Focus on Cellulose ethers

Cellulose Ether Viscosity Phetoho holim'a samente e thehiloeng ho samente

Cellulose Ether Viscosity Phetoho holim'a samente e thehiloeng ho samente

Ho teteana ke phello ea bohlokoa ea phetoho ea cellulose ether linthong tse thehiloeng ho samente. Litlamorao tsa litaba tsa cellulose ether, lebelo la ho potoloha ha viscometer le mocheso phetohong ea viscosity ea samente e fetotsoeng ea cellulose ether.plaster e thehiloeng li ile tsa ithutoa. Liphetho li bontša hore viscosity ea samenteplaster e thehiloeng e eketseha ka ho tsoelang pele ka keketseho ea cellulose ether content, le viscosity ea cellulose ether solution le samente.plaster e thehiloeng e na le "phello ea superposition e kopantsoeng"; pseudoplasticity ea cellulose ether samente e fetotsoengplaster e thehiloeng e tlase ho feta samente e hloekilengplaster e thehiloeng, le viscosity Ho theola lebelo la ho potoloha ha sesebelisoa, kapa ho theola viscosity ea cellulose ether samente e fetotsoeng.plaster e thehiloeng, kapa ho theola lintho tse ka tlaase ho cellulose ether, ho totobetse haholoanyane pseudoplasticity ea cellulose ether samente e fetotsoengplaster e thehiloeng; Ka phello e kopantsoeng ea hydration, viscosity ea cellulose ether e fetotsoe samenteplaster e thehiloeng e tla eketseha kapa e fokotsehe. Mefuta e fapaneng ea ether ea cellulose e na le liphetoho tse fapaneng ho viscosity ea samente e fetotsoengplaster e thehiloeng.

Mantsoe a bohlokoa: cellulose ether; samenteplaster e thehiloeng; viscosity



Hangata li-cellulose ethers li sebelisoa e le lisebelisoa tsa ho boloka metsi le li-thickeners bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse thehiloeng ho samente. Ho latela li-substitute tse fapaneng, li-cellulose ethers tse sebelisoang linthong tse thehiloeng ho samente hangata li kenyelletsa methyl cellulose (MC), hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose Ether (Hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose, HEMC) le hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (Hydroxypropyl methylMC cellulose), har'a tsona HPMC le HEMC ke tsona tse sebelisoang haholo.

Ho teteana ke phello ea bohlokoa ea phetoho ea cellulose ether linthong tse thehiloeng ho samente. Cellulose ether e ka fa seretse se metsi ka viscosity e ntle haholo, ea eketsa haholo bokhoni ba ho kopanya pakeng tsa seretse se metsi le lera la motheo, le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea anti-sag ea seretse. E ka boela ea eketsa matla a homogeneity le a khahlanong le ho hasana ha thepa e sa tsoa tsoakoa e thehiloeng ho samente, 'me ea thibela delamination, karohano le ho tsoa mali ha seretse le konkreite.

Tšusumetso e matla ea cellulose ether holim'a thepa e thehiloeng ho samente e ka hlahlojoa ka bongata ke mohlala oa rheological oa thepa e thehiloeng ho samente. Lisebelisoa tse thehiloeng ho samente li atisa ho nkoa e le Bingham fluid, ke hore, ha khatello ea ho shear e sebelisitsoeng r e ka tlaase ho khatello ea lihlahisoa r0, thepa e lula e le sebōpeho sa eona sa pele 'me ha e phalle; ha khatello ea ho kuta e feta khatello ea lihlahisoa r0, ntho e etsoa ka mokhoa oa ho phalla, 'me khatello ea ho kuta Khatello ea kelello e na le kamano e haufi le sekhahla sa khatello y, ke hore, r=r0+f·y, moo f ke viscosity ea polasetiki. Li-cellulose ethers ka kakaretso li eketsa khatello ea lihlahisoa le viscosity ea polasetiki ea thepa e thehiloeng ho samente, leha ho le joalo, litekanyetso tse tlase li lebisa khatellong e tlase ea chai le viscosity ea polasetiki, haholo-holo ka lebaka la phello ea ho kenya moea ea cellulose ethers. Patural ea Patural e bonts'a hore boima ba limolek'hule tsa cellulose ether bo eketseha, khatello ea chai ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng ea fokotseha, 'me ho tsitsa hoa eketseha.

The viscosity ea samenteplaster e thehiloeng ke index ea bohlokoa ea ho hlahloba phello e teteaneng ea cellulose ether linthong tse thehiloeng ho samente. Lingoliloeng tse ling li hlahlobile molao oa phetoho ea viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether, empa ho ntse ho e-na le khaello ea lipatlisiso tse nepahetseng mabapi le phello ea cellulose ether ka phetoho ea viscosity ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng. Ka nako e ts'oanang, ho ea ka mefuta e fapaneng ea li-substitute, ho na le mefuta e mengata ea li-cellulose ethers. Tšusumetso ea mefuta e fapaneng le li-viscosities tsa cellulose ethers phetohong ea samenteplaster e thehiloeng viscosity e boetse ke taba e amehang haholo ts'ebelisong ea li-cellulose ethers. Mosebetsi ona o sebelisa viscometer ea ho potoloha ho ithuta liphetoho tsa viscosity ea selulose ether e fetotsoeng samente slurries ea mefuta e sa tšoaneng le li-viscosities tlas'a likarolo tse fapaneng tsa poly-ash, lebelo la ho potoloha le mocheso.


1. Teko

1.1 Lisebelisoa tse tala

(1) Cellulose ether. Ho ile ha khethoa mefuta e tšeletseng ea li-cellulose ethers tse sebelisoang haholo naheng ea heso, ho kenyeletsoa mofuta o le mong oa MC, mofuta o le mong oa HEC, mefuta e 2 ea HPMC le mefuta e 2 ea HEMC. fapaneng. The viscosity ea cellulose ether e ile ea lekoa ke NDJ-1B rotational viscometer (Shanghai Changji Company), mahloriso a tharollo ea teko e ne e le 1.0% kapa 2.0%, mocheso o ne o le 20.°C, 'me lebelo la ho potoloha e ne e le 12r / min.

(2) Samente. Samente e tloaelehileng ea Portland e hlahisoang ke Wuhan Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. e na le litlhaloso tsa P.·O 42,5 (GB 175-2007).

1.2 Mokhoa oa ho lekanya viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether

Nka sampole ea cellulose ether ea boleng bo boletsoeng 'me u e kenye ka bekeng ea khalase ea 250mL, ebe u eketsa 250g ea metsi a chesang hoo e ka bang 90.°C; hlohlelletsa ka ho feletseng ka molamu oa khalase ho etsa hore cellulose ether e thehe mokhoa o ts'oanang oa ho hasana ka metsing a chesang, 'me ka nako e ts'oanang u behe beaker Cool moeeng. Ha tharollo e qala ho hlahisa viscosity 'me e ke ke ea e-ba le pula hape, khaotsa ho sisinyeha hang-hang; ha tharollo e pholile moeeng ho fihlela 'mala o tšoana, beha beaker ka mocheso o tsitsitseng oa ho hlapa metsi,' me u boloke mocheso ho mocheso o boletsoeng. Phoso ke± 0.1°C; ka mor'a 2h (e baloang ho tloha nakong ea ho kopana le cellulose ether ka metsi a chesang), lekanya mocheso oa bohareng ba tharollo ka thermometer. Production) rotor e kenngoa ka tharollo ho botebo bo boletsoeng, ka mor'a ho ema bakeng sa 5min, lekanya viscosity ea eona.

1.3 Tekanyo ea viscosity ea cellulose ether e fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng

Pele ho teko, boloka lisebelisoa tsohle tse tala mochesong o boletsoeng, lekanya boima bo boletsoeng ba cellulose ether le samente, u li kopanye ka botlalo, 'me u kenye metsi a pompo ka mocheso o boletsoeng ka beaker ea khalase ea 250mL ka karolelano ea samente ea metsi ea 0.65; ebe o kenya phofo e omileng ka beaker mme o eme metsotso e 3 Susumetsa hantle ka molamu oa khalase ka makhetlo a 300, kenya rotor ea viscometer e potolohang (mofuta oa NDJ-1B, o hlahisoang ke Shanghai Changji Geological Instrument Co., Ltd.) tharollo ho botebo bo boletsoeng, 'me u lekanye viscosity ea eona ka mor'a ho ema metsotso e 2. E le ho qoba tšusumetso ea mocheso oa samente hydration ka teko ea viscosity ea samenteplaster e thehiloeng ka hohle kamoo ho ka khonehang, viscosity ea cellulose ether e fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng e tlameha ho lekoa ha samente e kopane le metsi ka metsotso e 5.


2. Liphetho le tlhahlobo

2.1 Phello ea litaba tsa cellulose ether

Palo ea cellulose ether mona e bolela karo-karolelano ea boima ba cellulose ether ho samente, ke hore, karo-karolelano ea polyash. Ho tsoa tšusumetsong ea P2, E2 le H1 mefuta e meraro ea li-cellulose ethers mabapi le phetoho ea viscosity ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng ka litekanyetso tse fapaneng (0.1%, 0.3%, 0.6% le 0.9%), ho ka bonoa hore ka mor'a ho eketsa cellulose ether, viscosity ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng Viscosity ea eketseha; ha palo ea cellulose ether e ntse e eketseha, viscosity ea samenteplaster e thehiloeng e eketseha ka ho tsoelang pele, le mefuta e mengata ea ho eketseha ha viscosity ea samenteplaster e thehiloeng hape e ba kholoanyane.

Ha karo-karolelano ea samente ea metsi e le 0,65 'me karolo ea cellulose ether e le 0.6%, ha ho nahanoa ka metsi a sebelisoang ke hydration ea pele ea samente, khatello ea cellulose ether e amanang le metsi ke hoo e ka bang 1%. Ha khatello e le 1%, tharollo ea metsi ea P2, E2 le H1 The viscosities ke 4990mPa.·S, 5070mPa·S le 5250mPa·s ka ho latellana; ha karo-karolelano ea samente ea metsi ke 0,65, viscosity ea samente e hloekilengplaster e thehiloeng matla a 836 mPa·S. Leha ho le joalo, li-viscosities tsa P2, E2 le H1 tse tharo tsa cellulose ether tse fetotsoeng li-slurries tsa samente ke 13800mPa.·S, 12900mPa·S le 12700mPa·s ka ho latellana. Ho hlakile hore viscosity ea cellulose ether e fetotsoe samenteplaster e thehiloeng ha se viscosity ea selulose ether tharollo le Keketso e bonolo ea viscosity ea samente e hloekileng.plaster e thehiloeng e kholo haholo ho feta kakaretso ea li-viscosity tse peli, ke hore, viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether le viscosity ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng e na le "phello e kopaneng ea superposition". The viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether e tsoa ho hydrophilicity e matla ea lihlopha tsa hydroxyl le litlamo tsa ether ka limolek'hule tsa cellulose ether le sebopeho sa marang-rang a mararo se entsoeng ke limolek'hule tsa cellulose ether ka tharollo; bokhabane ba samente e hloekilengplaster e thehiloeng e tsoa ho marang-rang a thehiloeng pakeng tsa lihlahisoa tsa samente tsa hydration. Kaha lihlahisoa tsa polymer le samente hydration hangata li theha sebopeho sa marang-rang se kenellang, ka selulose ether e fetotsoeng samente.plaster e thehiloeng, sebopeho sa marang-rang a mararo a selulose ether le sebopeho sa marang-rang sa lihlahisoa tsa samente tsa hydration li kopantsoe, 'me limolek'hule tsa cellulose ether Adsorption le lihlahisoa tsa samente tsa hydration hammoho li hlahisa "motsoako oa superposition effect", e leng ho eketsang haholo viscosity ka kakaretso ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng; kaha molek'hule e le 'ngoe ea cellulose ether e ka kopana le limolek'hule tse ngata tsa cellulose ether le lihlahisoa tsa samente tsa hydration, Ka hona, ka keketseho ea selulose ether content, sekhahla sa sebopeho sa marang-rang se eketseha ho feta keketseho ea limolek'hule tsa cellulose ether, le viscosity ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng e eketseha ka ho sa feleng; ho phaella moo, ho phalla ka potlako ha samente ho hloka ho itšoara ka karolo ea metsi. , e lekanang le ho eketsa bongata ba cellulose ether, e leng lebaka le leng la ho eketseha ho hoholo ha viscosity ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng.

Ho tloha ka cellulose ether le samenteplaster e thehiloeng e na le "phello ea superposition e kopantsoeng" ka viscosity, tlas'a maemo a tšoanang a cellulose ether le maemo a karo-karolelano ea metsi-samente, viscosity ea cellulose ether samente e fetotsoeng.plaster e thehiloeng ka phapang e totobetseng ha mahloriso a le 2% Phapang ea viscosity ha e kholo, mohlala, li-viscosities tsa P2 le E2 ke 48000mPa.·s le 36700mPa·s ka ho latellana ka tharollong ea metsi e nang le mahloriso a 2%. S, phapang ha e bonahale; li-viscosities tsa E1 le E2 ho 2% ea tharollo ea metsi ke 12300mPa·S le 36700mPa·s ka ho latellana, phapang e kholo haholo, empa li-viscosities tsa pente ea bona ea samente e fetotsoeng ke 9800mPa.·S le 12900mPa ka ho latellana·S, phapang e fokotsehile haholo, kahoo ha u khetha cellulose ether ka boenjiniere, ha ho hlokahale hore u phehelle ka mokhoa o feteletseng oa cellulose ether viscosity. Ho feta moo, lits'ebetsong tse sebetsang tsa boenjiniere, khatello ea cellulose ether e amanang le metsi hangata e batla e le tlase. Ka mohlala, ka seretse se tloaelehileng sa plastering, karo-karolelano ea samente ea metsi hangata e ka ba 0,65, 'me litaba tsa cellulose ether ke 0,2% ho 0.6%. Motsoako oa metsi o pakeng tsa 0.3% le 1%.

Ho ka bonoa hape ho tsoa liphethong tsa liteko hore mefuta e fapaneng ea li-cellulose ethers e na le litlamorao tse fapaneng ho viscosity ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng. Ha mahloriso a le 1%, li-viscosities tsa P2, E2 le H1 mefuta e meraro ea litharollo tsa metsi a cellulose ether ke 4990mPa.·s, 5070mPa·S le 5250mPa·S ka ho latellana, viscosity ea tharollo ea H1 ke eona e phahameng ka ho fetisisa, empa viscosity ea P2, E2 le H1 mefuta e meraro ea cellulose ether The viscosity ea ether-modified samente slurries e ne e le 13800mPa.·S, 12900mPa·S le 12700mPa·S ka ho latellana, 'me viscosity ea li-slurries tsa samente tse fetotsoeng tsa H1 e ne e le tlaase ka ho fetisisa. Lebaka ke hobane li-cellulose ethers hangata li na le phello ea ho liehisa samente hydration. Har'a mefuta e meraro ea li-cellulose ethers, HEC, HPMC le HEMC, HEC e na le matla a matla ka ho fetisisa a ho liehisa samente hydration. Ka hona, ho samente e fetotsoeng ea H1plaster e thehiloeng, ka lebaka la hydration ea samente e liehang, mohaho oa marang-rang oa lihlahisoa tsa samente tsa hydration o ntse o tsoela pele butle, 'me viscosity ke e tlaase ka ho fetisisa.

2.2 Phello ea sekhahla sa ho potoloha

Ho tloha tšusumetsong ea lebelo la ho potoloha ha viscometer ho viscosity ea samente e hloekilengplaster e thehiloeng le samente e fetotsoeng ea cellulose etherplaster e thehiloeng, ho ka bonoa hore ha lebelo la ho potoloha le ntse le eketseha, viscosity ea cellulose ether e fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng le samente e hloekilengplaster e thehiloeng e fokotseha ho ea ka likhato tse fapaneng , ke hore, kaofela ha bona ba na le thepa ea ho kuta moriri 'me ke ba pseudoplastic fluid. Ha lebelo la ho potoloha le le lenyenyane, ho fokotseha ho hoholo ha viscosity ea samente eohleplaster e thehiloeng ka lebelo la ho potoloha, ke hore, ho hlakile haholoanyane pseudoplasticity ea samenteplaster e thehiloeng. Ka keketseho ea sekhahla sa ho potoloha, sekhahla sa viscosity se fokotseha sa samenteplaster e thehiloeng butle-butle e ba boreleli, 'me pseudoplasticity ea fokola. Ha ho bapisoa le samente e hloekilengplaster e thehiloeng, pseudoplasticity ea cellulose ether e fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng e fokola, ke hore, ho kenngoa ha cellulose ether ho fokotsa pseudoplasticity ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng.

Ho tloha tšusumetsong ea lebelo la ho potoloha ka viscosity ea samenteplaster e thehiloeng tlas'a mefuta e fapaneng ea cellulose ether le viscosities, ho ka tsejoa hore samenteplaster e thehiloeng e fetotsoe ka li-ether tse fapaneng tsa cellulose li na le matla a fapaneng a pseudoplastic, 'me ha ho le nyane ho hoholo hoa viscosity ea cellulose ether, ho phahamisa viscosity ea samente e fetotsoeng.plaster e thehiloeng. Ho hlakile haholoanyane pseudoplasticity ea samenteplaster e thehiloeng ke; pseudoplasticity ea samente e fetotsoengplaster e thehiloeng ha e na phapang e hlakileng le mefuta e fapaneng ea li-cellulose ethers tse nang le li-viscosity tse tšoanang. Ho tloha P2, E2 le H1 mefuta e meraro ea cellulose ether e fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng ka litekanyetso tse fapaneng (0.1%, 0.3%, 0.6% le 0.9%), tšusumetso ea lebelo la ho potoloha ho viscosity e ka tsejoa, P2, E2 le H1 mefuta e meraro ea fiber The slurries samente e fetotsoeng ka ether e hlakileng e na le liphello tse tšoanang tsa teko. : ha palo ea cellulose ether e fapane, pseudoplasticity ea bona e fapane. Ha palo ea cellulose ether e nyane, ke moo pseudoplasticity ea samente e fetotsoeng e matlafala.plaster e thehiloeng.

Ka mor'a hore samente e kopane le metsi, likaroloana tsa samente tse holim'a metsi li phalla ka potlako, 'me lihlahisoa tsa hydration (haholo-holo CSH gel) li etsa sebopeho sa agglomeration. Ha ho e-na le matla a ho kuta a tataiso ka tharollo, mohaho oa agglomeration o tla buleha, e le hore ho latela tataiso ea matla a ho kuta Ho hanyetsa ho phalla ha tataiso ho fokotsehile, ka hona ho bonts'a thepa ea ho kuta moriri. Cellulose ether ke mofuta oa macromolecule e nang le sebopeho sa asymmetric. Ha tharollo e ntse e le teng, limolek'hule tsa cellulose ether li ka ba le mekhoa e fapaneng. Ha ho e-na le matla a ho kuta a tataiso ka tharollo, ketane e telele ea molek'hule e tla reteleha 'me e tsamaee. Tataiso ea matla a ho kuta e fokotsehile, e leng se fellang ka ho fokotseha ha khanyetso ea phallo, hape e bonts'a thepa ea ho kuta moriri. Ha ho bapisoa le lihlahisoa tsa samente hydration, limolek'hule tsa cellulose ether li fetoha habonolo 'me li na le bokhoni bo itseng ba ho thibela matla a ho kuta. Ka hona, ha e bapisoa le samente e hloekilengplaster e thehiloeng, pseudoplasticity ea cellulose ether e fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng e fokola, 'me, ha viscosity kapa likahare tsa cellulose ether li ntse li eketseha, phello ea buffering ea cellulose ether molecule ho matla a ho kuta e bonahala haholoanyane. Plastiki e fetoha e fokolang.

2.3 Tšusumetso ea mocheso

Ka phello ea liphetoho tsa mocheso (20°C, 27°C le 35°C) ka viscosity ea selulose ether fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng, ho ka bonoa hore ha litaba tsa cellulose ether li le 0.6%, ha mocheso o ntse o eketseha, samente e hloekileng.plaster e thehiloeng le M1 The viscosity ea samente e fetotsoengplaster e thehiloeng ea eketseha, le viscosity ea cellulose ether e 'ngoe e fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng e fokotsehile, empa ho fokotseha ho ne ho se kholo, le viscosity ea samente e fetotsoeng ea H1plaster e thehiloeng e fokotsehile haholo. Ho ea fihla E2 e fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng e amehile, ha karo-karolelano ea polyash ke 0,6%, viscosity ea samenteplaster e thehiloeng e fokotseha ka ho eketseha ha mocheso, 'me ha karolelano ea polyash e le 0.3%, viscosity ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng e eketseha ka ho eketseha ha mocheso.

Ka kakaretso, ka lebaka la ho fokotseha ha matla a ho sebelisana ha intermolecular, viscosity ea mokelikeli e tla fokotseha ka ho eketseha ha mocheso, e leng boemo ba tharollo ea cellulose ether. Leha ho le joalo, ha mocheso o ntse o phahama, 'me nako ea ho kopana pakeng tsa samente le metsi e eketseha, lebelo la samente hydration le tla potlakisa haholo,' me tekanyo ea hydration e tla eketseha, kahoo viscosity ea samente e hloekileng.plaster e thehiloeng ho e-na le hoo, e tla eketseha.

Ka selulose ether samente e fetotsoengplaster e thehiloeng, cellulose ether e tla adsorbed holim'a lihlahisoa tsa samente hydration, ka tsela eo ho thibela samente hydration, empa mefuta e fapaneng le palo ea ethers selulose na le bokhoni bo fapaneng ho thibela samente hydration, MC (tse kang M1) na le matla a fokolang a ho thibela samente hydration, 'me ha mocheso o ntse o eketseha, lebelo la ho phalla ha samenteplaster e thehiloeng e ntse e le ka potlako, kahoo ha mocheso o ntse o eketseha, viscosity E atisa ho eketseha; HEC, HPMC le HEMC li ka thibela haholo metsi a samente, ha mocheso o ntse o eketseha, tekanyo ea hydration ea samente.plaster e thehiloeng e lieha, kahoo ha mocheso o ntse o eketseha, HEC, HPMC le HEMC e fetotsoe samente The viscosity eaplaster e thehiloeng (0.6% polyash ratio) ka kakaretso e fokotsehile, 'me hobane bokhoni ba HEC ba ho lieha samente hydration e kholo ho feta ea HPMC le HEMC, phetoho ea cellulose ether ka liphetoho tsa mocheso (20).°C, 27°C le 35°C) The viscosity ea H1 fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng e fokotsehile haholo ka ho eketseha ha mocheso. Leha ho le joalo, hydration ea samente e ntse e le teng ha mocheso o phahame, kahoo tekanyo ea ho fokotseha ha samente e fetotsoeng ea cellulose etherplaster e thehiloeng ka ho eketseha ha mocheso ha ho totobetse. Ho ea fihla E2 e fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng e amehile, ha tekanyo e phahame (karolelano ea molora ke 0,6%), phello ea ho thibela samente hydration e hlakile, 'me viscosity e fokotseha ka ho eketseha ha mocheso; ha tekanyo e le tlase (karolelano ea molora ke 0.3%), phello ea ho thibela samente hydration ha e hlake, 'me viscosity e eketseha ka ho eketseha ha mocheso.


3. Qetello

(1) Ka keketseho e tsoelang pele ea cellulose ether content, viscosity le viscosity eketsa sekhahla sa samente.plaster e thehiloeng tsoela pele ho eketseha. Sebopeho sa marang-rang a limolek'hule tsa cellulose ether le sebopeho sa marang-rang sa lihlahisoa tsa samente tsa hydration li kopantsoe, 'me hydration ea pele ea samente ka tsela e sa tobang e eketsa mahloriso a cellulose ether, e le hore viscosity ea tharollo ea cellulose ether le samente.plaster e thehiloeng e na le "composite superposition effect", ke hore, cellulose ether The viscosity ea samente e fetotsoengplaster e thehiloeng e kholo haholo ho feta kakaretso ea li-viscosity tsa tsona. Ha ho bapisoa le li-slurries tsa samente tse fetotsoeng tsa HPMC le HEMC, li-slurries tsa samente tse fetotsoeng tsa HEC li na le litekanyetso tse tlase tsa tlhahlobo ea viscosity ka lebaka la nts'etsopele ea butle ea metsi.

(2) Ka bobeli cellulose ether e fetotsoeng samenteplaster e thehiloeng le samente e hloekilengplaster e thehiloeng ho ba le thepa ea ho kuta moriri kapa pseudoplasticity; pseudoplasticity ea cellulose ether samente e fetotsoengplaster e thehiloeng e tlase ho feta samente e hloekilengplaster e thehiloeng; ho theola sekhahla sa ho potoloha, kapa selulose Ho theola viscosity ea samente e fetotsoeng etherplaster e thehiloeng, kapa ha lintho tse ka tlaase tsa cellulose ether li le tlaase, ho totobetse haholoanyane hore pseudoplasticity ea cellulose ether-modified samenteplaster e thehiloeng.

(3) Ha mocheso o ntse o phahama, lebelo le tekanyo ea hydration ea samente e ea eketseha, e le hore viscosity ea samente e hloekileng.plaster e thehiloeng butle-butle e eketseha. Ka lebaka la mefuta e fapaneng le palo ea li-cellulose ethers li na le bokhoni bo fapaneng ba ho thibela samente hydration, viscosity ea peista ea samente e fetotsoeng e fapana le mocheso.

Nako ea poso: Feb-07-2023
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