Focus on Cellulose ethers

Is Hydroxyethylcellulose safe in cosmetics?

Hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) is a common water-soluble polymer widely used in cosmetics and personal care products. It is usually used as a thickener, stabilizer and film former in various skin care products, shampoos, shower gels, lotions, gels and other products. Its safety has received widespread attention in the cosmetic field.

Chemical properties and mechanism of action
Hydroxyethylcellulose is made by treating cellulose with sodium hydroxide and reacting it with ethylene oxide. Cellulose is a polysaccharide naturally found in plants, and through this process, the water solubility of cellulose is enhanced, making it suitable for use in water-based formulations. Hydroxyethylcellulose has a good thickening effect, which can increase the viscosity of the product, making the product smoother and easier to apply during use. In addition, HEC is also film-forming and can form a protective film on the surface of the skin or hair to prevent water evaporation and play a moisturizing role.

Safety of Hydroxyethyl Cellulose
The safety of hydroxyethyl cellulose has been evaluated by multiple authoritative organizations. According to the evaluation of the Cosmetic Ingredient Review Committee (CIR) in the United States and the European Cosmetic Regulation (EC No 1223/2009), Hydroxyethylcellulose is considered a safe cosmetic ingredient. Within the prescribed range of use concentrations, HEC does not cause harm to human health.

Toxicological studies: Several toxicological studies have shown that Hydroxyethylcellulose does not cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Neither acute toxicity tests nor long-term toxicity tests have found HEC to be carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductive toxic. Therefore, it is widely regarded as a mild and harmless ingredient for the skin and eyes.

Skin absorption: Due to its large molecular weight, Hydroxyethylcellulose cannot pass through the skin barrier and enter the body’s systemic circulation. In fact, HEC forms a protective film after use, remaining on the skin surface without penetrating deep into the skin. Therefore, it does not cause systemic effects on the human body, which further improves its safety.

Environmental safety: Hydroxyethylcellulose is biodegradable in the environment and will not cause long-term pollution to the ecosystem. Its environmental safety has also been recognized by environmental protection organizations.

Application and safety assessment in cosmetics
The concentration of hydroxyethyl cellulose in cosmetics is usually low, generally between 0.1% and 2%. Such usage concentrations are far below its known safety threshold, so it is completely safe to use at these concentrations. Due to its stability and good compatibility, HEC is widely used in various cosmetics to enhance the texture and user experience of the product.

Hydroxyethyl cellulose is a widely used and very safe ingredient in cosmetics. Whether in short-term use or long-term contact, HEC does not show any potential harm to human health. At the same time, its environmental friendliness also makes it a popular cosmetic ingredient today as sustainable development and environmental awareness are gradually increasing. Consumers do not need to worry about its safety when using products containing hydroxyethyl cellulose, and can enjoy the excellent use experience and effects it brings.

Post time: Sep-02-2024
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