Focus on Cellulose ethers

Cellulose Ether ho indasteri ea pampiri

Cellulose Ether ho indasteri ea pampiri

Pampiri ena e hlahisa mefuta, mekhoa ea ho itokisa, litšoaneleho tsa ts'ebetso le boemo ba ts'ebeliso ea li-cellulose ethers indastering ea ho etsa pampiri, e hlahisa mefuta e meng e mecha ea li-cellulose ethers tse nang le tebello ea nts'etsopele, 'me e buisana ka ts'ebeliso ea bona le mokhoa oa nts'etsopele ea ho etsa pampiri.

Mantsoe a bohlokoa:cellulose ether; tshebetso; indasteri ea pampiri

Cellulose ke motsoako oa tlhaho oa polymer, sebopeho sa eona sa lik'hemik'hale ke macromolecule ea polysaccharide e nang le anhydrous.β-glucose e le selikalikoe sa motheo, 'me selikalikoe se seng le se seng sa motheo se na le sehlopha sa mantlha sa hydroxyl le sehlopha sa bobeli sa hydroxyl. Ka phetoho ea eona ea lik'hemik'hale, letoto la lihlahisoa tsa cellulose li ka fumanoa. Mokhoa oa ho lokisa cellulose ether ke ho sebetsana le cellulose ka NaOH, ebe o etsa karabelo ea etherification ka li-reactants tse fapaneng tse sebetsang joalo ka methyl chloride, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, joalo-joalo, ebe o hlatsoa letsoai le sehlahisoa le sodium cellulose ho fumana. sehlahisoa. Cellulose ether ke e 'ngoe ea li-derivatives tsa bohlokoa tsa selulose, tse ka sebelisoang haholo meriana le bohloeki, indasteri ea lik'hemik'hale ea letsatsi le letsatsi, ho etsa pampiri, lijo, meriana, kaho, thepa le liindasteri tse ling. Lilemong tsa morao tjena, linaha tsa linaha tse ling li ’nile tsa nka liphuputso tsa eona e le tsa bohlokoa haholo, ’me ho ’nile ha e-ba le lintho tse ngata tseo e li finyeletseng ha ho sebelisoa lipatlisiso tsa motheo, ho sebelisoa liphello tse sebetsang le ho lokisetsa. Lilemong tsa morao tjena, batho ba bang Chaena ba qalile butle-butle ho kenya letsoho lipatlisisong tsa karolo ena, 'me qalong ba fihletse liphello tse ling tsa tlhahiso ea tlhahiso. Ka hona, nts'etsopele le ts'ebeliso ea cellulose ether e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa haholo ts'ebelisong e felletseng ea lisebelisoa tsa baeloji tse nchafalitsoeng le ntlafatso ea boleng ba pampiri le ts'ebetso. Ke mofuta o mocha oa li-additives tsa ho etsa pampiri tse lokelang ho ntlafatsoa.


1. Mekhoa ea ho khetholla le ho lokisetsa li-cellulose ethers

Kakaretso ea li-cellulose ethers e arotsoe ka mekhahlelo e 4 ho latela ionicity.

1.1 Nonionic Cellulose Ether

Non-ionic cellulose ether ke haholo-holo selulose alkyl ether, 'me mokhoa oa eona oa ho itokisa ke ho arabela selulose ka NaOH, ebe o phethahatsa karabelo ea etherification ka li-monomers tse fapaneng tse sebetsang tse kang monochloromethane, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, joalo-joalo, ebe e fumanoa ka ho hlatsoa. letsoai le selulose sodium, haholo-holo ho kenyelletsa methyl cellulose ether, methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose ether, methyl hydroxypropyl cellulose ether, hydroxyethyl cellulose ether, cyanoethyl Cellulose ether le hydroxybutyl cellulose ether li sebelisoa haholo.

1.2 Anionic cellulose ether

Anionic cellulose ethers haholo-holo ke sodium carboxymethyl cellulose le sodium carboxymethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose. Mokhoa oa ho lokisa ke ho sebetsana le cellulose ka NaOH ebe o kenya ether ka chloroacetic acid, ethylene oxide le propylene oxide. Karabelo ea lik'hemik'hale, ebe e fumanoa ka ho hlatsoa letsoai le sodium cellulose ka sehlahisoa.

1.3 Cationic Cellulose Ether

cationic cellulose ethers haholo-holo e kenyelletsa 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride cellulose ether, e lokisoang ka ho sebetsana le cellulose ka NaOH ebe e sebetsana le cationic etherifying agent 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl Trimethyl ammonium chloride kapa etherification reaction ka ethylene oxide le propylene oxide, ebe e fumanoa ka ho hlatsoa letsoai la sehlahisoa le sodium cellulose.

1.4 Zwitterionic Cellulose Ether

Ketane ea molek'hule ea zwitterionic cellulose ether e na le lihlopha tsa anionic le lihlopha tsa cationic. Mokhoa oa eona oa ho itokisa ke ho sebetsana le cellulose ka NaOH ebe o itšoara ka monochloroacetic acid le cationic etherification agent 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl Trimethylammonium chloride e etherified, ebe e fumanoa ka ho hlatsoa letsoai le sodium cellulose.


2. Ts'ebetso le litšobotsi tsa cellulose ether

2.1 Ho theha filimi le ho khomarela

Etherification ea cellulose ether e na le tšusumetso e kholo litšoanelehong tsa eona le thepa ea eona, joalo ka solubility, bokhoni ba ho etsa filimi, matla a tlamahano le ho hanyetsa letsoai. Cellulose ether e na le matla a phahameng a mechine, ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, ho hanyetsa mocheso le ho hanyetsa serame, 'me e na le tumellano e ntle le li-resin tse sa tšoaneng le li-plasticizers,' me e ka sebelisoa ho etsa polasetiki, lifilimi, li-varnish, li-adhesives, latex Le lisebelisoa tsa ho roala lithethefatsi, joalo-joalo.

2.2 Ho qhibiliha ha metsi

Cellulose ether e na le ho qhibiliha ha metsi hantle ka lebaka la boteng ba lihlopha tsa polyhydroxyl, 'me e na le khetho e fapaneng ea solvent bakeng sa metsoako ea organic ho latela likarolo tse fapaneng. Methylcellulose e qhibiliha ka metsing a batang, ha e qhibilihe ka metsing a chesang, hape e qhibiliha ka har'a metsoako e meng; methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose e qhibiliha ka metsing a batang, ha e qhibilihe metsing a chesang le lihlapolli tsa tlhaho. Leha ho le joalo, ha tharollo ea metsi ea methylcellulose le methylhydroxyethylcellulose e futhumala, methylcellulose le methylhydroxyethylcellulose li tla fokotseha. Methyl cellulose e na le pula ho 45-60°C, ha mocheso oa pula oa etherified etherified methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose o eketsehile ho fihla ho 65-80.°C. Ha mocheso o theoha, pula e qhibiliha hape. Hydroxyethylcellulose le sodium carboxymethylcellulose li qhibiliha metsing ka mocheso ofe kapa ofe 'me ha li qhibilihe ka har'a metsoako ea organic (ntle le mekhelo e seng mekae). Ho sebelisoa thepa ena, ho ka lokisoa litlolo tse fapaneng tsa oli le lisebelisoa tsa filimi tse qhibilihang.

2.3 Ho tiisa

Cellulose ether e qhibiliha ka metsing ka mokhoa oa colloid, viscosity ea eona e itšetlehile ka tekanyo ea polymerization ea cellulose ether, 'me tharollo e na le li-macromolecules tse hydrated. Ka lebaka la ho ts'oaroa ha li-macromolecules, mokhoa oa ho phalla oa tharollo o fapane le oa metsi a Newton, empa o bontša boitšoaro bo fetohang ka matla a ho kuta. Ka lebaka la sebopeho sa macromolecular ea cellulose ether, viscosity ea tharollo e eketseha ka potlako ka keketseho ea mahloriso mme e fokotseha ka potlako ka ho eketseha ha mocheso. Ho ea ka litšoaneleho tsa eona, li-cellulose ethers tse kang carboxymethyl cellulose le hydroxyethyl cellulose li ka sebelisoa e le lisebelisoa tse teteaneng bakeng sa lik'hemik'hale tsa letsatsi le letsatsi, lisebelisoa tse bolokang metsi bakeng sa ho koahela pampiri, le li-thickeners bakeng sa liphahlo tsa meralo.

2.4 Ho fokotseha

Ha cellulose ether e qhibiliha karolong ea metsi, libaktheria li tla hōla, 'me ho hōla ha libaktheria ho tla lebisa tlhahiso ea libaktheria tsa enzyme. Enzyme e roba li-unit tsa anhydroglucose tse sa nkeloang sebaka tse haufi le cellulose ether, e leng ho fokotsa boima ba molek'hule ea polima. Ka hona, haeba selulose ether tharollo ea metsi e lokela ho bolokoa nako e telele, li-preservatives li tlameha ho ekeletsoa ho eona, 'me mehato e itseng ea likokoana-hloko e lokela ho nkoa esita le bakeng sa li-cellulose ethers tse nang le thepa ea antibacterial.


3. Tšebeliso ea cellulose ether indastering ea pampiri

3.1 Moemeli oa ho matlafatsa pampiri

Ka mohlala, CMC e ka sebelisoa e le fiber dispersant le pampiri e matlafatsang moemeli, e ka ekeletsoang pulp. Kaha sodium carboxymethyl cellulose e na le tefiso e ts'oanang le makhasi le likaroloana tsa ho tlatsa, e ka eketsa ho lekana ha fiber. Matla a tlamahano pakeng tsa likhoele a ka ntlafatsoa, ​​'me matšoao a' mele a kang ho tiea, matla a phatlohileng, le ho lekana ha pampiri ho ka ntlafatsoa. Mohlala, Longzhu le ba bang ba sebelisa 100% bleached sulfite wood pulp, 20% talcum powder, 1% qhalakan rosin glue, lokisa pH value ho 4.5 with aluminium sulfate, and use high viscosity CMC (viscosity 800~1200MPA.S) The degree Phapanyetsano ke 0.6. Hoa bonahala hore CMC e ka ntlafatsa matla a omileng a pampiri hape ea ntlafatsa boemo ba eona ba boholo.

3.2 Moemeli oa boholo ba bokaholimo

Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose e ka sebelisoa e le sesebelisoa sa boholo ba pampiri ho ntlafatsa matla a holim'a pampiri. Tšebeliso ea eona ea ts'ebeliso e ka eketsa matla a holim'a metsi ka hoo e ka bang 10% ha e bapisoa le tšebeliso ea hona joale ea joala ea polyvinyl le mokhoa o fetotsoeng oa starch, mme litekanyetso li ka fokotsoa ka hoo e ka bang 30%. Ke sesebelisoa se ts'episang sa boholo ba bokaholimo bakeng sa ho etsa pampiri, 'me letoto lena la mefuta e mecha le lokela ho ntlafatsoa ka mafolofolo. Cationic cellulose ether e na le tšebetso e betere ea boholo ba bokaholimo ho feta cationic starch. E ke ke ea ntlafatsa feela matla a holim'a pampiri, empa hape e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho monya enke ea pampiri le ho eketsa phello ea ho daea. Hape ke ntho e tšepisang ea boholo ba bokaholimo. Mo Lihuan le ba bang ba sebelisitse sodium carboxymethyl cellulose le oxidized starch ho etsa liteko tsa boholo ba bokaholimo pampiring le kareteboto. Liphetho li bonts'a hore CMC e na le phello e nepahetseng ea boholo ba bokaholimo.

Methyl carboxymethyl cellulose sodium e na le ts'ebetso e itseng ea boholo, 'me carboxymethyl cellulose sodium e ka sebelisoa e le sesebelisoa sa boholo ba makhasi. Ntle le tekanyo ea eona ea boholo, cationic cellulose ether e ka boela ea sebelisoa e le Sesefa sa thuso ea ho boloka pampiri, ho ntlafatsa sekhahla sa ho boloka likhoele tse ntle le li-fillers, hape e ka sebelisoa e le moemeli oa ho matlafatsa pampiri.

3.3 Emulsion stabilizer

Cellulose ether e sebelisoa haholo ho lokiseng emulsion ka lebaka la phello e ntle ea ho teteka ka tharollo ea metsi, e ka eketsang viscosity ea emulsion dispersion medium le ho thibela emulsion precipitation le stratification. Tse kang sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose ether, hydroxypropyl cellulose ether, joalo-joalo e ka sebelisoa e le li-stabilizers le lisebelisoa tse sireletsang bakeng sa anionic e qhalakantsoeng rosin gum, cationic cellulose ether, hydroxyethyl cellulose ether, hydroxypropyl cellulose ether, ether cellulose cellulose, joalo-joalo. ether, joalo-joalo e ka boela ea sebelisoa e le lisebelisoa tse sireletsang bakeng sa cationic disperse rosin gum, AKD, ASA le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa boholo. Longzhu et al. sebelisoa 100% bleached sulfite lehong makhasi a, 20% talcum phofo, 1% qhalakan rosin sekhomaretsi, lokisa pH boleng ho 4.5 ka aluminium sulfate, 'me a sebelisa viscosity phahameng CMC (viscosity 800 ~ 12000MPA.S). Tekanyo ea ho nka sebaka ke 0.6, 'me e sebelisoa bakeng sa boholo ba ka hare. Ho ka bonoa ho tsoa ho liphetho hore tekanyo ea boholo ba rabara ea rosin e nang le CMC e ntlafalitsoe ka mokhoa o hlakileng, 'me botsitso ba emulsion ea rosin bo botle,' me sekhahla sa ho boloka thepa ea rabara le sona se phahame.

3.4 Setsi sa ho boloka metsi se koahelang metsi

E sebelisoa bakeng sa ho roala le ho sebetsana le pampiri ea ho roala pampiri, cyanoethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, joalo-joalo e ka nka sebaka sa casein le karolo ea latex, e le hore enke ea khatiso e kene habonolo 'me metse e hlakile. Carboxymethyl cellulose le hydroxyethyl carboxymethyl cellulose ether li ka sebelisoa e le dispersant pigment, thickener, metsi a bolokang metsi le stabilizer. Ka mohlala, palo ea carboxymethyl cellulose e sebelisoang e le moemeli oa ho boloka metsi ha ho etsoa liphahlo tsa pampiri e koahetsoeng ke 1-2%.


4. Mokhoa oa Nts'etsopele ea Cellulose Ether e Sebelisitsoeng Lefapheng la Lipampiri

Tšebeliso ea phetoho ea lik'hemik'hale ho fumana li-derivatives tsa cellulose tse nang le mesebetsi e khethehileng ke mokhoa o atlehang oa ho batla ts'ebeliso e ncha ea lihlahisoa tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa lefats'e tsa organic matter-cellulose. Ho na le mefuta e mengata ea lintho tse tsoang ho cellulose le mesebetsi e pharaletseng, 'me li-cellulose ethers li sebelisitsoe liindasteri tse ngata ka lebaka la ts'ebetso ea tsona e ntle haholo. E le ho finyella litlhoko tsa indasteri ea pampiri, nts'etsopele ea cellulose ether e lokela ho ela hloko mekhoa e latelang:

(1) Theha lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa li-cellulose ethers tse loketseng lits'ebetso tsa indasteri ea pampiri, joalo ka lihlahisoa tsa letoto tse nang le likhato tse fapaneng tsa phetisetso, li-viscosity tse fapaneng, le bongata bo fapaneng ba limolek'hule, bakeng sa khetho ea tlhahiso ea mefuta e fapaneng ea pampiri.

(2) Nts'etsopele ea mefuta e mecha ea li-cellulose ethers e lokela ho eketsoa, ​​joalo ka cationic cellulose ethers tse loketseng ho boloka pampiri le lisebelisoa tsa drainage, lisebelisoa tsa boholo bo holimo, le zwitterionic cellulose ethers tse ka sebelisoang e le lisebelisoa tse matlafatsang ho nka sebaka sa latex Cyanoethyl cellulose ether. le tse ling joalo ka se tlamang.

(3) Matlafatsa lipatlisiso mabapi le mokhoa oa ho lokisa cellulose ether le mokhoa oa eona o mocha oa ho lokisetsa, haholo-holo lipatlisiso tsa ho fokotsa litšenyehelo le ho nolofatsa mokhoa ona.

(4) Matlafatsa lipatlisiso mabapi le thepa ea li-cellulose ethers, haholo-holo thepa ea ho etsa lifilimi, thepa ea ho kopanya le thepa e teteaneng ea li-cellulose ethers tse sa tšoaneng, le ho matlafatsa lipatlisiso tsa theory mabapi le tšebeliso ea li-cellulose ethers ho etsa pampiri.

Nako ea poso: Feb-25-2023
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