Cellulose ether e fetotsoeng samente slurry
Phello ea sebopeho sa limolek'hule tse fapaneng tsa ether e seng ea ionic cellulose holim'a sebopeho sa pore sa slurry sa samente se ile sa ithutoa ka tlhahlobo ea ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso le tlhahlobo ea sebopeho sa macroscopic le microscopic pore. Liphetho li bontša hore nonionic cellulose ether e ka eketsa porosity ea slurry ea samente. Ha viscosity ea non-ionic cellulose ether e fetotsoeng slurry e tšoana, porosity eahydroxyethyl cellulose ether(HEC) slurry e fetotsoeng e nyane ho feta ea hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether (HPMC) le methyl cellulose ether (MC) e fetotsoeng slurry. Ka tlase ho viscosity / boima ba molek'hule ea HPMC cellulose ether e nang le litaba tsa sehlopha se ts'oanang, bo nyane ba porosity ea slurry ea eona e fetotsoeng ea samente. Non-ionic cellulose ether e ka fokotsa tsitsipano ea holim'a mokelikeli 'me ea etsa hore slurry ea samente e be bonolo ho etsa li-bubble. Non-ionic selulose ether limolek'hule ba directionally adsorbed ka segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo khase-mokelikeli oa bubble, eo hape e eketsang viscosity ea samente slurry mohato le ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba samente slurry ho tsitsisa bubble.
Mantsoe a bohlokoa:nonionic cellulose ether; seretse sa samente; Sebopeho sa pore; Sebopeho sa limolek'hule; Khatello ea mali holim'a metsi; viscosity
Nonionic cellulose ether (eo ka mor'a moo e bitsoang cellulose ether) e na le botenya bo botle ba 'mele le ho boloka metsi,' me e sebelisoa haholo ka seretse se omeletseng se tsoakiloeng, konkreite e iketsetsang le lisebelisoa tse ling tse ncha tse thehiloeng ho samente. Li-cellulose ethers tse sebelisoang linthong tse thehiloeng ho samente hangata li kenyelletsa methyl cellulose ether (MC), hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether (HPMC), hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose ether (HEMC) le hydroxyethyl cellulose ether (HEC), eo har'a eona HPMC le HEMC e leng lisebelisoa tse tloaelehileng haholo. .
Cellulose ether e ka ama haholo sebopeho sa pore sa slurry ea samente. Pourchez et al., ka tlhahlobo e hlakileng ea boima ba 'mele, teko ea boholo ba pore (mokhoa oa ente ea mercury) le tlhahlobo ea setšoantšo sa seEM, e fihletse qeto ea hore cellulose ether e ka eketsa palo ea li-pores tse bophara ba hoo e ka bang 500nm le masoba a bophara ba hoo e ka bang 50-250μm. seretse sa samente. Ho feta moo, bakeng sa slurry ea samente e thata, Kabo ea boholo ba pore ea boima bo tlase ba molek'hule HEC e fetotsoeng samente slurry e tšoana le ea slurry e hloekileng ea samente. Palo eohle ea pore ea boima bo phahameng ba molek'hule HEC e fetotsoeng samente slurry e phahame ho feta ea slurry e hloekileng ea samente, empa e tlase ho feta ea HPMC e fetotsoeng samente slurry e batlang e tšoana. Ka tlhahlobo ea SEM, Zhang et al. e fumane hore HEMC e ka eketsa haholo palo ea li-pores tse nang le bophara ba hoo e ka bang 0.1mm ka seretse sa samente. Ba boetse ba fumane ka tlhahlobo ea ente ea mercury hore HEMC e ka eketsa haholo palo eohle ea pore le bophara bo boholo ba pore ea slurry ea samente, e leng se bakang keketseho e kholo ea palo ea li-pores tse kholo tse bophara ba 50nm ~ 1μm le li-pores tse kholo tse nang le bophara ba ho feta. ho feta 1μm. Leha ho le joalo, palo ea li-pores tse bophara bo ka tlase ho 50nm e fokotsehile haholo. Saric-Coric et al. o ne a lumela hore cellulose ether e ne e tla etsa hore samente e thellang e be le masoba le ho lebisa keketsehong ea li-macropores. Jenni le al. e lekile ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso 'me ea etsa qeto ea hore karolo ea pore volume ea HEMC e fetotsoeng seretse sa samente e ka bang 20%, ha seretse se hloekileng sa samente se na le moea o monyenyane feela. Silva le al. e fumane hore ho phaella ho litlhōrō tse peli tsa 3.9 nm le 40 ~ 75nm e le slurry e hloekileng ea samente, ho boetse ho na le litlhōrō tse peli ho 100 ~ 500nm le tse kholo ho feta 100μm ka tlhahlobo ea ente ea mercury. Ma Baoguo et al. e fumane hore cellulose ether e ekelitse palo ea li-pores tse ntle tse nang le li-diameter tse ka tlase ho 1μm le li-pores tse kholo tse nang le bophara bo boholo ho feta 2μm ka seretse sa samente ka tlhahlobo ea ente ea mercury. Ha e le lebaka la hore selulose ether eketsa porosity ea slurry samente, hangata ho lumeloa hore selulose ether na le holim'a mosebetsi, e tla ruisa ka segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo metsi, ho etsa filimi, e le ho tsitsisa bubble ka samente slurry.
Ka tlhahlobo ea lingoliloeng tse ka holimo, ho ka bonoa hore phello ea cellulose ether holim'a sebopeho sa pore ea thepa e thehiloeng samente e fumane tlhokomelo e kholo. Leha ho le joalo, ho na le mefuta e mengata ea cellulose ether, mofuta o tšoanang oa cellulose ether, boima ba eona ba molek'hule, likahare tsa sehlopha le likarolo tse ling tsa sebopeho sa limolek'hule le tsona li fapane haholo, 'me bafuputsi ba malapeng le ba tsoang linaheng tse ling ka khetho ea cellulose ether ba lekanyelitsoe feela ho sebelisoa ha bona. tšimo, ho hloka boemeli, qeto e ke keng ea qojoa "overgeneralization", e le hore tlhaloso ea mochine oa cellulose ether e se ke ea teba ka ho lekaneng. Ka pampiri ena, phello ea cellulose ether e nang le sebopeho se fapaneng sa limolek'hule holim'a sebopeho sa pore sa slurry sa samente se ile sa ithutoa ka tlhahlobo e hlakileng ea boima ba 'mele le tlhahlobo ea sebopeho sa macroscopic le microscopic pore.
1. Teko
1.1 Lisebelisoa tse tala
Samente e ne e le samente ea P · O 42.5 e tloaelehileng ea Portland e entsoeng ke Huaxin Cement Co., LTD., moo motsoako oa lik'hemik'hale o neng o lekantsoe ka AXIOS Ad-Vanced wavelength dispersion-type X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (PANa - lytical, Netherlands), mme sebopeho sa mokhahlelo se hakantsoe ka mokhoa oa Bogue.
Cellulose ether e khethile mefuta e mene ea khoebo ea cellulose ether, ka ho latellana methyl cellulose ether (MC), hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether (HPMC1, HPMC2) le hydroxyethyl cellulose ether (HEC), HPMC1 sebopeho sa molek'hule le HPMC2 tse tšoanang, empa viscosity e tlase haholo ho feta HPMC2. , Ke hore, boima ba molek'hule oa HPMC1 bo nyane haholo ho feta ba HPMC2. Ka lebaka la thepa e tšoanang ea hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose ether (HEMc) le HPMC, li-HEMC ha lia khethoa thutong ena. Ho qoba tšusumetso ea mongobo liphethong tsa liteko, li-cellulose ethers kaofela li ile tsa behoa ka 98℃ bakeng sa 2h pele li sebelisoa.
Viscosity ea cellulose ether e ile ea lekoa ke NDJ-1B rotary viscosimeter (Shanghai Changji Company). Teko ea tharollo ea teko (karolelano ea boima ba cellulose ether ho metsi) e ne e le 2.0%, mocheso e ne e le 20 ℃, 'me sekhahla sa ho potoloha e ne e le 12r/min. Khatello ea bokaholimo ba cellulose ether e ile ea lekoa ka mokhoa oa lesale. Sesebelisoa sa teko e ne e le "tensiometer" ea JK99A (Shanghai Zhongchen Company). Tekanyo ea tharollo ea teko e ne e le 0.01% mme mocheso o ne o le 20 ℃. Likahare tsa sehlopha sa cellulose ether li fanoa ke moetsi.
Ho ea ka viscosity, tsitsipano ea holim'a metsi le likarolo tsa sehlopha sa cellulose ether, ha motsoako oa tharollo e le 2.0%, tekanyo ea viscosity ea HEC le HPMC2 tharollo ke 1: 1.6, 'me tekanyo ea viscosity ea HEC le MC tharollo ke 1: 0.4, empa tekong ena, karo-karolelano ea metsi-samente ke 0,35, boholo karo-karolelano samente ke 0.6%, karo-karolelano ea boima ba cellulose ether ho metsi ke hoo e ka bang 1.7%, ka tlase ho 2.0%, le phello synergistic ea samente slurry ka viscosity, kahoo phapang ea viscosity ea HEC, HPMC2 kapa MC modified samente slurry e nyane.
Ho ea ka viscosity, tsitsipano ea holim'a metsi le likarolo tsa sehlopha sa cellulose ether, tsitsipano ea holim'a ether e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea cellulose e fapane. Cellulose ether e na le lihlopha tse peli tsa hydrophilic (lihlopha tsa hydroxyl le ether) le lihlopha tsa hydrophobic (methyl le glucose carbon ring), ke sehlaseli. Cellulose ether e fapane, mofuta le litaba tsa lihlopha tsa hydrophilic le hydrophobic li fapane, e leng se bakang tsitsipano e fapaneng ea holim'a metsi.
1.2 Mekhoa ea liteko
Ho ile ha lokisoa mefuta e tšeletseng ea slurry ea samente, ho kenyeletsoa slurry ea samente e hloekileng, ether e mene ea cellulose (MC, HPMCl, HPMC2 le HEC) e fetotsoeng seretse sa samente ka karolelano ea samente ea 0.60% le slurry ea samente e fetotsoeng ea HPMC2 ka karolelano ea samente ea 0.05%. Ref, MC - 0.60, HPMCl - 0.60, Hpmc2-0.60. HEC 1-0.60 le hpMC2-0.05 li bontša hore karolelano ea metsi-samente ke 0.35 ka bobeli.
Cement slurry pele ho latela GB/T 17671 1999 "samente seretse matla teko mokhoa (ISO mokhoa)" entsoe ka 40mm×40mm×160mm prisms test block, tlas'a boemo ba 20 ℃ tiisitsoe folisa 28d. Ka mor'a ho lekanya le ho bala boima ba eona bo bonahalang, e ile ea phunyeletsoa ka hamore e nyenyane, 'me boemo ba lesoba le leholo la karolo e bohareng ea sebaka sa teko bo ile ba hlokomeloa' me ba nkoa foto ka k'hamera ea digital. Ka nako e ts'oanang, likotoana tse nyane tsa 2.5 ~ 5.0mm li ile tsa nkuoa bakeng sa ho shejoa ka microscope ea optical (HIROX microscope ea likarolo tse tharo tsa video) le microscope ea electron (JSM-5610LV).
2. Liphetho tsa liteko
2.1 Tekanyo e bonahalang
Ho ea ka bongata bo bonahalang ba seretse sa samente se fetotsoeng ke li-ether tse fapaneng tsa cellulose, (1) ho teteana ho bonahalang ha seretse se hloekileng sa samente ho holimo, e leng 2044 kg/m³; Boima bo bonahalang ba mefuta e mene ea cellulose ether e fetotsoeng slurry le karo-karolelano ea samente ea 0.60% e ne e le 74% ~ 88% ea seretse se hloekileng sa samente, e leng se bontšang hore cellulose ether e bakile keketseho ea porosity ea seretse sa samente. (2) Ha karo-karolelano ea samente ho samente ke 0,60%, phello ea li-ethers tse fapaneng tsa selulose holim'a porosity ea slurry ea samente e fapane haholo. The viscosity ea HEC, HPMC2 le MC modified samente slurry e tšoana, empa boima bo bonahalang ba HEC e fetotsoeng samente slurry ke e phahameng ka ho fetisisa, e bontšang hore porosity ea HEC e fetotsoeng samente slurry e nyenyane ho feta ea HPMc2 le Mc modified samente slurry e tšoanang le slurry ea samente. . HPMc1 le HPMC2 li na le likahare tsa sehlopha tse tšoanang, empa viscosity ea HPMCl e tlase haholo ho feta ea HPMC2, 'me boima bo hlakileng ba HPMCl e fetotsoeng samente slurry e phahame haholo ho feta ea HPMC2 e fetotsoeng samente slurry, e bontšang hore ha litaba tsa sehlopha li tšoana. , ho theola viscosity ea cellulose ether, ho theola porosity ea seretse sa samente se fetotsoeng. (3) Ha karo-karolelano ea samente ho samente e le nyane haholo (0.05%), sekhahla se hlakileng sa HPMC2-modified samente slurry se haufi haholo le samente e hloekileng, e bonts'a hore phello ea cellulose ether ho porosity ea samente. seretse se senyane haholo.
2.2 Pore ea macroscopic
Ho ea ka karolo ea lifoto tsa cellulose ether e fetotsoeng samente slurry e nkiloeng ke k'hamera ea digital, slurry e hloekileng ea samente e teteaneng haholo, hoo e ka bang ha ho na li-pores tse bonahalang; Mefuta e mene ea cellulose ether e fetotsoeng slurry e nang le 0.60% ea samente karo-karolelano eohle e na le li-pores tse ngata tsa macroscopic, e leng se bontšang hore cellulose ether e lebisa ho eketseha ha samente slurry porosity. Joalo ka sephetho sa tlhahlobo e hlakileng ea density, phello ea mefuta e fapaneng ea cellulose ether le likahare ho porosity ea slurry ea samente e fapane haholo. The viscosity ea HEC, HPMC2 le MC modified slurry e tšoana, empa porosity ea HEC e fetotsoeng slurry e nyenyane ho feta ea HPMC2 le MC modified slurry. Leha HPMC1 le HPMC2 li na le litaba tsa sehlopha tse tšoanang, HPMC1 e fetotsoeng slurry e nang le viscosity e tlase e na le porosity e nyane. Ha karo-karolelano ea samente ho samente ea HPMc2 e fetotsoeng slurry e nyane haholo (0.05%), palo ea li-macroscopic pores e eketseha hanyane ho feta ea slurry e hloekileng ea samente, empa e fokotsehile haholo ho feta ea HPMC2 e fetotsoeng slurry e nang le 0.60% samente-ho. -karolelano ea samente.
2.3 Pore ea Microscopic
4. Qetello
(1) Cellulose ether e ka eketsa porosity ea slurry ea samente.
(2) Phello ea cellulose ether ho porosity ea slurry ea samente e nang le likarolo tse fapaneng tsa sebopeho sa limolek'hule e fapane: ha viscosity ea cellulose ether e fetotsoeng samente slurry e tšoana, porosity ea HEC e fetotsoeng samente slurry e nyenyane ho feta ea HPMC le MC e fetotsoeng. seretse sa samente; Ka tlase ho viscosity / boima ba molek'hule ea HPMC cellulose ether e nang le likarolo tse tšoanang tsa sehlopha, ho theola porosity ea slurry ea eona e fetotsoeng ea samente.
(3) Ka mor'a ho eketsa selulose ether ka seretse sa samente, tsitsipano e ka holimo ea mokelikeli e fokotsehile, e le hore slurry ea samente e be bonolo ho theha li-bubble tsa cellulose ether limolek'hule tataiso ea tataiso ka sebopeho sa bubble khase-mokelikeli, ho ntlafatsa matla le toughness ea. bubble metsi filimi adsorption ka bubble khase-mokelikeli segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo, ntlafatsa matla a bubble metsi filimi le ho matlafatsa bokhoni ba seretse se thata ho tsitsisa bubble.
Nako ea poso: Feb-05-2023