Focus on Cellulose ethers

Tšebeliso ea Fiber ea Cellulose ho Tlhahiso ea Lesela

Tšebeliso ea Fiber ea Cellulose ho Tlhahiso ea Lesela

Cellulose fiber, e tsejoang hape e le fiber e nchafalitsoeng ea cellulose, ke mofuta oa fiber e entsoeng ka thepa ea tlhaho ea selulose joalo ka makhasi a patsi, lithara tsa k'hothone, kapa lintho tse ling tsa meroho. Fiber ea cellulose e na le karo-karolelano e phahameng ea matla ho boima, thepa e ntle ea ho monya mongobo, 'me e khona ho bola. Thepa ena e etsa hore e be khetho e ratoang tlhahisong ea masela.

E 'ngoe ea lisebelisoa tse atileng haholo tsa fiber ea cellulose tlhahiso ea masela ke ho etsa rayon. Rayon ke lesela le feto-fetohang le ka etsisang chebahalo le maikutlo a silika, k'hothone le boea. E entsoe ka ho qhaqha thepa ea cellulose ka tharollo ea lik'hemik'hale ebe e ntša tharollo ka spinneret ho etsa filament e ntle. Joale likhoele tsena li ka ohloa hore e be likhoele ebe li lohuoa hore e be masela.

Tšebeliso e 'ngoe ea fiber ea cellulose tlhahiso ea masela ke ho etsa masela a sa lohiloeng. Masela a sa lohiloeng a etsoa ka ho kopanya likhoele ho sebelisa mocheso, lik'hemik'hale, kapa khatello ho e-na le ho loha kapa ho loha. Hangata likhoele tsa cellulose li sebelisoa ha ho etsoa masela a sa lohiloeng ka lebaka la matla a bona le thepa ea ho monya. Masela a sa lohiloeng a sebelisoa mefuteng e fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa le mese ea bongaka, lihlapi le lisebelisoa tsa ho sefa.

Cellulose fiber e boetse e sebelisoa ha ho etsoa masela a khethehileng a kang boea ba maiketsetso le suede. Masela ana a entsoe ka ho sebelisa motsoako oa selulose le likhoele tsa maiketsetso ho etsa thepa e etsisang sebopeho le maikutlo a boea ba liphoofolo kapa li-suede. Lisebelisoa tsena li atisa ho sebelisoa fesheneng le mekhabiso ea lapeng.

Ntle le lits'ebetso tsena, fiber ea cellulose e boetse e sebelisoa tlhahisong ea masela a liindasteri joalo ka thapo ea thaere, mabanta a conveyor le lisebelisoa tse ling tse boima. Cellulose fiber e tsebahala ka matla le ho tšoarella ha eona, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa mefuta ena ea lits'ebetso.

Ka kakaretso, fiber ea cellulose ke sesebelisoa se feto-fetohang se nang le mefuta e mengata ea ts'ebeliso ea tlhahiso ea masela. Matla a eona, ho noa, le ho senyeha ha lintho tse phelang ho etsa hore e be khetho e khahlehang bakeng sa mefuta e fapaneng ea masela, ho tloha masela a feshene ho ea ho thepa ea indasteri. Ha lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele li ntse li tsoela pele, ho ka etsahala hore likopo tse ncha tsa fiber ea cellulose tlhahiso ea masela li tla tsoela pele ho hlaha.

Nako ea poso: Apr-01-2023
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