Focus on Cellulose ethers

2019 Tuam Tshoj Tshiab Tsim Zoo Waterproof Rdp Manufacturing Vae Redispersible Polymer Hmoov Qhuav Mix Mortar

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Redispersible Polymer Powder (RDP) yog cov tshuaj tsuag qhuav rov dispersible polymer emulsion latex hmoov, tsim los rau kev tsim kho kev lag luam los txhim kho cov khoom ntawm cov mortar qhuav, muaj peev xwm Redispersible hauv dej thiab hnov ​​​​mob nrog cov khoom hydrate ntawm cov cement / gypsum thiab cov khoom, daim ntawv sib xyaw. membrane nrog zoo mechanics siv.Nws txhim kho cov khoom siv tseem ceeb ntawm cov mortars qhuav, zoo li lub sijhawm qhib, zoo dua adhesion nrog cov substrates nyuaj, txo cov dej haus, bet ...

  • Min. Order Quantity:1000 kg
  • Chaw nres nkoj:Qingdao, Suav teb
  • Cov nqe lus them nqi:T / T; L / C
  • Cov ntsiab lus xa khoom:FOB, CFR, CIF, FCA, CPT, CIP, EXW
  • Product Detail

    Khoom cim npe

    "Zoo thawj zaug, Honesty as base, Sincere support and mutual profit" is our idea, so as to build repeatedly and pursue the excellence for 2019 China New Design Good Waterproof Rdp Manufacturing Vae Redispersible Polymer Powder Dry Mix Mortar , Peb sov siab txais tos rau domestic thiab txawv teb chaws. cov neeg siv khoom xa tawm cov lus nug rau peb, peb muaj 24hours ua cov neeg ua haujlwm!Txhua lub sij hawm nyob qhov twg peb tseem nyob ntawm no feem ntau yog koj tus khub.
    "Zoo thawj zaug, Honest as base, Sincere support and mutual profit" yog peb lub tswv yim, thiaj li yuav tsim dua thiab nrhiav kev zoo rauTuam Tshoj Redispersible Polymer Powder thiab Rdp, Peb muaj lub luag haujlwm rau tag nrho cov ntsiab lus ntawm peb cov neeg muas zaub txiav txim tsis muaj teeb meem ntawm warranty zoo, txaus siab tus nqi, xa sai, kev sib txuas lus raws sij hawm, txaus siab ntim, cov nqe lus them nqi yooj yim, nqe lus xa khoom zoo tshaj plaws, kev pab cuam tom qab muag thiab lwm yam Peb muab kev pabcuam ib-nres thiab kev ntseeg tau zoo tshaj plaws rau peb txhua tus neeg siv khoom.Peb sib zog ua haujlwm nrog peb cov neeg siv khoom, cov npoj yaig, cov neeg ua haujlwm kom ua tau zoo dua yav tom ntej.
    CAS: 24937-78-8 Nr

    Redispersible Polymer Powder (RDP) yog cov tshuaj tsuag qhuav redispersible emulsion latex hmoov, tsim rau kev tsim kho kev lag luam txhawm rau txhim kho cov khoom ntawm cov tshuaj khib nyiab qhuav, muaj peev xwm Redispersible hauv dej thiab hnov ​​​​mob nrog cov khoom hydrate ntawm cov cement / gypsum thiab cov khoom ntim, daim ntawv sib xyaw ua ke nrog zoo. mechanics siv zog.

    Nws txhim kho cov khoom siv tseem ceeb ntawm cov mortars qhuav, zoo li lub sijhawm qhib, zoo dua adhesion nrog cov substrates nyuaj, txo cov dej haus, zoo dua puas thiab cuam tshuam.

    Tom qab cov tshuaj tsuag qhuav, VAE emulsion hloov mus rau hauv cov hmoov dawb uas yog copolymer ntawm ethyl thiab vinyl acetate.Nws yog dawb-ntws thiab yooj yim rau emulsify.Thaum dispersed nyob rau hauv dej, nws tsim ib tug ruaj khov emulsion.Muaj cov yam ntxwv ntawm VAE emulsion, cov hmoov dawb ntws no muaj kev yooj yim dua hauv kev tuav thiab khaws cia.Nws tuaj yeem siv los ntawm kev sib xyaw nrog lwm cov ntaub ntawv zoo li cov hmoov nplej, xws li cov cement, xuab zeb thiab lwm yam sib xyaw ua ke, thiab nws kuj tuaj yeem siv los ua cov ntaub ntawv hauv tsev thiab cov nplaum.
    Redispersible Polymer Powder (RDP) dissolves nyob rau hauv dej yooj yim thiab sai sai ua emulsion.Nws txhim kho cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb ntawm cov mortars qhuav, qhib lub sij hawm ntev, zoo adhesion nrog nyuaj substrates, txo dej noj, zoo abrasion thiab cuam tshuam tsis kam.
    Kev tiv thaiv colloid:Polyvinyl cawv
    Additives: Mineral anti-block agents

    Technical Specification

    PAB-212 PEB-213
    tsos Dawb dawb ntws hmoov Dawb dawb ntws hmoov
    Particle loj 80m ua 80-100 m²
    Qhov ntom ntom 400-550g / l 350-550g / l
    Cov ntsiab lus ruaj khov 98 nqi 98 nqi
    Cov ntsiab lus tshauv 8–12 12-14
    Tus nqi PH 5.0-8.0 Nws 5.0-8.0 Nws
    MFFT 0 ℃ 5 ℃

    NtsiabCov khoom:

    Redispersible Polymer Powder RDP tuaj yeem txhim kho adhesion, flexural zog hauv dabtsi yog khoov, abrasion tsis kam, deformability.Nws muaj qhov zoo rheology thiab dej tuav, thiab tuaj yeem ua rau kom cov sag tsis kam ntawm cov nplais nplaum, nws tuaj yeem ua rau cov nplais nplaum nrog cov khoom tsis zoo thiab cov khoom siv zoo.

    Tshwj xeeb nta:

    Redispersible Polymer Powder RDP tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam rau rheological preperties thiab yog ib qho qis-emissions,

    General - lub hom phiaj hmoov nyob rau hauv nruab nrab Tg ntau yam.Nws yog eminently haum rau

    formulating compounds ntawm siab kawg lub zog.

    5 555

    Yam khoom / Hom PAB 212 PAB 213
    Cov nplaum nplaum ●●● ●●
    Thermal rwb thaiv tsev ●●
    Self-leveling ●●
    Saj zawg zog sab nrauv phab ntsa putty ●●●
    Kho mortar ●●
    Gypsum sib koom ua ke thiab tawg fillers ●●
    Pobzeb grouts ●●
    • daim ntawv thov
      ●● pom zoo
      ●●● Kev pom zoo siab


    RDP Cov Khoom Muag tau ntim rau hauv peb lub hnab ntawv nrog lub hnab polyethylene sab hauv, qhov hnyav yog 25kg ib lub hnab.


    Khaws rau hauv qhov chaw txias qhuav, deb ntawm noo noo, hnub ci, hluav taws kub, nag.

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