Focus on Cellulose ethers


  • Methyl cellulose

    Methyl cellulose Methyl cellulose (MC) imhando ye cellulose ether inotorwa kubva ku cellulose, yakasikwa polymer inowanikwa musero madziro emiti. Iyo inogadzirwa nekuunza methyl mapoka mune cellulose chimiro kuburikidza nemakemikari ekuchinja maitiro. Methyl cellulose yakakosha kune yayo wat ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Conformation uye Chimiro cheHydroxyethyl Cellulose

    Conformation uye Mamiriro eHydroxyethyl Cellulose Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC) inogadziriswa cellulose ether inotorwa kubva muselulosi kuburikidza nekemikari reaction inounza mapoka ehydroxyethyl muchimiro che cellulose. Iko kuwirirana uye chimiro cheHEC chinopesvedzerwa ne ...
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  • Cellulose Ether muCoating

    Cellulose Ether muCoating Cellulose ethers inoita basa rakakosha mukuputira, zvichibatsira kune zvakasiyana siyana zvivakwa uye zvinoshanda zvinosimudzira mashandiro ekugadzira machira. Hedzino nzira dzinoverengeka cellulose ether dzinoshandiswa mukupfeka: Viscosity Control: Cellulose...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Cellulose ethers inokanganisa pakuchengetedza mvura

    Cellulose ethers pesvedzero pakuchengetedza mvura Maserurosi ether anoita basa rakakosha mukupesvedzera kuchengetwa kwemvura mumashandisirwo akasiyana siyana, kunyanya muzvinhu zvekuvaka. Iyo yekuchengeta mvura zvimiro zve cellulose ethers inobatsira mukuvandudza kushanda, nguva refu yekuomesa, uye ...
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  • Cellulose ether Tsanangudzo & Zvinoreva

    Cellulose ether Tsanangudzo & Meaning Cellulose ether inoreva kirasi yemakemikari emusanganiswa anotorwa kubva ku cellulose, yakasikwa polymer inowanikwa mumasero madziro emiti. Aya makomisheni anogadzirwa kuburikidza neakatevedzana emakemikari ekuchinja cellulose, ayo anosanganisira kuunza va...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Cellulose Ethers (MC, HEC, HPMC, CMC, PAC)

    Cellulose Ethers (MC, HEC, HPMC, CMC, PAC) Cellulose ethers, kusanganisira Methyl Cellulose (MC), Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC), Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC), uye Poly Anionic Cellulose (PAC), mapolymer anosiyana-siyana anobva ku cellulose kuburikidza nemakemikari modific ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Cellulose ether - kemikari ine matarenda akawanda

    Cellulose ether - kemikari ine matarenda akawanda Cellulose ether ikemikari inogoneka uye ine matarenda akawanda ine huwandu hwekushandisa mumaindasitiri akasiyana. Yakatorwa kubva ku cellulose, yakasikwa polymer inowanikwa muchirimwa masero madziro, cellulose ethers inogadzirwa kuburikidza nemakemikari modific ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • METHOCEL Mvura-Soluble Cellulose Ethers

    METHOCEL Mvura-Soluble Cellulose Ethers METHOCEL imhando yemvura-soluble cellulose ethers inogadzirwa neDow. Aya ma cellulose ethers anoshandiswa zvakanyanya mumaindasitiri akasiyana nekuda kwemaitiro awo akasiyana-siyana, kusanganisira kugona kwavo kuita semakobvu, mabhainda, vanogadzira mafirimu, uye anodzikamisa. Pano...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Bermocoll EHEC uye MEHEC cellulose ethers

    Bermocoll EHEC uye MEHEC cellulose ethers Bermocoll imhando ye cellulose ethers inogadzirwa naAkzoNobel. Mhando mbiri dzakajairika dzeBermocoll cellulose ethers iHydroxyethyl Methylcellulose (HEMC) uye Methyl Ethyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MEHEC). Aya ma cellulose ether anowana maapplication mune akasiyana ind...
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  • Physicochemical Properties yeCellulose Ethers

    Physicochemical Properties of Cellulose Ethers The physicochemical properties of cellulose ethers, izvo zvinobva kune cellulose yakagadziridzwa kuburikidza nemakemikari maitiro, anosiyana zvichienderana nezvinhu zvakadai semhando chaiyo ye cellulose ether, dhigirii rekutsiva (DS), molecular weight, uye mamwe s. .
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Macellulose ethers akachengeteka here kuchengetedza mifananidzo?

    Macellulose ethers akachengeteka here kuchengetedza mifananidzo? Cellulose ethers inowanzoonekwa seyakachengeteka kuchengetedza mifananidzo kana yakashandiswa zvakakodzera uye maererano nemaitiro ekuchengetedza akasimbiswa. Aya mapolymers anobva ku cellulose, senge hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Cellulose, hydroxyethyl ether (MW 1000000)

    Cellulose, hydroxyethyl ether (MW 1000000) Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) i polymer inonyungudika mumvura inotorwa kubva mu cellulose kuburikidza nekuiswa kwe hydroxyethyl mapoka. Huremu hwemamorekuru (MW) hwakatsanangurwa, 1000000, inomiririra yakakwira molecular uremu musiyano. Heino mhedziso yehydroxyethyl ...
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