Focus on Cellulose ethers

Lisebelisoa tsa hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) linthong tse fapaneng tsa kaho

Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) hokahopolasa seretse

Ho boloka metsi a phahameng ho ka etsa hore samente e be le metsi ka botlalo, ho eketsa matla a tlamo, 'me ka nepo ho ka ntlafatsa matla a ho tsitsa le matla a ho kuta, ho ntlafatsa haholo phello ea kaho, ho ntlafatsa katleho ea mosebetsi.

Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) ka metsing - putty putty powder

Ka putty powder cellulose ether haholo-holo ho tloha ho boloka metsi, tlamahano le lubrication, ho qoba ts'ebetso ea mapetsong le ho felloa ke metsi 'meleng ho bakoang ke tahlehelo e potlakileng ea metsi, le ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela ha putty, ho fokotsa ts'ebetso ea phallo e leketlileng mohahong, e le hore kaho e batla e le boreledi.

Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) ts'ebelisong ea plaster letoto

Ka letoto la lihlahisoa tsa gypsum, cellulose ether haholo-holo e phetha karolo ea ho boloka metsi, ho eketsa lubrication joalo-joalo, 'me ho na le phello e itseng ea ho lieha, ho rarolla bothata ba lethathamo la meropa mosebetsing oa kaho, matla a pele a ke keng a fihla, a ka lelefatsa. nako ea ho sebetsa.

Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) ts'ebelisong ea li-interface agent

Haholo-holo e sebelisoa e le motenya, e ka ntlafatsa matla a tsitsitseng le matla a ho kuta, ea ntlafatsa ho roala holim'a metsi, ea ntlafatsa ho khomarela le matla a tlamahano.

Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) ts'ebetsong ea seretse sa lebota la kantle

Cellulose ether ka thepa ena e lebisa tlhokomelo ho tlamahaneng, ho eketsa matla a karolo, ke lehlabathe le tla ba bonolo ho roala, ho ntlafatsa katleho ea mosebetsi, ka nako e ts'oanang le ho hanyetsa phallo e tsitsitseng, ts'ebetso e phahameng ea ho boloka metsi e ka lelefatsa nako ea ho sebetsa ea seretse, ntlafatsa anti shrinkage le anti cracking, ntlafatsa boleng ba bokaholimo, ntlafatsa matla a tlamo.

Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) ka sekontiri sa lithaele tsa ceramic

Ho boloka metsi a phahameng ho ke ke ha khoneha pele ho soak kapa ho koloba lithaele tsa ceramic le setsi, ho ntlafatsa haholo matla a eona a tlamahano, slurry e ka ba potoloho e telele ea kaho, e boreleli, e ts'oanang, kaho e loketseng, 'me e na le khanyetso e ntle ea mongobo.

Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) ka har'a moemeli oa caulking, groove seam agent

Ho eketsoa ha cellulose ether ho etsa hore e be le sekhomaretsi se setle sa ho khomarela, ho fokotseha ho fokolang le ho hanyetsa ho apara ho phahameng, ho sireletsa thepa ea motheo ho senyeha ha mochine, ho qoba tšusumetso ea ho kenella mohahong oohle.

Tšebeliso ea hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) linthong tsa ho itekanya

Cellulose ether bond e tsitsitseng ho etsa bonnete ba hore ho na le mokelikeli o motle le bokhoni ba ho ikemela, ho laola sekhahla sa ho boloka metsi e le hore se ka tiisa kapele, se fokotsa ho phunyeha le ho fokotseha.

Nako ea poso: Dec-27-2021
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