Focus on Cellulose ethers

How does HPMC improve water retention in industrial processes?

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) is a water-soluble polymer compound widely used in a variety of industrial fields. It has unique water retention, thickening, film-forming and bonding properties. In many industrial applications, the water retention properties of HPMC are particularly important, especially in the construction, ceramics, coatings and pharmaceutical industries. Its water retention performance can not only improve product quality, but also optimize efficiency in the production process.

1. Chemical structure and water retention of HPMC

The molecular structure of HPMC is formed by the modification of the cellulose molecular skeleton by methylation and hydroxypropylation. This modification increases its hydrophilicity and solubility, thereby enhancing its water retention capacity. Hydrogen bonds can be formed between the hydrophilic groups of HPMC and water molecules, which enhances the material’s ability to adsorb and retain water. Since HPMC is a high molecular polymer, its molecular chains can form a network structure in water, capture water molecules and prevent them from evaporating or losing too quickly. This property makes HPMC an indispensable additive in many industrial products to maintain the wetness and working performance of the products.

2. Water retention in the construction industry

In the construction industry, HPMC is often used in products such as cement mortar, gypsum-based materials and tile adhesives, and its water retention performance directly affects the construction quality. HPMC extends the working time of cement and gypsum materials through its excellent water retention performance, ensuring that there is enough water to complete the curing reaction during the construction process. The following are several key points for HPMC to play a water retention role in the construction field:

Extend working time: HPMC extends the operable time of mortar or gypsum slurry by slowing down the evaporation of water, allowing construction workers to have more time to adjust and level.

Improve curing quality: Moderate maintenance of moisture helps the uniform curing of cement and gypsum materials, avoiding cracks and strength loss caused by insufficient moisture.

Improve bonding performance: In tile adhesives, HPMC ensures that enough moisture can be retained in the bonding layer, ensuring that the adhesive is in good contact with the substrate and tile surface before drying, thereby improving the bonding strength.

3. Application in the ceramic industry

The ceramic production process requires the gradual removal of moisture from the green body before high-temperature firing to prevent cracks and deformation problems in the finished product. As a water-retaining agent and film-forming agent, HPMC can optimize the drying process in ceramic production:

Uniform drying: HPMC can help ceramic green bodies maintain uniform moisture distribution during the drying process, preventing surface cracking or deformation caused by excessive moisture loss.

Improving green body strength: Since the network structure formed by HPMC can evenly distribute moisture inside the green body, the strength of the green body is improved before drying, reducing the risk of damage during transportation or handling.

4. Water-retaining effect in the coating and ink industry

The application of HPMC in coatings and inks also benefits from its excellent water-retaining properties. For water-based coatings and water-based inks, HPMC can not only provide appropriate viscosity, but also prevent the coating from having poor fluidity or uneven film formation due to excessive evaporation of water during application.

Preventing cracking: HPMC prevents cracks or pinholes during the drying process of the coating by controlling the evaporation rate of water in the coating.

Improving surface smoothness: The appropriate amount of moisture retention allows the coating to flow naturally during the drying process, ensuring a smooth and flawless surface.

5. Water retention in the pharmaceutical industry

In the pharmaceutical industry, HPMC is widely used in the manufacture of tablets, capsules and drug suspensions. The water retention properties of HPMC not only help improve the physical stability of drugs, but also control the release rate of drugs in certain drug preparations:

Prolong drug release: Through interaction with water molecules, HPMC can form a water-retaining film in the preparation, delaying the release rate of the drug, thereby achieving a sustained release effect.

Improving tablet forming: During tablet manufacturing, HPMC can maintain appropriate humidity in the tablet matrix to prevent tablets from breaking or cracking during pressing and storage.

6. Water retention in other industrial fields

HPMC also exhibits excellent water retention in other industrial fields. For example, in the food industry, HPMC is often used as a thickener and stabilizer to prevent food from losing moisture. In personal care products, HPMC enhances the use experience of skin care products through moisturizing effects. In addition, in oil field exploitation, HPMC can be used as a thickener and water retainer for drilling fluids to ensure that the drilling fluids can still maintain their fluidity under high temperature and high pressure conditions.


As a highly efficient water-retaining agent, HPMC has demonstrated excellent performance in a variety of industrial applications through its unique chemical structure and physical properties. It can not only extend the working time of materials, improve the formability and curing quality of products, but also ensure the stability of products during production and application by controlling water evaporation. With the continuous deepening of research and application of HPMC, its water-retaining performance in the industrial field will be more widely used and improved.

Post time: Sep-09-2024
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