The viscosity ea hydroxyethyl methylcellulose aqueous solution ha e amehe haholo ke alkali. Sehlahisoa sena se batla se tsitsitse ka har'a pH ea 3.0-11.0.
Phello ea ho boloka metsi: Kaha hydroxyethyl methylcellulose ke hydrophilic 'me tharollo ea eona ea metsi e na le viscosity e phahameng, e phaella ka seretse, samente, pente, joalo-joalo e ka boloka phello e phahameng ea ho boloka metsi ea sehlahisoa.
Ho boloka sebopeho: Ha ho bapisoa le li-polymer tse ling tse qhibilihang ka metsing, tharollo ea metsi ea hydroxyethyl methylcellulose e na le thepa e khethehileng ea viscoelastic. E eketsoa ka ribbed ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba lingoloa tsa ceramic tse extruded ho boloka sebopeho sa tsona.
Lubricity: Ho kenyelletsa sehlahisoa sena ho ka fokotsa khohlano ea lihlahisoa tsa ceramic le lihlahisoa tsa samente le ho ntlafatsa lubricity.
Thepa ea ho etsa lifilimi: Hydroxyethyl methylcellulose e ka etsa maqephe a thata, a tenyetsehang, a bonaletsang a nang le oli e ntle le ester resistance. E ka eketsa viscosity ea seretse sa samente hantle. Ho sebelisa seretse se secha se nang le viscosity e nepahetseng ho ka lula ho tsitsitse ntle le ho tsoa mali ka nako e itseng, ho etsa hore seretse se be bonolo haholo ho boreleli le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea kaho ka nepo.
Nako ea poso: Feb-06-2024