Focus on Cellulose ethers

Cellulose ethers Ntlafatso ea ts'ebetso bakeng sa seretse sa drymix le lipente

Cellulose ethers Ntlafatso ea ts'ebetso bakeng sa seretse sa drymix le lipente

Li-cellulose ethers ke li-additives tse ngata tse fanang ka lintlafatso tsa bohlokoa bakeng sa seretse sa drymix le lipente. Ha re hlahlobe hore na li-additives tsena li kenya letsoho joang ho ntlafatsa thepa le ts'ebetso ea e 'ngoe le e' ngoe:

  1. Li-drymix Mortars: Li-drymix mortars ke motsoako oa pele o kopantsoeng oa samente, lehlabathe, le li-additives tse sebelisoang mesebetsing ea kaho e kang likhomaretsi tsa lithaele, li-grouts, renders le plastering. Cellulose ethers e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea li-drymix seretse ka litsela tse latelang:
    • Ho Boloka Metsi: Li-cellulose ethers, tse kang Hydroxyethyl Methyl Cellulose (HEMC) le Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC), li na le thepa e babatsehang ea ho boloka metsi. Li etsa filimi e sireletsang ho pota-potile likaroloana tsa samente, li fokotsa ho phalla ha metsi nakong ea ho folisa. Sena se ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, se eketsa nako e bulehileng, 'me se ntlafatsa ho khomarela, ho fokotsa kotsi ea mapetsong a shrinkage le ho netefatsa hore metsi a nepahetseng a thepa ea samente.
    • Taolo ea Thickening le Rheology: Cellulose ethers e sebetsa e le li-thickeners le rheology modifiers ka har'a seretse sa drymix, ho ntlafatsa ho tsitsa, ho phalla le ho hanyetsa ho sag. Li fana ka boits'oaro bo fokolang, ho etsa hore seretse se be bonolo ho se sebelisa ha se ntse se thibela ho putlama nakong ea ts'ebetso e otlolohileng. Ethyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (EHEC) le Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) li sebelisoa hangata bakeng sa thepa ea tsona ea ho tiea le ea rheological.
    • Ho khomarela le ho Kopana: Li-cellulose ethers li ntlafatsa ho khomarela le ho kopana ha li-drymix mortars ka ho etsa filimi e feto-fetohang, e kopantsoeng e lumellanang hantle le li-substrates tse sa tšoaneng. Sena se ntlafatsa matla a tlamo, se fokotsa kotsi ea ho koaheloa kapa ho thella, 'me se matlafatsa ho tšoarella ha seretse ka kakaretso.
    • Crack Resistance le Durability: Ho eketsoa ha cellulose ethers ho ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ha crack le ho tšoarella ha seretse sa drymix ka ho fokotsa ho fokotseha, ho laola ho phalla ha metsi, le ho matlafatsa momahano oa matrix a seretse. Sena se fella ka thepa ea kaho e matla le e tšoarellang nako e telele, e khonang ho mamella khatello ea tikoloho le motsamao oa meralo.
  2. Lipente: Lipente ke metsoako e rarahaneng e nang le li-pigment, li-binders, solvents le li-additives. Li-cellulose ethers li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lipente tse thehiloeng metsing ka litsela tse latelang:
    • Taolo ea Viscosity: Li-cellulose ethers li sebetsa e le li-thienners tse sebetsang hantle lipenteng tse thehiloeng metsing, tse laolang ponahalo le ho thibela ho theoha kapa ho rotha nakong ea kopo. Sena se tiisa tšireletso e tšoanang, brushability e ntlafetseng, le mohaho o ntlafetseng oa filimi holim'a libaka tse otlolohileng. Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC) le Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) li sebelisoa hangata bakeng sa taolo ea viscosity lipente.
    • Ho tsitsisa le ho emisoa: Li-cellulose ethers li kenya letsoho ho tsitsiseng ha li-pigment le li-fillers ka mekhoa ea pente, ho thibela ho rarolla le ho etsa bonnete ba ho hasana ho tšoanang. Sena se ntlafatsa ho tsitsisa ha mebala, se fokotsa sedimentation, 'me se ntlafatsa bophelo ba sethala sa pente.
    • Phallo le Boemo: Ho eketsoa ha cellulose ethers ho ntlafatsa phallo le boleng ba lipente tse thehiloeng metsing, ho etsa hore e be boreleli, esita le ho qeta ka matšoao a manyane a borashe kapa lirolara. Sena se matlafatsa boipiletso bo botle ba mosebetsi oa pente mme se fokotsa tlhoko ea ho lokisa bokaholimo.
    • Tlhahiso ea Lifilimi le ho Tšoareha: Li-cellulose ethers li kenya letsoho ho thehoeng ha filimi e tsoelang pele, e momahaneng holim'a substrate, ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela, ho hanyetsa abrasion, le boemo ba leholimo ba pente. Sena se matlafatsa ts'ebetso ea nako e telele le ea nako e telele ea sebaka se pentiloeng, esita le tlas'a maemo a thata a tikoloho.

Qetellong, li-cellulose ethers li fana ka lintlafatso tse kholo tsa ts'ebetso bakeng sa seretse sa drymix le lipente ka ho ntlafatsa ho boloka metsi, ho teteaneng, taolo ea rheology, ho khomarela, ho kopanya, ho hanyetsa le ho tšoarella. Ho feto-fetoha ha tsona le ho sebetsa ha tsona ho etsa hore e be lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa tsa ho haha ​​​​le ho koahela, ho kenya letsoho tlhahisong ea thepa ea boleng bo phahameng, e tšoarellang le e khahlehang.

Nako ea poso: Mar-06-2024
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