Focus on Cellulose ethers

Zašto bi se hidroksipropil metilceluloza dodao u pjenasti beton

Zašto bi se hidroksipropil metilceluloza dodao u pjenasti beton

Što je pjenasti beton?

Foamed concrete is a new type of energy-saving and environmentally friendly building material that contains a large number of evenly distributed closed pores, is light, heat-resistant, moisture-proof and sound-proof, and is especially suitable for external wall insulation systems zgrada. Odavde se može vidjeti da, kako bi usporili različita svojstva betona od pjene, njegovi aditivi moraju imati ta svojstva. Therefore, as the most important raw material of foam concrete, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose is a building material with high water retention, high temperature resistance and strong adhesion.

As far as the current production technology is concerned, many closed pores in foam concrete do not exist naturally, but are generated by putting raw materials such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose into the mixing equipment and mixing them for a long time. Ova vrsta zatvorenih pora učinkovito rješava fenomen pretjeranog otpada punila i u velikoj mjeri štedi troškove. Neki će se pitati postoji li takav učinak bez dodavanja hidroksipropil metilceluloze? Mogu vam sa sigurnošću reći, da. Due to the special properties of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, it can make various raw materials fit together well, so that a special cohesive force can be produced between them, and its tensile and extrusion resistance can be increased.

Vrijeme objave: 26. svibnja 2023
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